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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Just ask 100 random Thais to pick out the ugly person, I can tell you that all 100 will pick the dark skinned. So they took this example to explain what is in their mind ugly. It is nearly impossible to find a skin cream without whitener, so why such an outcry for the cartoon while nobody mind the "whitening" publicity? In our eyes it is racism but not in theirs...

  2. I'm no homophobe, nor of conservative leaning generally. Nature did not provide that sexual and emotional pleasure was purely a boy on girl thing. Nature did however seem to intend that procreation and nurturing was to be a boy on girl thing and plenty of psycholigical study seem to conclude that nurturing from both sexes provides the most balanced development.

    Many studies have found that it makes no difference if children are raised in same sex or mixed sex families.

    What is required is a safe, loving, caring, stable, secure and supportive home environment.

    absolutely, but I am very happy I had a mother and a father.
  3. As usual, the horses left this barn 50 years ago and NOW we're closing the doors.

    This wouldn't be a problem if there were proper zoning laws (of if they exist, then properly enforced). Zoning laws should require that bars and shops selling booze not be allowed to open in schools zones or alternately, schools should be built in the middle of bourbon street. Can somebody open up a new school in a busy shopping district and subsequently force the closure of dozens of surrounding bars and other businesses?

    Here's an idea, enforce a minimum drinking age of 21 (or even 18). Run sting operations to catch businesses that knowingly sell to minors. Is there already a minimum drinking age in Thailand? Then why not just enforce it?

    Another idea: Get all alcohol out of supermarkets and 7-11s altogether and create specialized, licensed liquor stores in approved business zones that are far enough away from schools that additional laws shouldn't be needed.

    are you from Salt Lake City?
  4. As a Christian you are may or may not be aware that during Jesus' undocumented years from 14 - 29 years old he spent his time in Kashmir discovering the teachings of the Buddha. That is why, when he returned home, his teachings bore a remarkable resemblance to Buddhist teachings and little or no connection to the Judaism he grew up with. Although there will be a lot of superstition taught in Thai classrooms just think of the connection between the Buddha and Jesus. It might make you more comfortable.

    If so many years were apparently undocumented, how then, may I ask, do you possess such knowledge?

    in fact it was Apostel Thomas who went to India
  5. I was ready to buy a condo in BKK, after reading all these articles that were released this week I changed my mind.

    I have a condo in BKK and I knew abot this sinking story before purchase. It is impossible to predict when the "sinking" will become a real problem. But hey , people are still buying property in Phuket (tsunami) in S. Fransico (earthquakes) in the Netherlands (rising sea water) Indonesia and many other places (volcanoes) . Did this information really stopped your purchase plans? Be careful when you walk on the street; drunk drivers, collapsing bridges, busses with failing breaks, stiletto katoys, lightning, drought (dead within 3 days)
  6. errrr.. something to do with security maybe? are you serious?

    Yeah, maybe he's seriously questioning why pre-scan before the real scan. Isn't that like admitting the real scan might not work? It's security theatre.

    Personally I think the more layers of security the better

    And all this extra security costs $$$ and pushes the prices up. So the 99.99999% of us who are non-terrorists are expected to pay for this?


    no no you are right they should let the 0.00001% pay.
  7. Don't get it. Before you can enter Phuket airport everything gets scanned. Why is this such a problem in the capital? Drama queens

    yes it does, but why?

    errrr.. something to do with security maybe? are you serious?
    if you ever travelled through Phuket or Don Mueang airport, you know that after the scanners at the entrance, your carry-on is scanned again when entering the gates area right. Did you notice the bins with knifes and scissors and bottles at this check point? Should the entrance scanners be effective, these items wouldn't make it to the second scanner right? The check in lugage normally ( hopefully) get scanned on the conveyer after check in.
  8. This is indeed a very strange story, as her husband, I suggest to take responsibility first and decide about your future together later. You can't outrun these loan sharks and meanwhile the intrest on the loan already doubled the debt. So the only way is to pay back fast. Good luck, we all hope it never happens to any of us. I know many Thai who play the lottery and nobody knows how bad this can end...

  9. This topic is about same sex marriage.

    Same sex civil unions have already been actively considered by the Thai government.

    The topic IS NOT about polygamy.

    Maybe wait until that is really a credible issue in Thailand before trying to hijack this thread towards there.

    In Polygamy there are multiple wifes who could be lesbian.. :)
  10. People really need to think this through or they well be unintended consequences.

    Breaking this down:

    Any two adult males...........two brothers or father and son...grandfather and grandson?

    Any two adult females.........similar to above

    One adult male and one adult female.......father and daughter....grandfather and granddaughter? This is particularly worrying. Many societies recognised the dangers of inbreeding many,many generations ago and made it taboo.

    Is the suggestion now to allow this?

    Why not push for polygamy as well......keep the Muslims/Mormons and others happy as well.

    If we need to keep all minority groups happy why not drop the age of consent and keep the pedophiles happy as well?

    Those are some ridiculous examples which have been debunked long ago. How about father/daughter then, without even discussing gay marriage? There is no push from anyone to legalize incest or polygamy or sex with children or sex with animals, etc, etc. The only ones who ever bring it up are the anti-gay marriage brigade.

    Are you for gay marriage but against Polygamy?? Why should gay marriage be allowed and Polygamy punished?
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