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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. I was thinking very hard how to solve OP's problem and at the same time make the wife happy. My suggestion; start to buy her gold, a nice car, build a beautiful house and put it on her name ( don't forget the swimming pool) and give her a monthly allowance of minimum 100.000thb. Hope this could help and wish you success!

  2. Can you check where the temperature probe is located? If it is close to the cooling pipe or close to air outlet the airco will "think" set temperature is reached and will shut down.

  3. OP, too many questions and worries.

    That's why, I'm never concerned about the economy or politics in this country.

    When the Pound goes up. I have a little dance of joy.

    When it goes down I ask the g/f to economise.

    Enjoy your life and let the others worry.

    In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.

    "Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"

    "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."

    "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.

    When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

    la Fontaine
  4. Anyone that is contemplating absentee financial support should tread very cautiously. First off, very few Thai people do any market or location research when developing a business. There are failures all the time due to poor location, competition, offering a product few people want, no ability to advertise, etc. As stated, except in position as perhaps manager, you would not, by Thai law, be allowed to help or cook. If someone complains to immigration, they would be compelled to investigate, and if you seen cleaning an ashtray, you would be in trouble.

    Also I would suggest questioning why she is seeking someone via internet. There are many farangs here she could talk to about her desires, and yes, limited Thai for you does not help.

    I would agree with the first Ops comment....just run. There are many other women in Thailand, and although I have no experience in it, I have yet to hear of any Thai person leaving a company and getting a termination payout. You are being analytical by asking questions, but you have to separate heart from mind. Look at her proposal from any business perspective, and would you really want to invest? I think not.

    termination pay out = provident fund
  5. I drive a BMW and I choose tis car because of the luxury inside, perfect seats good safety. And no it doesn't give me an attitude. Many cars every day force their car in my lane but after all these years in Thailand I swallow my anger and let them in. Not worth a fight. In my opinion nothing to do with BMW drivers very childish..

  6. The Un is classing them as Refugees fleeing persecution


    The UN refugee agency has called for countries in the region to co-ordinate a search and rescue operation for some 8,000 migrants it says are trapped on boats in the area.

    Some in Washington asked the US government to consider providing humanitarian assistance, and exert pressure on allies in the region to accept more refugees.

    "These men, women, children and infants are refugees fleeing well-founded fear of persecution and their deaths may well constitute a mass atrocity in the heart of ASEAN,'' said Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley, referring to the regional block in Southeast Asia that Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Burma are all a part of

    "These men, women, children and infants are refugees fleeing well-founded fear of persecution and their deaths may well constitute a mass atrocity in the heart of ASEAN,''

    Maybe his judgement when making his comment was clouded as his decision in 2002 to vote in support of the war against Iraq, who knows?

    Yeah true enough, but don't forget everyone in our countries US and UK were lied to about WMDs and a Legitimate threat and imminent attacks and links to 9/11. But back to the point I was more pointing out that the UN were getting involved rather than the US. Did you read the whole article ?

    Yes I did and again I am very angry as Thai what has happened in the south of my country to this people and I am not happy about how the situation is handled. However I am not in government and most of the Thai people too have no say in that matter. Still, whatever done the blame is placed right on our front doors and all Thais are blamed for it according to commentators at the TV.

    If you were not told the truth about the WMD that lead to the war, why are the liars not prosecuted and in prison? When it comes to Thailand, commentators here have no problems what should happen to the police, high officials or members of the government and the question of guilt is not addressed because all Thais have to take the blame and the punishment, if I do read the comments correctly.

    The UN has issued statements too that challenge the actions of the US on her border to Mexico and the situation about migrants in Europe. Of course they get less attention because we are talking about civilised countries compared to Thailand that seems in the eyes of the commentators to be a cesspool of barbarity full of people that are out to finish a ‘genocide’ (one of the words used in a comment) that has been started by others.

    I only ask for a bit of fairness that avoids using generalisations that are only made to hurt all Thai people. By all means blame what you see wrong and place the blame at the right place but relentlessly putting all Thai in the same basket will not help the situation but only make it worse.

    Bush and Blair said they had been mislead also by inaccurate intelligence reports which is nonsense , but try and prove it.

    The Generalizations probably not meant to be offensive , many of us have Thais wife's and kids. But the Generalizations are probably aimed at the Hierarchy in these cases Police , Immigration officials ect and corrupt individuals and if what has happened was allowed to go ahead by people of influence for profit , then you have to admit their is something wrong somewhere

    I'm sure the UN have spoken out about many , many countries conduct in the past UK, US Israel ,France ect etc

    When i Put up the article about the UN it wasn't to "Shame" Thailand it was to show the UN are getting involved and help those poor people,

    in this case generalization is not misplaced. These refugees are refused by their own kind to get temporary shelter in the south. Where are the wissles and flags when real people are getting pushed back to the sea??
  7. What shocks me; pushing a boat back to the sea with 300 people aboard.nothing can justify this action. What disgusts me even more is that the small hope of setting up refugee camps in the south was heavily protested by the locals. Knowing both are moslim says something about their attitude as well!

  8. Good idea people in love usually make the best choices over here :)

    here how u will be served..

    u will invest 100% of the money and then u own 49 % of your company...Sounds great right hahaha

    Random thai share holders will hold 51% of your company...

    u also need to hire 4 thai staff and for work permit its so complicated and so full with 100,0000 rules and regulations that soon u hairs gonna be grey..

    good luck ur business sure u be rich soon!@

    i have my own company with 60 employees. If you don't know how in reality the 51% is managed you better don't reply at all. It is already confusing enough. And yes my business is very successful.there are always opportunities everywhere but you have to see them. People with negative attitudes will never succeed nowhere.
  9. With so many nay-sayers on businesses in Thailand, why do so many "buy" houses and property here? Not only is the ROI not here, it seems the odds are against you--after all, by Thai law foreigners cannot own property and if push comes to shove any way some lawyer circumvented Thai law will be adjudicated illegal in a Thai court, unless you spend even more money to "buy" the court's decision.

    foreigners can own property such as condominiums. ROI I suppose you mean Return On Investment? Just look at the sqm price and compare to any Asian Capital, Bangkok is always the lowest so ...much room for increase. You can even compare with Almaty or Tashkent....
  10. It's amazing how much opinion there is on this subject. Unsurprisingly comments are totally polarised, either ladyboy haters or ladyboy fans.

    I have absolutely no problem telling anybody that I like ladyboys. I do go with ladyboys, though usually I find the ones that hang out on beach road in Pattaya are not really very appealing.

    One thing that is certain is that Ladyboy's who choose to work in the sex industry get a lot of business, so clearly a large number of people feel the way that I do and enjoy going with ladyboys.

    Sadly, lots of people make the incorrect assumption that having sex with a ladyboy is a gay thing, which it most certainly is NOT. Personally I am totally liberated from labels such as gay or straight, but it's sad to see that so many men who are attracted to ladyboys feel ashamed to admit it.

    I won't go as far as to say that everyone who is anti-ladyboy is struggling with issues of their own sexuality.. but I bet its a fair percentage.

    if you think this is not gay, maybe next time try a girl for once...
  11. Chan's funeral is being held tomorrow and is expected 1000s will attend. Funeral to be held at Hillsong Church, a group who are a classic example of a nutcase Christian sect.

    The media is treating them rock stars and people all children should aspire to be and not the disgusting lowlife pieces of garbage they really are.
    Damn right, they are not just mules, they are the responsible for destroying the live of millions. Without the mules there is no distribution. Its a shame that the rest of the world doesn't execute people for this kind of crime. Keep the efers off the street. Som nom nah..and for the ones who said someone put it in my suitcase.... Well you should have checked it yourself.
    ok, what if next time you fly you checked your lugage but criminals in the airport open your lugage and put some drugs in it. At the airport of arrival other members of the drug gang should take the drugs out of your lugage but for some reason they couldn't do it. You get inspection and you are caught and arrested for smuggling drugs. After 10 years in prison you are executed.
  12. We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

    So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

    But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

    if you are living in Thailand I advice you to be very careful to start taking pictures, many drivers have a short fuse and modt of them have some kind of weapon in their taxi. If you want to go into discussion, do it the Thai way, smile and make your point. If nothing helps walj away.

    yes and always always lick his arse on the way out after giving him a 1000 baht tip.
    what a rude remark. Go ahead, next time you are confronted with a driver in a bad mood go for it, yell at him and make him loose face. I will read the outcome in the newspaper smile.png

    Exactly ... rude and stupid. I actually wonder if this guy lives in the Kingdom. When that new app came out to report on bad taxi drivers, I used it.

    My GF and I got in a taxi, and he did not want to cross the bridge. I did my usual .. which is just sit there as if to say "I am not getting out of the cab." My GF said, "Let it go, we can get another taxi."

    By then, he had already started driving. Then he started rattling on in Thai about how much this sucks.

    I took out my phone and took a picture of his assigned number. OK, then he just lost it and pulled over. He and my GF had a long talk and the deal was "Delete the photo and I will drive you."

    I said sure, no problem. I did NOT delete the photo, and reported him.

    My GF was like "Is it really worth this? Now he not only knows what building we live in, he can get your information from the complaint report if he pays tea money"

    I gave that a lot of thought. i am not the taxi police. I rarely have any problems with taxis, and speak enough Thai that they get it ... I live here, know my way around, and really don't take a lot of crap from people.

    So let me tell you. It is simply not worth it to get up in it with a Thai driver. They are at the wheel. They are local, you are not. They are surrounded by like minded drivers who will swarm you in a fight. They have little to lose and are often armed. (I drove taxi to get through college. I had two weapons in easy reach at all times .. so really get that)

    You, have a lot to lose.

    The trick is .. get it right before the taxi goes more than a block.

    OK, the real trick is ... try and use the yellow and green taxis. They are privately owned. Then tip them. A lot of us do this, and over time, have trained these private owned, clean, air conditioned taxis, where the driver is the owner .. and it is his profession ... that if they pick up a Farang who speaks some Thai, we know the game, and if we make them go where it is hard to get another fare, will throw them some gas money to get back to where the action is.

    you have a very good point on the yellow and green taxis, indeed they are privately owned. The rented taxis have one color. And yes it can be frustrating to back off knowing you are right but nothing is worth a fight, I mean a real fight and you don't see it coming. One moment they smile and the next you have a knife between your ribs. This doesn't mean you need to lick their arse (as one of our TV poets mentioned) but you have to watch out what you say and how you behave and try to make your point. If this doesn't work drop it.
  13. We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

    So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

    But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

    if you are living in Thailand I advice you to be very careful to start taking pictures, many drivers have a short fuse and modt of them have some kind of weapon in their taxi. If you want to go into discussion, do it the Thai way, smile and make your point. If nothing helps walj away.

    yes and always always lick his arse on the way out after giving him a 1000 baht tip.
    what a rude remark. Go ahead, next time you are confronted with a driver in a bad mood go for it, yell at him and make him loose face. I will read the outcome in the newspaper :)
  14. We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

    So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

    But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

    if you are living in Thailand I advice you to be very careful to start taking pictures, many drivers have a short fuse and modt of them have some kind of weapon in their taxi. If you want to go into discussion, do it the Thai way, smile and make your point. If nothing helps walj away.
  15. I remember I once landed in Masshad (1997)Iran and there was a huge billboard in the middle of the arrival hall "the future Islam will destroy the sovereignity of the West" i suppose the people who decided on this were not even concidered extremists... People like Geller are maybe "wacky" but which other options they have? At least they try to get our attention. The threat is serious enough to use all possible means possible.

  16. Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.
    A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

    Sure it does... the event exposed Islamic Terrorists for what they are... mindless killers who will attack with intent to kill over a insult of a cartoon.
    Everyone already knows what extremist terrorists from any race or religion are.

    So what exactly was the purpose of the event? It was simply to antagonise and anger extremists, nothing else.

    If any of the attendees had also been killed they too would have got what they deserved.
    If you want to get some attention in this world you can do this by chopping off heads or by more civilised means such as organizing a cartoon contest. If nothing is done, the world will be dominated by Islam somewhere in the future. I think it is quite naive to believe this will be achieved by peaceful integration alone. Their intentions are clear, extremists are clearing the space and followers are occuppying. One cannot exist without the other. You really think this problem will just disappear? Ostrich behavior is not a tactic nor a solution. I know the enemy, but honestly I am even more afraid of people who defend these extremists and call this cartoon contest a pathetic attempt!

    So you think the solution is to antagonise all Muslims and make them more ripe for recruiting?

    C l e v e r.
    Don't just comment but share your thoughts as well....
  17. Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

    A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

    Sure it does... the event exposed Islamic Terrorists for what they are... mindless killers who will attack with intent to kill over a insult of a cartoon.

    Everyone already knows what extremist terrorists from any race or religion are.

    So what exactly was the purpose of the event? It was simply to antagonise and anger extremists, nothing else.

    If any of the attendees had also been killed they too would have got what they deserved.

    If you want to get some attention in this world you can do this by chopping off heads or by more civilised means such as organizing a cartoon contest. If nothing is done, the world will be dominated by Islam somewhere in the future. I think it is quite naive to believe this will be achieved by peaceful integration alone. Their intentions are clear, extremists are clearing the space and followers are occuppying. One cannot exist without the other. You really think this problem will just disappear? Ostrich behavior is not a tactic nor a solution. I know the enemy, but honestly I am even more afraid of people who defend these extremists and call this cartoon contest a pathetic attempt!
  18. Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

    Cost of living is cheaper here,



    Please don't edit my posts. Forum rules require you quote them in their entirety.

    You know, this particular misperception is an ongoing argument on TV. And it is usually made by people with mediocre job histories, and/or a miserable existence in their homeland, making retiring to Asia and "enjoying" forty baht meals out, 150 baht massages, and 1000 baht "girlfriends," a good deal.

    All the foods I like are available here at no up charge. In Thailand they carry a 300% up charge---even before Villa or Foodland grab their own take.

    On Friday, I bought a very nice Chilean Malbec, on sale, for $4.19. That's 125 baht. IN LOS, the same wine was close to 700 baht. I bought an excellent cheese on special, thick smoked bacon for a dollar a pound, and a steelhead trout filet for $4 (fresh, not farmed). That's far less than what I paid at Villa.

    My gym does not require a membership, and so has no pesky salesman. It has a flat rate of $15 per month. I, like all members, have a key, making it available 24/7.

    When I use UPS or FedEx here, they are reliable and reasonable. Nothing gets stolen, or nailed for extra fees.

    When I pay a serviceman here to do work on my vehicle, or my lawnmower, or my plumbing or electric, it is almost always done expeditiously, safely and right, the first time. This, as opposed to going through a series of workers who not only don't get it right, but often make a problem worse.

    In LOS, I never had my '65 Honda motorbike running correctly, because the mechanics were incompetent or dishonest. Or both. This increases a tradesman's "bargain" rates considerably, making them no longer a bargain.

    One time when I went to pick up my bike after some work, I noticed the original Honda seat was replaced by junk, and my seat was on the bike of the mechanic's buddy. When I pointed this out, they did this: whistling.gif . When I insisted they put it back on my bike, they became confrontational. I had to pay a cop to get my seat back. I don't think I have never had that experience at a Honda bike shop in the USA.

    I bought a new gas BBQ last week at Home Depot. Regular cost was $99. On sale for $69. What's a gas BBQ in Thailand? I know the answer: about 10,000 baht for junk. The price goes up from there. The dumbbells I bought in LOS? One there cost as much as six here.

    If I buy something at most stores here, there is a no-questions-asked return policy. I have returned to the local Smith's Supermarket, a number of items I found unsatisfactory. Always a smile when handing back my money. As such, I am a loyal customer. In November after returning to the States, I was checking out some groceries, and the bill was fifty-some dollars. I jokingly asked the checker if he had any coupons. He reached in his apron pocket, and swiped one across the scanner, and my bill dropped to $32. This is now a regular occurrence.

    Gas where I live is almost half the price it is in Thailand. It is lower in other states.

    In Thailand used vehicles carry a ridiculous price. Last week, I bought a '66 Chevy Bel Air. It had sat in an old lady's garage for years, and has 38,000 original miles. I paid $3700 for it. Now I have my eye on a '65, fully restored Chev pickup. $7000. Far less than a used pickup in average condition in Thailand. Both are investments that will never lose me money.

    The Asian market I shop in Salt Lake City, actually has lower prices than back at Rhek Thum's "fresh market." And they are the same brands.

    Here the tennis courts are free, and in good condition.

    Here, cops don't stop me when I'm driving legally, unlike Thailand where they attempt to extort money. And here, Avis doesn't even think of extorting me for a pre-existing scratch, when I return a rental to the airport, just because I speak English.

    My dentist here does not try to drill out non-existent cavities, nor pull a cracked tooth that can be repaired (if you have good training), nor spends a mere 15 minutes "cleaning" my teeth. Here it takes a solid hour,and is done right, so I only have to go twice a year rather than every couple of months.

    This summer I'm out to buy a piece of land and build a vacation home. It's mine when I'm done, though my wife's name will also be on it. And where we are building, land is cheaper per acre than the rubber tree land where I lived in Rhek Thum. Don't believe me? Do your due diligence and research it, and you'll find my claim holds water.

    Most of the nutritional products I take that keep me free of those expensive American doctor bills, are not available in Thailand. The few that are, are substantially lower in price here than in LOS. After feeling like crap the past few years, I am once again healthy and have my vitality back. That has great economic value.

    The firearms I buy to go hunting and target shooting are at the very least, 1/3 the price they are in Thailand. The books I read are cheaper when new at the store, and a once-read paperback bought at a garage sale is 10 baht.

    The tools I will use to build my house, Makita, Ryobi, and Milwaukee, are much less expensive here in the States. And if they break, the warranty work is done locally and in days. Usually they just hand over a new tool. The building material selection is far more diverse here, enabling both short-term and long-term savings.

    Are there exceptions? Are there things cheaper in LOS?

    Sure. Instant water heaters, air conditioners, unhygienic meals out, short-time"girlfriends," and massages. There are others, such as contact lenses, but as a whole do not measure up to a genuine savings.

    Many items may be cheaper, but are built so cheaply they have a crap service life. Water pumps, clothing, and electrical items are a good example. Speaking of clothing, I bought new Levis last month. On sale, plus a coupon, $22 a pair. Good luck with that in LOS.

    Want to retire to a warm climate that has reasonable prices? Try Port Charlotte, Florida. Check out the land and housing prices, and all the free services and discounts for seniors. Thailand does not even come close.

    Do not worry, I have quoted everything you said. smile.png Salt Lake City does have its share of pollution, and the mormons require about 10% of your salary per week.


    "not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith..." LOL....LOL.....LOL

    There is a membership to join if you want to go to a bar, and everyone there complains about the bad drivers.

    The grass may appear to be greener, but remember Brigham Young first went to SLC as they were running from the authorities!!! This is not a good history, and I am concerned about your safety. More so than in Thailand, the LOS.

    Mormom versus Buddhism.

    Pollution versus Pollution

    Bad drivers versus bad drivers

    298347389047324982 wives versus 3 bar girls.

    mormom culture versus thai culture

    english versus thai

    stories to tell nobody versus world traveler!!! lol

    fake church smiles versus fake smiles

    creepy creepy versus expat creepy creepy

    Sure, maybe you can get a car fixed "better" in SLC, but only if you are part of the mormon church!!!! Free tennis.....yes, after the kool-aid!!!! LOL

    I'm in Park City.....see you Tuesday for bible study!!!!!


    the mormons require about 10% of your salary per week.

    There is a membership to join if you want to go to a bar

    mormom culture versus thai culture

    I'm in Park City.....see you Tuesday for bible study!!!!!

    Ahhh, just like that Crabby guy, Gecko123, and Jungle Jim, someone else who has either never even been to Salt Lake City, or was here 30 years ago. Your ignorance precedes you.

    Are you serious? You are claiming that non-believers must pay the church a tithe? That we can't get our cars repaired?

    Take a look at the March edition of Utah Stories. Here it is online:


    Park City, for those of you unfamiliar with Utah, is twenty-five minutes up the mountain from SLC. It is widely recognized as a world-class ski resort and Olympic venue, Hollywood celebrity haunt, and home of Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival. It has less than 8000 inhabitants. There are less than 600 Mormons counted in that population.

    It is also home to no less than eight (8), count 'em, eight microbreweries/craft beer pubs (making their own beer) in their small town. And, no, you do not have to pay membership to enjoy a freshly-made ale or lager. Just walk in and take a seat. I was just there this lunchtime, where I met a client, enjoyed some fresh salmon, and a glass of something named Polygamy Porter.

    There are even more brew pubs in Salt Lake City proper, none of which require membership. That's from over 30 years ago, Sherlock.

    Enjoy your fried rice and Chang tonight, Bud.

    P.S. The drivers do indeed suck, but are stills heads above Thai drivers, the second worst in the world.

    yeah Polygamy Porter is from Epic Brewery, i know the owner, great guy, it is also partly thanks to me he launched a beer called " Brainless Belgian" later changed to just "brainless" Was many times in SLC as every place there are some +++ but living there iso Thailand? Not for me.
  19. Mental illness can be cured, as can heart disease. But a history of either should be enough to disqualify someone for this job out of an abundance of caution when the stakes are high. The US FAA threatened to (but in the end did not) revoke my 2nd class medical required for a commercial pilots license when they discovered I had a malignant skin cancer removed 25 years earlier.

    The blame for this accident rests entirely with the system IMO. No one asks to be mentally ill.

    i think you are wrong in both cases, I am not an expert in mental illness but I have a lot of experience with heart desease and after several operations, nobody came up with a cure...
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