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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Guys I'm way over my head here...I've seen a decent 2009 325i...the car is in immaculate condition & boy does it feel nice to be seated inside such a beauty..the owner is asking 800k..it's a grey market import but all taxes have been cleared..the only problem is that it doesn't have the idrive system..now I've spent all day trying to figure out how to get one installed & how much this project would cost me..now I'm a guy who wants to go an extra step to save a few bucks..any suggestions from the experienced enthusiasts out here smile.png

    Send me a PM. I have retrofitted three iDrives and a whole bunch of other stuff :)

    This is one of my cars: http://f20.1addicts.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1182160

    Waaw impressive!
  2. I said "seems to high" but so many factors are involved.. Kms, is maintenance done by the book, added accessories ? Take a test drive and decide. Good luck!

    LOL good one..ya it's been really taken care of below 100k km mark..any idea about an idrive installation ??
    I have no idea if this is possible I would be very surprised if BMW offers an I drive kit. You could try EBay but a I think it is close to impossible. If you really want an idrive you better look for another car..
  3. A BMW in Thailand looses value quite fast. In many cases close to 50% after 2-3 years. So the 800k for the 2009 seems too high. It is true that a BMW is often like a crying baby as richardt1808 describes it, but because of the relative low second hand value there is some room left for maintenance. I have a 525i and my next one will be again a BMW probably the 7 series because they loose value even faster. No highso wants to drive a second hand 7 series.

  4. What is that patent for it doesn't say. The fact it doesn't say and is being used as proof tells me it is for some thing else.

    I believe that in his earlier post he said that the patent related to work/research done in anti-bacterial materials and disinfectants. The contents of this patent would seem to back that up nicely.

    This ties in nicely with the effective anti-microbial behavior of colloidal silver and its uses for that purpose.

    Not at all, every substance for human use first go through a series of standard tests. One of them is a toxicity test on aquatic animals. In many cases this being daphnia or copepods. With amounts of nano silver at a few ppm ( dose necessary to reduce bacterial load) all copepods died within minutes which is not the case with the natural egcg although egcg is as effective as nano silver towards bacteria. If CS is killing copepods even at low dose this is for me a sign to be very careful!
  5. To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.
    I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

    Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

    I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

    Patent nr WO 2007/039508 A1 registered in about 50 countries

    How on earth can you compare Fuji film to nano silver? I repeat my statement.

    I am afraid you ended up with the wrong patent search..and secondly where did I mention the patent was about silver?


  6. To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.
    I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

    Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

    I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

    Patent nr WO 2007/039508 A1 registered in about 50 countries

    How on earth can you compare Fuji film to nano silver? I repeat my statement.

    I am afraid you ended up with the wrong patent search..and secondly where did I mention the patent was about silver?

  7. This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

    Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

    How can this be?

    Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.

    Oh... OK... Thank you for that.

    Now...as for the question that I posed?

    Medical science says oral Vit C does nothing to mitigate the common cold, yet millions and millions of people swear that it does. How can this be? smile.png

    I suppose the peroxide formed is able to reduce/inactivate certain bacteria and viruses. I have no medical degree so this is just my guess..

    A very plausible theory... except that science and the medical profession say that it doesn't work.

    So why do millions and millions of people say it does, and continue to reach for it every time they feel a cold coming on?

    Is it possible that it's the same reason that millions of people reach for colloidal silver? Science and the medical profession say the same about it, right?

    I am not on this post to claim anything. I am just very worried when I read some people give CS to their children on a regular base. vit C is easily excreted by the body but CS can accumulate in the body, being deposited in the brain etc..it can disturb the mineral balance in the body. Everybody does what he wants, but I was just worried to learn that somebody in this forum is giving CS to a 4 year old child. So I gave my opinion, hoping this could change something.

  8. After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

    I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

    CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

    If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

    "The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

    Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

    This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

    Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

    How can this be?

    Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.

    Oh... OK... Thank you for that.

    Now...as for the question that I posed?

    Medical science says oral Vit C does nothing to mitigate the common cold, yet millions and millions of people swear that it does. How can this be? smile.png

    I suppose the peroxide formed is able to reduce/inactivate certain bacteria and viruses. I have no medical degree so this is just my guess..

  9. To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.

    I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

    Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

    I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

    Patent nr WO 2007/039508 A1 registered in about 50 countries
  10. After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

    I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

    CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

    If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

    "The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

    Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

    This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

    Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

    How can this be?

    Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.
  11. To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.
    I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

    Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

    I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"[/quote

    I will do as soon as I am home, but if you google catechins and polyphenols you will get there also.

  12. To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.

    I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.
  13. It is obvious that Arunsakda has no knowledge of CS and has never tried it himself. (easy to be a critic then) And everything he say is guesswork, as my claims are well founded. believe it or not, there has been a development the last 100 years. And nobody claims it is a miracle cure. (when did I say that?) And no, I am absolutely not trying to sell something. Funny, I only wanted to point out where CS is available in Thailand, like many other, and I have already been accused of being Troll, a fraud a charlatan and a quacksalver.

    To that subject; as of last year, every doctor in the UK received in average 10.000 us from the pharmaceutical industry to sell certain drugs to patients. If that is not corruption, I don`t know what is. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/mens-health/3314883/Are-GPs-in-thrall-to-the-drug-companies.html

    So don`t give me any BS that Big Pharma has a conscience. Wake up. Today more people live off cancer than die from it. (cancer has nothing to do with CS, by the way. If I don` t say it, I` m sure the trolls will use it against me) We are not debating those who are stupid enough to use CS for cancer or AIDS,

    No we are debating those who are stupid enough ti digest it.
  14. I am afraid my advice will end up in your garbage bin but for the sake of the child I write this reply. Since centuries the antibacterial effects of silver are recognized. We know that even very small amounts less than 10 ppm have antimicrobial effects. Medical scientists are well aware of the effects but they are very reluctant to prescribe colloidal silver for ingestion. If the effects would be as promising as you think, be assured doctors would prescribe colloidal silver, but they don't because they know how chemicals even in very small amounts can cause irreparable damage to dna, cells, immune system etc..If I would be convinced of the beneficial effects of silver, I would maybe take it myself but I would never force it on my children. For your information, colloidal silver is highly toxic to aquatic animals and is it not from the ocean all life on earth evolved?

  15. Seastallion, on 17 Nov 2015 - 11:45, said:

    "His said strategies used to combat terrorism were not working and that "causative factors" such Islamophobia and duplicitous foreign policies had to be addressed."

    He's totally right.

    Why is it Un-PC to mention some of the causative factors?

    Give him a break. He was offering condolences.

    God forbid you blame the Muslims for what is going on with ISIS, why is it that all the ills of this world, well,

    99% of it, is associated with Muslims? why not Buddhists? not Christians, Hindu, Shinto and many other

    religions only Muslims? may the fact that Islam is the source of all evil? and Islamphobia is just what

    the world need to rid it from those bad Muslims?

    Because thebterrorists are not acting in accordance with islam. They are not real muslims.

    Yes buddhists, christians and hindus have been doing quite a bit of terrorism. Buddhists against muslims in myanmar. Hindus against christians in india. Its only that those acts are not committed in western countries that western people identify more closely with that it just doesnt seem to matter.

    A day before Paris was the Beirut massacre. Cant find the Lebanon flag colours on any monuments. Cant find the outrage, cant find western people in the street demonstrating.

    The muffti is totally correct. Though i agree he could have waited a while. But he is correct although the timing of it can be called a Trumpism.

    Can you find the French flag on Lebanese monuments?
  16. Sheryl,

    I understand many including myself respect your advice on this forum but I've been waiting for a medical report from Bumrungrad for 9 weeks.

    They are happy to take the money but when one requires something in return they are absolutely incompetent.

    I will never go to that hospital again.

    Strange, Dr Panya operated my back and both my knees. Appointment always within one week, operation latest week after. I agree Bumrungrad is maybe not the solution for all problems and it is very expensive. But I understand your knee has a serious problem. My recommendation, if you can afford it choose the best surgeon.
  17. It's just a cup!

    Starbucks is a shop that sells coffee. It's not a church, is not an institute from which we expect speeches or a published thesis commentating on Christianity.

    II think there must be a new disease, reaching epidemic levels, that attacks common sense.

    So for you no more Xmass decoration in shopping centers or on the streets? Keep everything neutral? I don't want to live in your sterile world that's for sure.

    You completely misunderstand what I wrote, and how you jump to that conclusion is ... interesting, or perhaps ironic, given the last point I made in post.

    People are criticising S.Bucks for their red cup. It is perhaps those people that might wish for the sterile world you mention.

    Latching onto a change of cup colour, as if it has serious religious ramifications, is laughable. Hence, I suggest people only look to their Church or other recognised institutes for commentary. Don't use S.Bucks as a measure on such things - its just a coffee shop.

    Get it now?

    Maybe take a trip to a coffee shop of your choice, get comfortable, take a breath, and read again. Whilst you are there, ask the shop staff about red cups, decorations, or anything of your choosing. Enjoy.

    Happy Xmass :)
  18. Phantomfiddler

    I understand pillorying Starbucks is an international sport, and what fun! biggrin.png but as a coffee drinker on rare occasions when not clipping coupons or nose hair I wonder where you guys drink (and yes if you really do ) your coffee. Mine I get OS, bring in and make myself but I digress

    Take a Starbucks Grande cup - 110 baht is it?

    Now head to Thai coffee shop - Coffee World ... Woweee .... Coffee Space .... Black canyon ... .etc. go get yourself those 35-55 baht coffees - now pour into Grande cup.

    Pour one

    Pour two

    By the 3rd or 4th cup the Grande cup amount should be reached. Establishing a base price should now be easy, simple economics. I am not going to factor in "stale coffee" %which is always a problem in Thailand because the business ethos here prevents them from tossing any product NO matter how old.

    I like coffee, not a little drop or a wet fart. That means yes I will buy from Starbucks on occasion, if in need, as I want a BIG brimming cup of coffee to roll with.

    Starbucks is not the most expensive maybe this title goes to Coffee Club?post-201027-14473052937347_thumb.jpg
  19. It's just a cup!

    Starbucks is a shop that sells coffee. It's not a church, is not an institute from which we expect speeches or a published thesis commentating on Christianity.

    II think there must be a new disease, reaching epidemic levels, that attacks common sense.

    So for you no more Xmass decoration in shopping centers or on the streets? Keep everything neutral? I don't want to live in your sterile world that's for sure.
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