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Posts posted by torrow

  1. I would say go for Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela LTS and let us know if you are happy with it or not.

    Not sure if Skype for Linux has the same features as Skype for Windows but it will work anyway, used it before without problems.

    Keep us up to date!

    Ok. I'm using Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela on USB stick. So far very impressed. I already use Gimp and Firefox anyway. It's so much faster than Windows 10 preview. To be fair to Windows users, Windows 10 is a big improvement on Windows 8... but needs so much horse power to run it.

    Tried Skype - it's a bit clunky but it's fast to load and works fine. Made a video call, everything worked out of the box. And there are not ads like the Windows version!

    Will play more. If I don't find any problems, I'll take the plunge.

  2. Thanks. Really, the days are gone when you have to install loads of programs, most everything I do now is through a browser. The only things I really use are Gimp and Skype - fortunately both have windows versions.I've got an i3 laptop with 8gb of ram but it's finding Windows 10 hard work and I'm reluctant to buy a new laptop just to use on the net. I have used mint before plus some other distros - Suse, Mandarin I(is that right?) I'll try it on a stick.

  3. When I initially installed Viber, it was registered whilst I was in Cambodia using a Cambodian Sim Card. When I call the UK, USA or Thailand using Viber Out, it displays my now defunct Cambodian Cell/Mobile # on the receiving partys equipment. Even though I am calling from my phone with its now Thai Sim in it.

    Thanks, that kinda answers my question. What's the call quality like to UK landlines please?

  4. Over the years I've dabbled with Linux but have never been able to replace Windows. Also, I've never had an install that just worked, there were always problems. Considering giving it another go.

    Now I've been using the Windows 10 insider for a few months - it's good but it really does need some horsepower to run it. Apparently there is no path to the actual release version of Windows 10, I have to reinstall Windows 8 and upgrade which seems like a lot of wasted work.

    Finally, how is Skype for Linux? That one is a deal breaker.

  5. I want to call some landlines in the UK with either Skype (buy credit) or Viber out. What phone number, if any, will my contacts see when I call them from Thailand? My Viber is registered to my UK mobile number and I'm sure Skype had an option once to set the number for caller display.

    The reason I want to do this is, I have a 'gold' UK mobile number which people recognize whereas an unknown Thai number may be ignored as a potential scam.

  6. I'm making my first trip to Vientiane - I hope's ok to bundle some questions together in one post

    1: Will I need a full copy of my passport?

    2 Can I submit my application (tourist visa) on a Friday and collect it a week later?

    3: Any recommendations for a hotel close by to the embassy?

    4: Any recommendations of places to visit or things to see in Vientiane?

    4: How do I get a bus to Vang Vieng?

  7. Thanks for the replies. The situation is... they married here, the husband returned to the States and submitted the application in America using an immigration lawyer. Currently they are living apart. She has questioned the husband and he tells her it's 'On process'. Her concern is... the husband has changed his mind or found another lady and hasn't got the balls to tell her. I can't help her much because I'm only familiar with the UK process where the lady has to make the application to the UK Embassy in person.

  8. Hi,

    A Thai lady friend is married to an American citizen and a visa application was filed two years ago for her to relocate to the States (by virtue of marriage). The application was made through an immigration lawyer but in two years, there has been no progress - the application seems to be permanently 'on process'. Now she is beginning to question the honesty of the husband.

    I'm British so I'm not familiar with the American Visa procedure. I do know with a UK spouse visa the application is decided within three months or so - either granted or refused.

  9. Hi, I'm currently in Thailand on a Tourist Visa I got from Penang whist taking a week touring in Malaysia. Not sure what to do here, I will have a about 20 days left on my visa when I go for a few days holiday to Genting Highlands. One option that springs to mind is to use this as a opportunity to get another tourist visa from Kuala Lumpar while I'm nearby. I've heard KL is not a good place to apply for a visa.

  10. Are you the legal father of your child by way of marriage or legitimization? If not all you can get is a single entry non-o visa and a 60 day extension at immigration. See::How To Gain Parental Rights As A Father

    If you are the legal father you can get a one year extension of stay based upon being the parent of a Thai. You would need 400k baht in a Thai bank in your name only or 40k baht income.

    You can also get a multiple entry non-o visa at some embassies and consulates. At Savannakhet you could get one but you need your child and their mother with you to prove you are living together as a family (defacto marriage).

    I'm the legal father, my daughter born in Chiang Mai, and declared there too.

    I've the born paper with me.

    the one year thing is interesting, but still need 400k in the bank, or 40k per month, I won't get this...

    Your name on the birth certificate does not make you the legal father for visa and immigration purposes unless you were married to your child's mother either before or after their birth. If not you need to legitimize your parenthood to meet the requirements.

    If you cannot meet the financial requirements then the multiple entry non-o visa is your only option.

    Would you be kind enough to expand on what visa you are suggesting here and why... thanks

  11. Many people stay here using this method, multi entry not o visa from embassy in london, border run every 90 days will give 15 months if timed correctly then back to uk, get a new visa and come back for another 15 months with border runs every 90 days. Requirements over 65 with proof of UK state pension.

    This actually suits me because I am going back to the UK once a year. Would you be kind enough to elaborate here please? - what visa to apply for in London?

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