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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    At some time with Asean integration Thailand will have no choice but to drop "Thai only" jobs. I would hate to have to work here, the vast majority of jobs do not allow foreigners to work in them and by that very situation there are a few job descriptions this make them very competitive and the money is terrible. Professionals, like Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant forget it. Then the Thai wonder why they get so many low class foreigners here.

    As a professionally registered Engineer I would not want to work in Thailand. There are so many things you cant do if ti involves a Thai e.g. give them a warning letter as a disciplinary measure. Anyway, I doubt if they could afford me.

    There's foreign engineers working in Nakhon Nayok province right now. There always are some on the big projects in the country. It pays well.

    I have given both verbal and written warnings to Thai employees in Thai companies that I have held director level positions in.

    aaah that's why you are a translator now :)
    • Like 1
  2. Uhm that's a real Belgian name he have laugh.png

    Uhm, Marouane Fellaini, you know , the Big Hair with Manchester United? Well, I love his Belgian name, and that dark goalscorer with the funny hair Romelu Lukaka, with Everton, as Belgian as the chocolate. End of !

    Perhaps someone can tell me a REAL Belgian name aside from Hercule Poirot.coffee1.gif

    Urbanus van Anus
    • Like 2
  3. I don't want to argue, my point was that for this particular job "translating for a guide you will not receive a WP. So tourists who would like to visit Thaland, better start learning English.

    Nope, as noted above I know Thai tour guides working with Japanese and German and English (and Chinese and Korean) speaking tourists. I am sure that there's plenty that speak Dutch as well.
    you are a though one... Of course there are tour guides who speak other languages,but not enough for the millions of tourists. Are you also going to contest this?
    I have no idea if there are enough or not. English as a lingua franca is indeed the obvious answer. Some guy on a tourist visa is an obvious non starter
    you have no idea? Guess how many Italians and Spanish speaking people understand english..i know a lot of Belgians who don't speak english. Don't ask me how many! :))))
    • Like 1
  4. I don't want to argue, my point was that for this particular job "translating for a guide you will not receive a WP. So tourists who would like to visit Thaland, better start learning English.

    Nope, as noted above I know Thai tour guides working with Japanese and German and English (and Chinese and Korean) speaking tourists. I am sure that there's plenty that speak Dutch as well.
    you are a though one... Of course there are tour guides who speak other languages,but not enough for the millions of tourists. Are you also going to contest this?
  5. The law is the law regardless what our opinions are and we will never change it because this is Thailand for the Thais only sorry the rest can all go home we don't need you.


    I wish other countries would learn from thais, thais come first for business,land etc, of course they do, and so they should..

    Sir, the Belgian guy was not stealing any job from a Thai. There was a Thai guide present, the Belgian did the translation. He did not have a work permit which is no surprise. Sir, do you know how difficult it is for a foreigner to get a WP? Even if he would apply, he would never ever get it. Why? Because Thai are over protective because they know very well that their jobs would be taken by better qualified foreigners.
    Strangely, I and all the foreigners I personally know who are working here have work permits.
    as translator for a tour guide? I also have a work permit, but I had to transfer 51% of my company to s Thai national.
  6. The law is the law regardless what our opinions are and we will never change it because this is Thailand for the Thais only sorry the rest can all go home we don't need you.


    I wish other countries would learn from thais, thais come first for business,land etc, of course they do, and so they should..

    Sir, the Belgian guy was not stealing any job from a Thai. There was a Thai guide present, the Belgian did the translation. He did not have a work permit which is no surprise. Sir, do you know how difficult it is for a foreigner to get a WP? Even if he would apply, he would never ever get it. Why? Because Thai are over protective because they know very well that their jobs would be taken by better qualified foreigners.
    • Like 1
  7. But, then again, you're not Belgian, mr. NativeSon 30, so how could you possibly have an opinion on this? It's meant as a joke and fits beatifully in long love and friendly banter that goes on between the people of our great nations.

    But maybe it's just me, a Belgian loving Dutchman (like the majority of the Dutch)

    And your Bullie "argumentative" point is.....? Huh? whistling.gif duh!

    just to come to the rescue for Bullie. I am Belgian and he indeed refers to jokes between Belgians and Dutch which are sometimes very funny even more so when the Durch is the target in the joke :). So no offence.
  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    In Amsterdam, my home town we often see busloads of tourists. ALL asian tourists (yes, including Thais) bring their own tourguide, usually waving a little flag to keep the herd together. Even though there are Thai Dutchman that could easily do the job. So, if the Thai can "steal" jobs from us Farang, should not we be allowed to do the same especially because it makes sense to be adressed by someone in your own langage, rather than a Thai tourguide without proper english qualifications who has unintelligible english at the best of times.

    (Rant out)

    As they say: you can not have the cake (tourists) and eat it (Thailand exclusively for the Thai). Time to wake up, here

    You bring up a quite valid point. Is it illegal to have a nominated translator present among the tour group, to assist the tour guide?

    However, in the case in point, the guy arrested allegedly stated that he was being paid for his services (between 1,000 and 1,300 baht a day) and in the eyes of the police this would target him for breaking the law. One could say a really stupid statement to make especially on a tourist visa.

    I have no horses or dogs in this race, there are valid (IMHO) facts on both sides of the guide argument. But, I would advise anyone doing the job to keep a low profile while working in plain view of the authorities, and, if the laws are changed, get the correct paperwork done before starting.

    see my remark on 24. This is called " running in circles"
  9. If you read the OP it says he was working as an interpreter for the guide. In that case they would still have a Thai guide but the Belgian guy would be dealing with the group because of language constraints.

    It is not exactly taking someone's job away.

    A lot of tour groups do this mostly because of the language barriers. I was under the impression this was legal if they employed a Thai guide to go with them.

    Not legal.. gf is a Thai guide and they often do it like this but its not legal and the police needs to get paid. But its how it is many of the languages are just not spoken by Thai guides. (if they were to be real good in that language they could use it to make much more money elsewhere the guide get paid not enough to attract the ones that are real good in languages)

    do you know if a translator is not legal? Can you share this source please.
  10. Another 'innocent' person arrested?

    You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

    Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

    I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

    He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

    Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

    He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

    He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

    Why do you feel it is ok to come to Thailand and break the law without consequences?

    There are laws against what he was doing

    He chose to break them

    Now he deserves to pay the price

    If he could provide a service that no one else could he should have applied for a work permit thru a tour comapny

    IMO it depends...if there was indeed a Thai tour guide present and the Belgian was acting as a translator, I see no wrong. In the case no Thai guide was present he violated the law.
  11. The only thing I have here is an opinion, so take my thoughts the applicable number of grains of salt.

    When I look at our tile roof, there is, of course, a ceiling between the roof and our living space. So while I would think that lowering the temp of the roof would help, I can't see it helping very much, especially with the temp of the water, which could be fairly warm during the hot season.

    Additionally, the main temp drop comes from rain, which cools everything and lowers the outside temp.

    As for me, we will stick with plenty of fans during the day and the a/c for a couple or three hours each evening.

    i hope you find a suitable solution, just to make my point clear, the cooling effect is not because of the water temperature but because of evaporation. As such it is possible to enjoy a cold beer in the desert if you wrap it with a wet towel. Cheers!
    • Like 1
  12. Go for it. It's not going to help anything, but you will think it does and that's all that matters.

    did you try? At our factory we do this on hot sunny days and it does work. Why you try to convince people it doesn't? Painting the roof white would also work. Let's see what Mr Bankrupt has to say about this..
    • Like 1
  13. Darwin is right that we walk on two feet to have a better look and to be able to use our hands. That our intelligence is better developed is also understandable because we have no natural deffence against predators. But there is more than only what is necessary to survive, we develop things like computers etc.. and have thoughts which are not related and necessary for our survival. We live with the knowledge we will die one day, live with the knowledge of physics, the big bang, the universe etc.. We would also have survived as Homo Sapiens without all this. Did Darwin ever explain this?

    darwin never claimed evry mutation was beneficial nor did he pretend that we would only use a mutation for a single purpose.
    difficult to understand what's your point, but Darwin could never prove things like "conscioussness". As a matter of fact a lot of things cannot be explained by Darwinism alone. Interesting link http://www.naturalselectionanddarwinism.com/soul.html

    so a theory of the evolution of species doesnt explain consciousness?? wow! astounding, I'm all for scrapping such a simplistic theory!! lol
    no it doesn't, I do understand this is astounding news for you. A lot happened since Darwin, maybe some reading will close the gap?
  14. Darwin is right that we walk on two feet to have a better look and to be able to use our hands. That our intelligence is better developed is also understandable because we have no natural deffence against predators. But there is more than only what is necessary to survive, we develop things like computers etc.. and have thoughts which are not related and necessary for our survival. We live with the knowledge we will die one day, live with the knowledge of physics, the big bang, the universe etc.. We would also have survived as Homo Sapiens without all this. Did Darwin ever explain this?

    darwin never claimed evry mutation was beneficial nor did he pretend that we would only use a mutation for a single purpose.
    difficult to understand what's your point, but Darwin could never prove things like "conscioussness". As a matter of fact a lot of things cannot be explained by Darwinism alone. Interesting link http://www.naturalselectionanddarwinism.com/soul.html
  15. Darwin is right that we walk on two feet to have a better look and to be able to use our hands. That our intelligence is better developed is also understandable because we have no natural deffence against predators. But there is more than only what is necessary to survive, we develop things like computers etc.. and have thoughts which are not related and necessary for our survival. We live with the knowledge we will die one day, live with the knowledge of physics, the big bang, the universe etc.. We would also have survived as Homo Sapiens without all this. Did Darwin ever explain this?

    • Like 1
  16. Scary, not doing drugs but being set up. Good thing the guy was a reporter. But it does again lend credibility that sometimes police shakedown people with false evidence. Thanks to the war on drugs the police have a powerful tool to shakedown people.

    Probably easier then going after real drug users.. though there are supposed to be so many. Why the hell make up stuff.. maybe its easier and faster money.

    this is exactly the reason why I am against death penalty.
    • Like 1
  17. "I bought a bar for 700,000 bahts in Chiang Mai. First month profit 89,000"

    Wrong. You got swindled by a bar girl, because you're bad at math.

    In order to make a PROFIT of 89000/month, you need an AVERAGE profit of 2966/day, open 7 days a week.

    After expenses, most businesses only make 10% to 20% of GROSS income.

    So, in order to make an AVERAGE profit of 2966/day, you will need an AVERAGE of 14833 - 29660/day.

    Let's say your drinks vary in cost from 50 to 150, with the AVERAGE drink price of 100 baht/drink.

    That means you need to sell an AVERAGE of 148 to 296 drinks EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE MONTH.

    Right, 555

    Your GP numbers need some work. Selling a Heineken for 120 baht that he paid 30 baht for is 300% GP. A water that he paid 7baht for that he sells for 50baht is around 600% GP. I have no idea on these numbers by the way. They are a rough guess.

    That affects how many drinks and ultimately how many punters he needs to make the numbers.

    Having said that there are only a handful of girly bars that might do those sorts of number in CM consistently and that is due to good management and quality girls working hard to bring in the customers.

    I'm sure Ebean knows that he is surrounded by a lot of lazy, badly managed bars with sloths for staff making almost nothing.

    GM can never be more than 100%. In case of the Heineken GM is 75%. Revenue minus COGS ( cost of goods sold) devided by revenue x 100.

    You are correct of course.

    ...but you know what I was going.

    the calculation of SisiPuede419 was correct. In normal business to make a yearly net profit of 10% on your sales is considered to be a very healthy business. So if monthly net profit is 89.000 you need to have turn over of 890.000thb per month. Ok let's assume bar business makes 20% net profit on sales this means monthly turn over of 445.000thb or 14.354thb per day which is exactly the figure mentioned by bar owner SisiPuede419. This is probably for a very succesful and well managed bar! Otherwise with this kind of profit the only business in the world would be bars!!
  18. "I bought a bar for 700,000 bahts in Chiang Mai. First month profit 89,000"

    Wrong. You got swindled by a bar girl, because you're bad at math.

    In order to make a PROFIT of 89000/month, you need an AVERAGE profit of 2966/day, open 7 days a week.

    After expenses, most businesses only make 10% to 20% of GROSS income.

    So, in order to make an AVERAGE profit of 2966/day, you will need an AVERAGE of 14833 - 29660/day.

    Let's say your drinks vary in cost from 50 to 150, with the AVERAGE drink price of 100 baht/drink.

    That means you need to sell an AVERAGE of 148 to 296 drinks EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE MONTH.

    Right, 555

    Your GP numbers need some work. Selling a Heineken for 120 baht that he paid 30 baht for is 300% GP. A water that he paid 7baht for that he sells for 50baht is around 600% GP. I have no idea on these numbers by the way. They are a rough guess.

    That affects how many drinks and ultimately how many punters he needs to make the numbers.

    Having said that there are only a handful of girly bars that might do those sorts of number in CM consistently and that is due to good management and quality girls working hard to bring in the customers.

    I'm sure Ebean knows that he is surrounded by a lot of lazy, badly managed bars with sloths for staff making almost nothing.

    GM can never be more than 100%. In case of the Heineken GM is 75%. Revenue minus COGS ( cost of goods sold) devided by revenue x 100.
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