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Everything posted by SoilSpoil

  1. Then I need to see a shrink. Have you ever been to Finland?
  2. Lot of people we know are miserable and depressed. Eyeballs in debt, smog, traffic jams in Bangkok, inflation, criminal government, corruption, low and expensive education for kids and so on. Thailand is the best country in world to live in when you can afford it. Most people here cannot and are miserable.
  3. Self study is the key in becoming a good coder.
  4. No way AI will replace programmers. AI solutions will only aide and facilitate humans in writing code.
  5. TIMSS and PISA international test results for Thai students are shockingly low compared to children in most other participating countries. Also, how does one measure EQ or common sense, and how is it compared with children from other countries?
  6. Not so difficult to find this guy, imho. Not a lot of people are radio luminescent.
  7. Because he can stop this war. By burning his bridges, god knows how far he might go.
  8. This will corner Putin even more and will make him increasingly desperate and dangerous. Why doesn't NATO deflate the situation first, give Putin a possible way out of this conflict and once the war is over then go for him?
  9. Hold them to a higher standard and give them a fair price for their hard work. The real problem is the profit margin that millers, factories, agro corps and supermarkets require. Time to rethink and redesign our social and economic systems.
  10. Yes, we did it! Thailand number 1. Prayuth, the agro corps , the mushroom firestarters must be beaming with pride.
  11. Guest nights vs number of tourists, care to explain the 350%?
  12. Some parts of Thailand, mainly the south. The rest of the country is choking on its own pollution.
  13. Sigh...... blaming smog on weather patterns? You really dont get it, dont you?
  14. Time to bbq a couple of pandas. Maybe the Chinese will learn their lesson and change their destructive habbits.
  15. Thailand has a history of world class athletes? This article was published 24 days too early.
  16. so you are happyto be in the US because you can buy a beer? Time for AA maybe?
  17. Alcohol is so overrated, just drink some kratom tea and inhale some Thai sativa smoke at night. No hangover for sure.
  18. Check Nasa fire maps or google: 'Bangkok post smog hotspots February 28', as I am not allowed to post the link. Most hotspots are/were within Thailand's borders. What mouthy attitude are you talking about? Is it wrong to tell someone on a forum that he or she is is wrong? Don't be such a snowflake.
  19. Selling these mushrooms need to become an illegal act. They are (thanks to the arsonists) a hazard for society.
  20. Bangkokpost had these numbers 2 days ago. More fires in Thailand than in bordering countries.
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