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Everything posted by SoilSpoil

  1. Most hotspots appear to be in Thailand. Sugar, rice and corn are cashcows for dertain conglomerates. Pollution for profit.
  2. I get 500 for a 50 minutes one-on-one and 1,000 to 1,500 for groups up to 4 kids. With no travel time, morning assembly, extra duties, lesson planning an examination involved, I dont think I will ever work in a school again. I teach coding and a bit of English.
  3. Just have a look at the pollution maps and see for yourself where the problems comes from. Farmers burning their fields, so that farm products can be sold for profit.
  4. If people fail to understand that 'police for hire' is morally wrong and abuse of authority, there is not much hope for society.
  5. and still they burn...., rubbish, fields, leaves..... every single night. Police too busy offering VIP services
  6. Why not? Well maybe the police could spend their time policing instead. The biggest problem in Thai society is it's corrupt and lazy police force. Not rocket science, is it?
  7. Price was 5k a car in 2005. We used them to get in and out of Bangkok on our school trips.
  8. Did Thailand refuse entry to Americans when they invaded countries like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan or Vietnam to name a few? Dont think so.
  9. Why would Thailand have to follow NATO, choose a side in this conflict and refuse entry to Russians? Most countries do allow Russian visitors, except for NATO countries and the likes of Japan and Korea. Of course it's money, money, money. Can't blame them really, it's not their conflict, is it?
  10. The racism on this page is getting ridiculous. Are you proud of yourself?
  11. As if teachers, eyeballs in debt, have much choice. Agree with nit taking it out on kids.
  12. Can of worms? Not condoning her actions, but a lot of Thai teachers are so stressed because of all the extra duties that come with their jobs, that they are non-stop on edge. At my previous school, most Thai teachers had to work 6 to 7 days a week, starting at 7.30 am and finishing at 6pm, without proper lunch break. I've seen several Thai teachers break down in the classroom. Needless to day that I quit and teach my own children at home. Lot of beach time now!
  13. Good day, does anyone know a dealer or bicycle shop in Phuket selling Giant mountain bikes? Im looking for a Giant Talon for personal use. I would appreciate suggestions on where to buy a good mountain bike. Thank you.
  14. Cheap international schools? I'm also looking for those on Phuket.
  15. This man, and his family, represent everything that is wrong in this beautiful country.
  16. Still lot of rain in Phuket. Cant remember so much water coming down in December, gonna be a short high season.
  17. It's hard to get any milk these days. Mejii has been sold out for more than a week already. Lord knows why...
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