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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Chinese pushing in front of Thais,i thought Thais

    were champions at that,I remember bank queues

    before they started to use ropes and Q numbers,

    it was like a rugby scrum with lots more players.

    Regards worgeordie

    you have obviously never been to china and are just looking to do some thai bashing.

    queue behaviour in thailand, even at its very worst, has always been light years better than what you see every single day in china.

    if you dont know. dont post.

    I've been living here for 18 years and I've never encountered any Thais cutting in front of a line, as a matter of fact there were more instances where we insisted to give way for one another. The Chinese however, I've seen them doing this at DM and even in Chiang Mai...lucky they didn't do it to me or I'll show them the line they never want to queue on;)
    well.., I have been living in Thailand for 20 years, so it must be in these 2 years that I have seen Thai cutting the line. I agree it is far from the Chinese stampede, but claiming they never do is
  2. So far, I've only come across such notices in public toilets eg shops, restaurants etc. Subconsciously I thought perhaps they are "old" buildings with antiquated pipings. Or perhaps customers were using toilet papers to dry their hands, in lieu of paper towels, and such quantities of toilet paper will cause blockage. But a regular job should be fine. I can't imagine a new building will have such problems.

    But then again, there seems to be something wrong with the way the Thai buildings are constructed. There seems to be a perpetual sewage stench in most places, even newly completed places like Maya and Central Festival. Perhaps someone with knowledge of building construction can weigh in?

    It's because hey don't use S traps (or Z traps or U bends, depending on where you come from). No water seal, and the smell of the drains and sewers are going to escape. I read on a different thread yesterday about a hotel room being fumigated and the fumes going through the bathroom drains and up into the next room, and I'm sure some deaths from this method were mentioned. That is a pretty scary thought, I had no idea it could happen. You wouldn't use industrial strength bed bug spray in your own place because we know how toxic it is and how many people died at the Downtown Hotel. Sensible move, but if your neighbour decides to do it, you're pretty much stuffed.

    I pointed the lack of S traps out to a friend who was visiting (a plumber) He took a quick glance and said I was wrong, but when I told him to have a proper look at the bathroom sink he was amazed. Like me, he was trying to work out what that bit on the bottom of the pipe is for - it isn't a water seal, so why is it there?

    indeed, normally the toilet is connected with the pvc pipe under the toilet but not in Thailand, they just fix the toilet on top of the hole, seal the gap with the floor and that's it..So when using toilet paper, it gets stuck in the space between the toilet and the pipe. The rest you can guess.
  3. I am very surprised of the many many possesive replies.. You do not own a GF or wife, it is not your property. A partner who feels locked up will not like to continue such relationship for long. you are afraid to give freedom? The more you tighten the freedom the more they feel uncomfortable. If your partner likes/loves you, they will respect the bounderies and enjoy spending time together. Some people are so jealous and possesive they will always end up alone.

  4. I have often witnessed Russian (men mainly) being very arrogant, loud and intimidating towards Thai people when negotiating..I see it as very disrespectful..just my opinion....I guess ..other nationalities are also guilty of this behaviour, but generally it is Russians who I have seen doing it with monotonous regularityannoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0bWXwkG

    never watched Americans in Thailand? Chinese? They have a rude side but this is part of their culture, don't think they can change this during a short trip in Thailand. At least they bring in good money..
  5. Hard times has fallen all over the world due to the economic situation.

    Hope things change in the near future, because it's not good either for Pattaya or any other city in the world.


    Not everywhere.

    Putin's Russia is in economic meltdown.

    I hope strong man dictator Putin withdraws from Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

    I hope Putin stops scapegoating gays and blaming problems that he created on gays and the west.

    How about that?

    he won't he is not a coward.
  6. My question is then, putting on a freaking t-shirt, will it then magically make the sweat smell go away?

    Apart from the aesthetics that you don't see his bare chest, putting on a shirt will do NADA to the smell of sweat. In fact, it may just make the smell even worse! So please stop using this retarded argument already.

    If you get offended by the smell of sweat, then you have surely come to the wrong part of the world!

    you just try to get some attention I guess. I cant believe you really mean this. Would you really go and sit in the same seat after they left knowing their sweat is smeared out all over the seats? If you think this is normal I advice you to follow some courses or read a book how to behave in public.
  7. It is my opinion that it is very difficult to find good labor. So many employers have to pay 300thb per day and even more. The biggest surprise however was the min 15k for university degrees. So in our company many staff (example lab assistant) were paid around 7 to 9k and the next month they got 15k based on the new min salary policy. Also min wage nation wide is not really clever as the cost of living is completely difference in different provinces.

  8. I am working in the shrimp business

    A slave driver going to be hit in his wallet then? Or one of the, few, smaller, honest ones who are going to get squashed because of the big guys' tricks?
    are you calling me a slave driver? First of all the Thaivisa police should ban you for such insult. Second I am in the shrimp cultivation, not in the fishing business. All my employees are Thai. Shrimp export to Europe is 100% cultivated shrimp.
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