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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. OK. for once lets be honest. Thai people stupidest thickest idiot drivers I have ever experienced anywhere in the world, and believe me, I have travelled a lot, all continents including Africa and I have never seen the kind of no brain stupidity you see every day here. Deaths on Thai roads almost the worst in the whole world apart from some small nondescript caribbean island. No excuses, the drivers here are just plain dumb, no education, no sense, and dont even seem to care or draw conclusions.

    Even Lewis Hamilton would need all his skills to drive a car into the moat in Chiang Mai which is always a 90 degree turn from the way the road is pointed !!

    Your statement is probably true from your point of view but is only valid if you never experienced traffic in India, China, Pakistan....much much worse!
  2. Perhaps it is just the critical thinking mechanism that she was taught in school finally clicking in and not believing everything she has been been told or seen on Thai television. There is such a thing as empirical reasoning. Until she has experienced it herself it does not exist. ...............facepalm.gif

    I quite agree. Afterall, the only thing that we can be certain of, is that we exist. Cogito etc....

    Everything else is 'outside' & may be a dream.

    Indeed, this whole forum could just be a clever computer & every other member, part of a program.

    Can I delete some?
  3. So, to confirm, this is still in affect, they would't let me in today and I showed them driving licence, work permit and Thai workplace ID.

    Personally i think it is f**cked up, we pay taxes, invest money, spend money here, some of us have kids who are Thai. It isn't about the money but the principle.

    Today I didn't go in, just went back and took the long route around Wang Nam Kaew

    I pay 30% income tax, this is more than the combined tax from a whole village ( probably city, as most Thai don't pay income tax). Maybe we earn more but we also pay more taxes. So it is not about the 400thb as some posts suggest but about the principle. With the same logic, the government can increase x10 toll fees for highways as well. There are many many more rich Thais than rich farangs in Thailand so charging a 10 fold for non-Thais is indeed discriminating.
  4. We might have to start a sub-topic re all this rain.

    "Things To Do When Stuck At Home When The Heavens Open Up"

    Indeed, my daughter and family just arrived in Phuket. Already 3 days of rain day and night. Forecasts the same for the next 7 days. No idea what they will do....any suggestions ( no not the travestite show)
    nex time don't tell them to come during the peak of raining season ....

    who's really showing up at phuket mid-july to mid-sept for a nice dry vacation time lol

    School holidays?
  5. We might have to start a sub-topic re all this rain.

    "Things To Do When Stuck At Home When The Heavens Open Up"

    Indeed, my daughter and family just arrived in Phuket. Already 3 days of rain day and night. Forecasts the same for the next 7 days. No idea what they will do....any suggestions ( no not the travestite show)
  6. not sure you are correct about the pollution thing above 20th floor. volatile compounds and density stuff yeah? but what about those little carbon particles that are able to travel through walls. thats right, the further away from the pollution the better.

    also remember you live up that high you are totally fuked if a fire breaks out.

    ne na ne na, you've seen how the government act, well just add a magnitude of order to the comedy of the fire brigade, junkos circus clowns would be better. thats if they arrive at your condo through the traffic, then they have to save face for having a little ladder that can't go above 5th floor, to save face they climb up to the top of the ladder and jump a little, stand on each others shoulders pretending they can reach that 6th floor.

    then they stand around discussiong things as people jump out of windows to escape the fire, they don't care its karma

    There is always a doom scenario. Be careful today for metheorites, black cats and acid rain!
  7. Incredible how any story with just the word Muslim in it brings out the hatred in so many.


    I can think of many reasons why it's not only the word that brings out the emotions , as many have indicated its the "special treatment" name any other region in which its followers pushes for this "special treatment" let alone if you went to an Islamic country and started trying to push. Your western ways and change their laws. It is only one religion of this day and age that does this. It's not racism or religious profiling it's facts.
    A local community were asked how they feel about a factory being built in their community.

    A factory that is not there.

    They gave their views and concerns.

    One of them was faith based. It was not the only one.

    No one is forcing change on anyone.

    It could be said this is the opposite as these Thai citizens are voicing concern over a change they may view as disruptive to their established community.

    The post of mine you quote was in response to one directly above it at the time which contained a statement that was designed to incite hate and bore no relevance to this story.

    IMO you are twisting the story. Indeed there is an ongoing petiton BUT there was a group of 50 Muslims protesting the construction. They could have signed the petition without protest right?
  8. Nichada sure ain't bad but except the Central mall there's not much around except traffic jam. But you won't go around with those baby's while nobody speaks english outside nichada. Also the area is very ugly outside the moobaan.

    But with the kids you can drive your golfcart over the private road into the Central Chaengwattana...there are loads of restaurants and shops. They even have reserved parking for nichada residents.

    A 5* condo in the city is the other option but think of walking there with your baby's....you 'll need personell, a maid or so.

    There are many more great moobaans though, up to budget. There's also one next to an international scool, Hydepark.

    central plaza, Homepro, BigC, Makro....

    Nichada opened a new club house at the new lake condominium and at the old club house there will be an Italian very soon. Besides this, inside Nichada compound there is Starbucks and Villa market. So with kids for sure a nice protected place but when the husband got a job in downtown, commuting is a nightmare. So as long as the kids don't need ISB, I would settle somewhere downtown. Airpollution is an issue, try to find condo at + 20th floor. The higher you find less pollution and NO mosquitos!

  9. In Nichada the kids will be able to go to their friends in the neighbourhood. I understand they are too young for ISB. If the expat job is in downtown I guess the best option is to find a condo close to the work place or close to a skytrain station. Traffic from Nichada to downtown is horrific can take up to 2 hours one way. Whatever your choice, welcome to Bangkok!

  10. km42 on the highway BKK Pattaya
    And Km 21 opposite the police station, this one is both ways.

    That's the one that got me

    The one opposite the police station is a guy standing on the pedestrian bridge, right in the middle, sometime they put up a picture of the King and hide behind that. I guess it's easy for them to just lug their equipment just halfway across the road from the office. If you see that the pedestrian bridge is clear, you're safe.

    No it is not, it is a high up permanently mounted camera that captures both ways. Nobody standing on a bridge as there is no bridge there.

    The cameras are mounted on the LED boards with traffic announcements. You have one close to Chachoengsao exit.

    Yes they are but up to you if you font believe. I use the motorway 2-3 times per week

    No they are not, not in this location at least.

  11. Considering that the national speed limit on the book is 90, setting the threshold for 120 and being fined 500-1000 baht is pretty lenient, in most civilized place being 30 over the limit is serious court/time behind bars offence

    ??????? The official speed limit on Highway 7 is 120km/h it is lowered to 90 in some places but to say the national limit is 90 is totally wrong.

    Find me a piece of law that say 120 is okay, in practice, they'll be lenient upto 120 sure, and in Expressway systems in Bangkok, this can vary from 100-120 depending on the mood of the officer

    the only traffic law I found is 1979 one, which was updated a few time since 80 in metropolitan area and 90 elsewhere

    http://www.thailaw.com/thailaw3_24.pdf (in Thai)

    So those huge roadside signs displaying speed limits for various types of vehicles alongside the highway aren't legal notices??????????

    Also googling it says 120km/h for motorways but no copy of legislation.

    If you do drive at 90 then move out of the middle lane and allow people to drive at the posted speed limit.

    Nearly half of the way to Pataya is limited to 90 km/h.
  12. km42 on the highway BKK Pattaya
    And Km 21 opposite the police station, this one is both ways.

    That's the one that got me

    The one opposite the police station is a guy standing on the pedestrian bridge, right in the middle, sometime they put up a picture of the King and hide behind that. I guess it's easy for them to just lug their equipment just halfway across the road from the office. If you see that the pedestrian bridge is clear, you're safe.

    No it is not, it is a high up permanently mounted camera that captures both ways. Nobody standing on a bridge as there is no bridge there.

    The cameras are mounted on the LED boards with traffic announcements. You have one close to Chachoengsao exit.

  13. Don't wish to have an argument, your opinions. If you live in a Muslim country try and protest about anything and see what happens. Where is the mutual respect?
    You do know these people are Thais and this is their country. The actually do have the right to some forms of protest.

    Bluespunk, in many of your posts I see that silver lining to defend minorities, it suits you well. I respect many of your statements although my views are mostly different without being a hater. But how can you defend that these Muslims ( although being Thai) put loudspeakers every so many meters and annoy fellow Thais with their unbearable noice? At the same time demanding a ban on a bacon factory?

    I don't like them any more than I like church bells.

  14. Another example of Muslim supremacy. "I believe it, therefore you are obligated to honor my beliefs even if it interferes with business". I am offended by women in Islamic headscarves but that does not give me the right to dictate what she wears.

    Who is dictating anything?

    You have a right to set up a petition against headscarves, and to protest them.

    So, what's your problem here?

    Don't wish to have an argument, your opinions. If you live in a Muslim country try and protest about anything and see what happens. Where is the mutual respect?
    You do know these people are Thais and this is their country. The actually do have the right to some forms of protest.

    Bluespunk, in many of your posts I see that silver lining to defend minorities, it suits you well. I respect many of your statements although my views are mostly different without being a hater. But how can you defend that these Muslims ( although being Thai) put loudspeakers every so many meters and annoy fellow Thais with their unbearable noice? At the same time demanding a ban on a bacon factory?

  15. "Reds vow response to Suthep"

    Just what we don't need.
    True, but put yourself in their place. How can they just sit idly by while the other lot are allowed to rub their noses in it? They HAVE to react.
    Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.
    I can not see the reasoning to allow the PDRC to make this group unless the current gov is hoping for trouble. Maybe to use as an excuse to stay in power. Maybe I am wrong about this assumption and I would hope the current gov wouldn't go to such extremes. But one has to wonder.

    Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

    ah, cut the BS, ... just for once, please.

    No b.s the reds are the most violent of the groups, I believe up to 4 children killed by them when they went after the anti government protesters. You just have to look at the Trat massacre and how the reds on stage responded to it. It clearly shows they like and condone violence.

    If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it. But no they need violence and need to protest in BKK.

    Yes please, cut the BS.
  16. Long vehicle.

    Front of vehicle takes the corner wide. Rear of vehicle doesn't. Simple geometry. The effect is more pronounced for articulated vehicles like this 18-wheeler.

    This effect creates a "corridor of death" for motorcyclists trying to go up the inside. The way ahead simply narrows to nothing and the motorcyclist is trapped between walls closing in.

    Motorcyclist needs to plan ahead for this effect, braking well ahead of time and giving way.

    I dont follow your geometry logic, anyway ther are no "corners" on that road only bends.
  17. Sad, that, in this day and age that bigotry and homophobia still exists.

    So, to all you hetero men. A question. If you and your darling wife were not able to have a child naturally. What would you do? Would you adopt - takes years.

    Or go the surrogacy route? Lots of people have and have been very happy without problems.

    This young lady seems to like the media attention. When that peters off, and she is sitting there without signing the papers for Carmen and getting a bit bored, and no money coming in... and baby is not even with her.

    Why is that? It seems the baby is with her father? And has been for six months.

    Strength to the fathers for battling this out for the past six months.

    It depends what your understanding of homophobia is. When I say "I am happy I had a father and a mother" is this these days also concidered as homophobic?
  18. This road has two lanes in each direction. There is an extra lane as wide as a car lane for motorcycles, this is not a highway as some posters suggest. So the truck must have cut the extra lane. There are a lot of bends on this road and truckdrivers don't want to reduce speed and prefer to cut the corners. I feel very sad this young girl died. Such stupid accidents happen to often.

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