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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Have had some of the most fullfilling relationships in my life with Thai women.I always started with respect and dignity.Always got it back.

    Never had a money issue.I-honestly- wonder if you pay a woman a salary how can you get the satisfaction of a true and honest

    relationship based in mutual love and respect.

    I can only speak for myself, but I pay her a salary which she uses to help her family and pay the loan on her condo. 16y together in a relationship of mutual love and respect. So you can stop wondering.

    I'd respect you too if you paid me salary which I would use to pay my family and the loan on my condo.


    You misunderstood me, the salary is not a payment for her respect or love, How dare you insinuating this, you don't know me nor her. You get some kind of "high" when insulting people? How low some TV posters go is unbelievable hiding behind their computer screens and spitting on others.

    Oh calm down with the bluster and indignation.

    He just repeated what you said so why are you howling "how dare you" as if he's mortally wounded you?

    You've told everyone you pay your Thai woman a salary.

    Is it so outrageous for people to assume that you wouldn't be doing so if you didn't have to?

    You can't put your business in public and then complain when people make assumptions.

    Maybe you don't want to accept the dynamics at work in your relationship. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't because, as you say, it's worked well for 16 years but if the day should ever come when you want to know for certain, all you have to do is tell her the salary is being stopped for a year or two while you sort finances.

    Then tell us what happens


    I think you forgot the title of this topic....

    Taking care for somebody I love is not a burden but a joy. I don't need to test my relation ( amazing how some people think) but ok suppose if for one reason or another I would not be able to support her for two years, I would honestly understand if she leaves me. Every relation has a breaking point, just try coming home drunk for 2 years and see what happens. So what was your point again?

  2. Have had some of the most fullfilling relationships in my life with Thai women.I always started with respect and dignity.Always got it back.

    Never had a money issue.I-honestly- wonder if you pay a woman a salary how can you get the satisfaction of a true and honest

    relationship based in mutual love and respect.

    I can only speak for myself, but I pay her a salary which she uses to help her family and pay the loan on her condo. 16y together in a relationship of mutual love and respect. So you can stop wondering.

    I'd respect you too if you paid me salary which I would use to pay my family and the loan on my condo.


    You misunderstood me, the salary is not a payment for her respect or love, How dare you insinuating this, you don't know me nor her. You get some kind of "high" when insulting people? How low some TV posters go is unbelievable hiding behind their computer screens and spitting on others.
  3. Have had some of the most fullfilling relationships in my life with Thai women.I always started with respect and dignity.Always got it back.

    Never had a money issue.I-honestly- wonder if you pay a woman a salary how can you get the satisfaction of a true and honest

    relationship based in mutual love and respect.

    I can only speak for myself, but I pay her a salary which she uses to help her family and pay the loan on her condo. 16y together in a relationship of mutual love and respect. So you can stop wondering.

    Mutual love and respect??

    If the relationship ceases to exist if the salary stops then it's hardly built on love and respect, is it?

    Obviously, tell yourself whatever you like but don't expect anyone with half a brain to be fooled

    Ooh sorry... You have half a brain?
  4. Have had some of the most fullfilling relationships in my life with Thai women.I always started with respect and dignity.Always got it back.

    Never had a money issue.I-honestly- wonder if you pay a woman a salary how can you get the satisfaction of a true and honest

    relationship based in mutual love and respect.

    I can only speak for myself, but I pay her a salary which she uses to help her family and pay the loan on her condo. 16y together in a relationship of mutual love and respect. So you can stop wondering.
  5. Well this thread rapidly became another 'I didn't meet my wife in a bar, and anyone who did is a loser' chest-puffing thread.

    Shame really as there is an interesting point to be found at the basis of it all.

    I'm going to keep a 'check list' on these types of thread in the future seeing if I can 'check' off the following words and phrases:



    "Speaks several languages'

    'Her family richer than I am''

    'Low Class 'Farangs' and their Bar Girls'

    Don't forget "salary"
  6. smotherb said,

    "If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

    I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

    I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me."

    luk Aj said,

    "If you knew only a little bit about Thai people, you would know they don't make decisions based on money alone. You offend them!"

    luk Aj, are you talkin' to me?

    Where is it I said anything about Thai people making decisions based upon money?

    Smotherb said,

    Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

  7. Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

    I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

    Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

    There are very few male-female relationships in the world that don't have money in the mix somewhere. Financially independent women are a fairly small minority.

    Is a relationship based on money offensive to you? If so,why?

    If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

    I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

    I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me.

    If you knew only a little bit about Thai people, you would know they don't make decisions based on money alone. You offend them!
  8. My wife has never been viewed in poor light, either here or o/s.

    Her Father and Mother are proud, honourable people.

    She's a "good girl", savvy and switched on and I love her unconditionally.

    The hard part living here is finding similar couples to befriend. I see them infrequently and I doubt many of the men are on this forum.

    What's disappointing is the lads I know with the former whores who wish to maintain friendship. It'll never happen but the dudes just can't see it. They're desperate for their Lo-so girls to be friends with my girl but neither of us will have it.

    Just remember, you're in a class driven society.

    Accept your choices.

    OMG, you are from a different class? I don't need/want a hi-so girl to elevate my class. You judge people based on their GF's/wifes? You call them "dudes"? According to you, such class is the majority on this forum? Aaaarch, I have friends from different walks of life regardless who their GF/wife is.
    I won't be meeting you or your wife then.

    No problems dude, chin up.

    Points to note; I also have many friends from different walks but their gf's/wives are not former hookers.

    Additionally, my wife and I are middle class of similar age.

    After reading your post, I already guessed you were middle class.
  9. My wife has never been viewed in poor light, either here or o/s.

    Her Father and Mother are proud, honourable people.

    She's a "good girl", savvy and switched on and I love her unconditionally.

    The hard part living here is finding similar couples to befriend. I see them infrequently and I doubt many of the men are on this forum.

    What's disappointing is the lads I know with the former whores who wish to maintain friendship. It'll never happen but the dudes just can't see it. They're desperate for their Lo-so girls to be friends with my girl but neither of us will have it.

    Just remember, you're in a class driven society.

    Accept your choices.

    OMG, you are from a different class? I don't need/want a hi-so girl to elevate my class. You judge people based on their GF's/wifes? You call them "dudes"? According to you, such class is the majority on this forum? Aaaarch, I have friends from different walks of life regardless who their GF/wife is.

  10. Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

    I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.[/quote

    "Age appropriate" please define

    16 y together with my GF age difference 20y and I financially support her. Could't be more happy, we have a great relationship!

  11. Buy the BMW M5 for Baht 4 million and it has 552 bhp. A Merc is just a taxi, go to Germany and that is all they use for taxi's

    Sadly the M5s cost more than double that amount!

    Can you point me to the car with that 552 hp?


    Is the BMW 6-series no longer sold in Thailand?

    Bit sad to see that the 5-series have been reduced to a 2.0 4 cylinder engine.

    It is a twin turbo though.. Can be remapped to 300HP. I bought the M5 V10 S85 in Thailand. 500HP but for the maniacs, can be boosted with a supercharger to 650HP. It's an older model anyway a great car to drive.
  12. Why do you juge them !!! are you in them shoes ? do you like if somebody will come and comment about your life and sometimes the not so smart choices that you make !!! when yourself or your friends get drunk to death ??? or the bad thing that you make to people (sometimes without to realize ) ?

    Its always easy to juge from outside the situation..this world need LOVE ans UNDERSTANDING...(why do you think people look in drugs an other way to be happy ?) everybody is free to make what he want with his life by the moment he don't hurt and damage the others.......FREEDOM....don't you like IT ?

    Apart that : have a nice day and don't forget to love yourself and maybe just a little more the others TOO ...The World need urgently compassion and peace in our heart.....dont you ?

    Everybody can live their lifes within the boundries of the law. If you break them you get punished. Love and understanding will not change that. Do you also feel love for the killers, rapists, extremists of this world? I wonder how you survive in this planet...

  13. Although it was a short sentence, you didn't notice the "?" ? Many frustrated people on this forum and the moment a member mentions his relation with an ex bar girl it's like the dogs get fresh meat. It's funny how some try desperately to keep up their appearances. Do you think it makes you a better or more important person if you are married to a graduate or a hiso? It's like the less you give to your wife the higher you climb in the rankings.

    I'm not keeping up appearances. Not paying a woman to be with you isn't "an appearance" in most people's microcosm of life.

    I most people's microcosm of life, men and women date, marry and/or screw each other because they like/love each other.

    Guys like you, who choose to pay a woman a salary to be with you, aren't doing anything wrong as far as I'm concerned.

    Now, you can place whatever label you like on that arrangement because that's your prerogative but you can't blame people for laughing and lampooning you because such an arrangement isn't in keeping with the "norm".

    A lot of you guys tell each other that it's "normal" to pay a woman to be with you here but I don't see ordinary Thai guys doing it so I think you and all the other foreign guys doing it just tell yourself it's normal to make yourselves feel less seedy.

    16 year happily together and you still call my GF a whore ?! Can we meet somewhere so you can tell this in my face?

    Oh, grow up

    Maybe you should use channel that energy into developing your reading comprehension because I don't remember calling your GF.

    In fact, I distinctly remember you using the word

    You should apologise

    I do apologize, I am also working on the "grow up" part but it's not easy to find the right fertilizer. Also the best regards from my GF.
  14. So my GF is a hooker because I pay her?

    You said it, mate
    Although it was a short sentence, you didn't notice the "?" ? Many frustrated people on this forum and the moment a member mentions his relation with an ex bar girl it's like the dogs get fresh meat. It's funny how some try desperately to keep up their appearances. Do you think it makes you a better or more important person if you are married to a graduate or a hiso? It's like the less you give to your wife the higher you climb in the rankings.

    I'm not keeping up appearances. Not paying a woman to be with you isn't "an appearance" in most people's microcosm of life.

    I most people's microcosm of life, men and women date, marry and/or screw each other because they like/love each other.

    Guys like you, who choose to pay a woman a salary to be with you, aren't doing anything wrong as far as I'm concerned.

    Now, you can place whatever label you like on that arrangement because that's your prerogative but you can't blame people for laughing and lampooning you because such an arrangement isn't in keeping with the "norm".

    A lot of you guys tell each other that it's "normal" to pay a woman to be with you here but I don't see ordinary Thai guys doing it so I think you and all the other foreign guys doing it just tell yourself it's normal to make yourselves feel less seedy.

    16 year happily together and you still call my GF a whore ?! Can we meet somewhere so you can tell this in my face?
  15. So my GF is a hooker because I pay her?

    You said it, mate

    Although it was a short sentence, you didn't notice the "?" ? Many frustrated people on this forum and the moment a member mentions his relation with an ex bar girl it's like the dogs get fresh meat. It's funny how some try desperately to keep up their appearances. Do you think it makes you a better or more important person if you are married to a graduate or a hiso? It's like the less you give to your wife the higher you climb in the rankings.
  16. So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

    Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

    And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

    May I ask what is your contribution to your marriage?

    I would feel very unhappy and uncomfortable in your situation ..

    My GF is a Loso from Isan and after reading all these posts I get the message I live with a parasitical hooker. It may all be true but after 16 very happy years together I wonder what I did wrong/right?

    I always paid a "salary", with this money she does what she wants, I know that the biggest part goes to her family which gave them a better life as well. To those who like to use this post to insult other members I would like to point out that this forum allows personal opinions which can defer from yours. Calling other members GF or wife a hooker is in my opinion not in line with this forum etiquette.

    Another hypocritical post.

    You all pretend to be non judgmental, but you always judge people who seem to find women that don't require a payment to be in a relationship. I understand it is an envy thing.

    So, my question to you is what do you care what my contribution to the marriage is? What's your wife's contribution?

    And guys like you are always quick to be offended, but what is actually offensive is that you put my wife in the same category as a prostitute by constantly claiming that "everyone pays for sex" in Thailand. Therefore, I will keep emphasizing that my wife is not a hooker and requires no monthly payment. Further, she actually helped me financially to settle in Thailand as I mentioned in many previous posts. Live with it.

    I am also glad that many "Farang" love their wife's family more than their own. This is why you get no respect. Your family should come first, but you are paying your wife's family to be loved and accepted. Who does that?

    So....you are the hooker in your relationship?
    Tho the Mods, sorry I deleted this comment but it appeared anyway.
  17. So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

    Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

    And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

    May I ask what is your contribution to your marriage?

    I would feel very unhappy and uncomfortable in your situation ..

    My GF is a Loso from Isan and after reading all these posts I get the message I live with a parasitical hooker. It may all be true but after 16 very happy years together I wonder what I did wrong/right?

    I always paid a "salary", with this money she does what she wants, I know that the biggest part goes to her family which gave them a better life as well. To those who like to use this post to insult other members I would like to point out that this forum allows personal opinions which can defer from yours. Calling other members GF or wife a hooker is in my opinion not in line with this forum etiquette.

    Another hypocritical post.

    You all pretend to be non judgmental, but you always judge people who seem to find women that don't require a payment to be in a relationship. I understand it is an envy thing.

    So, my question to you is what do you care what my contribution to the marriage is? What's your wife's contribution?

    And guys like you are always quick to be offended, but what is actually offensive is that you put my wife in the same category as a prostitute by constantly claiming that "everyone pays for sex" in Thailand. Therefore, I will keep emphasizing that my wife is not a hooker and requires no monthly payment. Further, she actually helped me financially to settle in Thailand as I mentioned in many previous posts. Live with it.

    I am also glad that many "Farang" love their wife's family more than their own. This is why you get no respect. Your family should come first, but you are paying your wife's family to be loved and accepted. Who does that?

    So....you are the hooker in your relationship?
  18. So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

    Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

    And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

    May I ask what is your contribution to your marriage?

    I would feel very unhappy and uncomfortable in your situation ..

    My GF is a Loso from Isan and after reading all these posts I get the message I live with a parasitical hooker. It may all be true but after 16 very happy years together I wonder what I did wrong/right?

    I always paid a "salary", with this money she does what she wants, I know that the biggest part goes to her family which gave them a better life as well. To those who like to use this post to insult other members I would like to point out that this forum allows personal opinions which can defer from yours. Calling other members GF or wife a hooker is in my opinion not in line with this forum etiquette.

  19. It is far more convenient to put a few notes in the ticket book and go on your way than reporting to the station, paying more and returning with a receipt. Not that I've ever done this. Now my wife is another story but that's between two Thais and none of my concern.

    You're right it is more convenient, but if you continue to do it then you are contributing to the corruption.

    Better to do it the right way and not get involved in paying cash to the Officer on the roadside. Better still have your ducks in a rows and try and make sure you comply so there's nothing to fine you for.

    Did you ever pay a fine officially? Suppose you drive from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and you get a fine somewhere around Phitchit, the police will keep your drivers license and you will need to go to their police station to pay the fine. Since you don't know when the police guy will drop your license at their station, you better wait until next morning. So what will you do?
  20. Reversing into car parks makes perfect sense to me. When you arrive and stop at a carpark, it's you that's now dictating the flow of traffic around it. When you try to get out of a carpark, it's the traffic that's now dictating your movements. Seems logical to do the manoeuvre with the lowest visibility when you're in control of the traffic ;)

    Correct and in my case (probably many others to) I have to reverse or I would damage my front spoiler on the concrete stoppers.
  21. Yes, I pay my wife of 17 years a monthly amount of money, because I can.

    For you Wallys out there to consider her a "hooker" or "prostitute" 2 terms I hate to use anyway,

    go wash your mouth out.

    She is a loving, caring, sweetheart who deserves it, not to have to beg for everything she needs like you macho possessive

    nitwits want

    No, you're being disingenuous.

    You pay her a monthly stipend because, if you didn't, she would leave you..

    If you really think a Thai girl will stay with someone only for the money, you can't be more wrong. They have a different culture with different values and a whole family to be their safety net. Without care, respect and good feelings they will just be gone one day without any warning. (Salary or not)

    Excuse me??!!

    Everyone here can reel off a pile of anecdotes about guys who choked on the cloud of dust their Thai woman created as she took off once the "allowance" stopped.

    If she's with you for the money to begin with, she won't feel obliged to stay if the money runs out because she's developed feelings for you.

    You can't be that naive

    Don't worry, I am not naive ( live and work in Thailand for 20+ years). Maybe read again, I said that a woman will take off if she is not happy even when she gets a monthly salary.
  22. Yes, I pay my wife of 17 years a monthly amount of money, because I can.

    For you Wallys out there to consider her a "hooker" or "prostitute" 2 terms I hate to use anyway,

    go wash your mouth out.

    She is a loving, caring, sweetheart who deserves it, not to have to beg for everything she needs like you macho possessive

    nitwits want

    No, you're being disingenuous.

    You pay her a monthly stipend because, if you didn't, she would leave you..

    If you really think a Thai girl will stay with someone only for the money, you can't be more wrong. They have a different culture with different values and a whole family to be their safety net. Without care, respect and good feelings they will just be gone one day without any warning. (Salary or not)

  23. A refreshingly honest approach. It seems that many relationships here have a transactional basis. Quite sensible to be open and realistic about this.

    yes , it seems like the correct thing to do , pay your ho a working wage . keep her dependent on old "whitey" . boost her self esteem by handing her cash every week because she is so "special" . dude you are 3 beer's short of a 12 pack . your lady and her girlfriends are laughing about how enlightened you think you are . partners do not pay each other cash . if you are secure in feelings on this i suggest you put her name on your bank account . what's that ? no ? i did not think so , it is time to see thing for what they truly are . your gfriend knows the score .
    What do you mean with a "ho" ?
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