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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. after 12yrs

    i dont miss ex wife

    i dont miss going to pub with mates and getting drunk

    i dont miss the sweet easy girls

    i dont miss roast lamb dinner

    i dont miss vegemite

    i miss a tin of corned beef with sweet mustard pickles

    am i going strange

    are you posting from the afterlife?
  2. An alternative perspective; in rural CM, a lot of pig-farming, (and chickens too) are that you link to a total firm, like Betagrow. They supply the piglets and the food, all you do is fatten them up. Then after about 5 months the big firm arrange collection and take to market. You get the pay for fattening them up, that's all. I say this from experience - yes, I started a capital loan of 1m bt to my new wife to start a pig farm for 600 pigs. That was 13 years ago. She employed family members, so that kept the family happy. She's a good business woman, the pig farm has grown to 1,800 pigs, with alternative fuel system of methane from the pig shit. My wife has now developed 12 rai of Lumyai orchard, and a chicken farm for 10,000 chickens, (same system as the pig farm).

    I know of another farang locally with a similar story - so in essence, to the OP, it can be done, despite all the doom-merchants of TV

    I know Betagro ( same Betagrow?) I like the idea. Can you send me the contact details ?
  3. @giddyup..

    Your in denial at some post.. no comment on the other user who is colorblind who posts from experience and no comment on the traffic lights (the pictures). You keep repeating your mantra instead of going into a discussion.

    I certainly believe now that there are situations where a color blind person is a danger. If traffic lights are not the regular kind.. what will you do when your first at a light ? Just go through.. or stop ?

    Seems you don't like going into posts that prove that there are situations where the colorblind are a danger.

    Believe what you want. You refuse to accept that if colour blindness was such a problem, or even a minor one for that matter, the colour test would be mandatory in all countries. My country (Australia) has some of the most stringent traffic laws in the world and yet they don't insist on a colour test, only an eyesight test. Why? How do you think I got through 55 years of driving without running a red light or being in an accident? That point seems to get overlooked. I have better things to do than continue with what has become a pointless discussion.

    No your ignoring it .. in OZ and other countries the lights are all the same (standardized).. here they are not so its dangerous. (at those situations).

    So it might well be safe in OZ with its standard lights.. but not here.. we all know that light can vary.. now that I look around i see more of those crazy lights where you cant recognize it. These are a danger for the colorblind.

    Yet I've managed to drive here for 6 years, including trips to Chiang Mai, Yasothon, river Kwai etc, again without killing anybody or myself. Sorry, but your argument is weak and you are clutching straws as usual.
    your argument driving for 6 years without accident is even weaker. As I understand it you are violating the law on a daily basis which is certainly not something you should be proud about and certainly not brag about . In Singapore you would not get away with this so easy.
  4. Why people such as road workers, cyclists, policemen, garbage collectors are using bright yellow or red colors. If for a color blind person the contrast is less does this not pose a problem/danger? All these people are ON the road, maybe ask them how they feel about colorblind people driving around.

    Tell me this. Australia and the UK just to name two don't have a colour blindness test for a drivers licence. Have you heard of numbers of road workers, cyclists, etc being killed or injured by colour blind motorists. Of course you haven't because it doesn't happen. Most ridiculous statement on this post so far.

    you don't need to get rude, is this forum only for bright people as yourself? Do you deny that people wearing special color vests are less visible for color blind people? It seems a logic question and not intended to offend. My last ridiculous question; is there any correlation between color blind people and their temper?

    I honestly don't know how I've managed to drive for 55 years without killing a couple of school crossing guards, linesman, policeman, or anyone else wearing a brightly coloured vest. Just lucky I guess.
    yes, good you realize this. I kno people who drive drunk every week and never got an accident.
  5. There are a number of studies which show that color vision deficiencies are a serious risk factor in driving. Particularly protan color blindness reduces substantially the ability to see red lights, regardless of the severity of the defect. Tests showed that protans were very much over-represented in an accident causing group of drivers mostly involving either signal lights or break lights. Some scientists estimate that being a protan has associated with it a level of risk of road accident that is equivalent to having a blood alcohol level of between 0.05 and 0.08 per cent. Because of that for example in Australia you can’t get hold of a commercial drivers licence since 1994 if you are suffering from protanopia or p


  6. Why people such as road workers, cyclists, policemen, garbage collectors are using bright yellow or red colors. If for a color blind person the contrast is less does this not pose a problem/danger? All these people are ON the road, maybe ask them how they feel about colorblind people driving around.

    Tell me this. Australia and the UK just to name two don't have a colour blindness test for a drivers licence. Have you heard of numbers of road workers, cyclists, etc being killed or injured by colour blind motorists. Of course you haven't because it doesn't happen. Most ridiculous statement on this post so far.

    you don't need to get rude, is this forum only for bright people as yourself? Do you deny that people wearing special color vests are less visible for color blind people? It seems a logic question and not intended to offend. My last ridiculous question; is there any correlation between color blind people and their temper?
  7. Why people such as road workers, cyclists, policemen, garbage collectors are using bright yellow or red colors. If for a color blind person the contrast is less does this not pose a problem/danger? All these people are ON the road, maybe ask them how they feel about colorblind people driving around.

  8. this is a difficult subject, the rule being "doing work is illegal if you don't have a work permit", whether paid or not, it is illegal. We try to get students as interns and we have each years tremendous difficulties.

    now consider this:

    1. an executive from an overseas organisation comes to Thailand on holiday and he visits his office in Bangkok and sits in a board meeting. He did not ask for a business visa and did not ask a work permit. He is not paid in Thailand, can he work?

    2. A group of tourists visits Thailand from Holland, they have their own tour guide from Holland, they are all travelling together on the tour with a visa on arrival. The tour guide can or not guide them through Ayuthaya and explain the history?

    3. A couple get's married and decides to have a Thai wedding as a ceremony, they have a friend photographer and he goes with them on the beach and takes their picture, they are all foreigners. Can the friend take the pictures?

    In each case, he is working illegally and subject to the law with all the dire consequences.

    I have seen a top executive from a large French group being taken from a board meeting, to immigration, charges and deported at his own expenses.

    Is this all really fair or even logical? difficult.

    If we get a business visitor from overseas, we spent days getting him/her a WP that is valid only for a few days, this is the only way to guarantee you are legal... the procedure exists and is a real pain


    4) a Thai wedding both married couples are Thai the photographer is a Thai friend. Is he working illegal? Would he be questioned by police?
  9. Wheel chairs are another issue. The topic is about people being able to use a footpath that was built and designed for pedestrians. I The feel people have a right to complain when they cannot use the public structure for what it was intended for. That is exactly why they call it a footpath not a food stall path. wai.gif
    Sorry but people in wheelchairs have as much right to the footpath/sidewalk/pavements as those who are able bodied. We are all pedestrians because we are not motor vehicles which belong on the road. So the discussion is about wheelchair users as well. I find your comment very offensive to those in wheelchairs.
    can you please explain what exactly you find offensive on Callaway' post?
    "Wheel chairs are another issue"

    They are part of the same issue. A wheelchair bound person has as much right to comment here be part of the fight to keep or not keep street vendors. We are all people, all pedestrians. A wheel chair is a disabled persons feet. They are a part of the issue.

    you cannot quote parts of a post. If you read the next sentence it clearly refers to people being able to use a foothpath which of course includes disabled people. But this post is not about disabled people so off topic.

    You are not quoting correctly. He said:

    "The topic is about people being able to use a footpath that was built and designed for pedestrians."

    So the topic is about pedestrians and not wheel chairs!!!! Rubbish, discriminatory.

    People in wheel chairs are pedestrians too. So they are relevant to this topic and have as much right to talk about their needs re footpaths as the able bodied. So on topic as long as the disabled keep to the subject of footpaths. Is that clear now?

  10. Wheel chairs are another issue. The topic is about people being able to use a footpath that was built and designed for pedestrians. I feel people have a right to complain when they cannot use the public structure for what it was intended for. That is exactly why they call it a footpath not a food stall path. wai.gif

    Sorry but people in wheelchairs have as much right to the footpath/sidewalk/pavements as those who are able bodied. We are all pedestrians because we are not motor vehicles which belong on the road. So the discussion is about wheelchair users as well. I find your comment very offensive to those in wheelchairs.
    can you please explain what exactly you find offensive on Callaway' post?
    "Wheel chairs are another issue"

    They are part of the same issue. A wheelchair bound person has as much right to comment here be part of the fight to keep or not keep street vendors. We are all people, all pedestrians. A wheel chair is a disabled persons feet. They are a part of the issue.

    you cannot quote parts of a post. If you read the next sentence it clearly refers to people being able to use a foothpath which of course includes disabled people. But this post is not about disabled people so off topic.
  11. Wheel chairs are another issue. The topic is about people being able to use a footpath that was built and designed for pedestrians. I feel people have a right to complain when they cannot use the public structure for what it was intended for. That is exactly why they call it a footpath not a food stall path. wai.gif

    Sorry but people in wheelchairs have as much right to the footpath/sidewalk/pavements as those who are able bodied. We are all pedestrians because we are not motor vehicles which belong on the road. So the discussion is about wheelchair users as well. I find your comment very offensive to those in wheelchairs.
    can you please explain what exactly you find offensive on Callaway' post?
  12. My proposal is to phase in licensing and permitting on highways and streets ONLY MOTORBIKES WITH SIDECARS. The idea is to work to the point in a few years where a bike can not be licensed without a sidecar. Sidecars would force bikes to obey traffic rules more like cars and provide a better place for the cargo and multiple people that bikes often carry.thumbsup.gif

    I can hear the foreigner pleasure bikers scream.bah.gif Maybe an "open road only" license could be used......... if you can find an open road.

    You are joking right? If not, I suggest you apply to one of the non-elected seats in the new Government. They need people like you!
  13. Did you already take a look at the helmets people are wearing? In most cases it is a plastic shell with no protection at all. Never the helmets are strapped. So I have my doubts wearing helmets really contributes to safety. On the contrary a lot of the drivers who use "integrale" helmets manage to wear them higher and try to look under the chin protection. This for sure hinders their view. Many of us have seen numerous fatal motorcycle accidents. I didn't see one that would have saved a life with helmet. If you say A you have to say B and put strict rules on which helmet to wear "certified", how to wear it and how to drive a motorcycle ( follow traffic rules). Banning children under 6 or enforcing to wear a pee pot as a helmet won't change anything.

  14. Like him or not, where is the time when throwing a punch was the way disputes were settled between men? Now it is police police lawyer, court case etc etc...sad. As far as I know, nobody was severely hurt or killed. These days we have to weigh every word we say, every action we take. Follow anybody sll day during 10years and you will find something...we are not born and raised in the same way, some of us have a rough edge. We can't all be pussies can we?

    • Like 2
  15. According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

    Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

    ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.
    I agree about the French but not about the German. In general we are still far smarter as the Belgians. Not that that is hard of course.

    The Belgians did not even have a government for a long time. Could not agree always fighting among themselves.

    off topic, so this will remove itself automatically..Belgium has 3 official languages; Dutch, French, German. So each Belgian translator" can replace 3 tour guides.
  16. According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

    Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

    ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.
    I have never had any difficulty in numerous trips to the Netherlands. I have spoken English with grannies and school children.

    Perhaps you should reread the citation. English is the most common second language, followed by German and then French. That makes complete sense when you add education and geography.

    yes of course you are right, how could I possibly be so wrong... I am just a stupid Belgian guy who lived half of his life a few km from the Dutch border. Mea Culpa Mea Culpa
    i just wonder if your claims would be true, why there was a Dutch guy translating for a Thai Guide??? Oops this brings us back to page one...
    • Like 1
  17. According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

    Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

    ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.
    I have never had any difficulty in numerous trips to the Netherlands. I have spoken English with grannies and school children.

    Perhaps you should reread the citation. English is the most common second language, followed by German and then French. That makes complete sense when you add education and geography.

    yes of course you are right, how could I possibly be so wrong... I am just a stupid Belgian guy who lived half of his life a few km from the Dutch border. Mea Culpa Mea Culpa
    • Like 1
  18. According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

    Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

    ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.
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