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Posts posted by torrow

  1. The ones I've seen in town are at junctions and not traditional zebra crossings where you walk out into the road and everything stops. I was actually amazed. I pulled up at a red light.... stopped clear of the crossing and surprisingly, every one else had done the same apart from one young lady on a motorbike. She very quickly realised she was in the wrong place and embarrased, pushed her bike back clear of the crossing

  2. not on Thai domestic TV but on either true visions also gmmz via fox sport and may be other satellite providers

    also if you have internet connection can be accessed live or as a repeat on BBC UK TV

    I have True Vision.. do you know what channel pls?

  3. Personally I think Krabi town is always fairly relaxed. Tends to rain most afternoons and evenings during low season but it's no big deal, you get used to finding your way round with an umbrella and covered pavements.

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  4. Hi, I'm trying to book an Air Asia flight online. I pick the fare then on the next page it automatically adds 660B for 20kg checked baggage.. which I don't need. I can't take it off the booking form and my idea of checked baggage is in the hold, not a small carry on. Please someone tell me how to make a booking for the ticket price only.

  5. A few weeks ago one of the airlines made a promo about taking bikes but i can't remember which one, sorry, maybe someone else can

    Ok, it's Bangkok Airways and it's called 'Bike on Board'. There is nothing on the website, you need to call them, but I gather they will load it for free.... but don't take that as 100%. You will still need to pack it as per any flight... ask the bike shop where you bought it for the cardboard box it was shipped in or get another similar. Air Asia will take bikes too

  6. I have a small logo on the back of my hands and a band around my knees but nothing else gets brown even though I ride during the middle of the day.

    I think it depends where you are. I'm down south and cannot go biking after 11am without covered skin and lots of sun block. Of course it depends if you burn quickly too. I have many Thai friends here biking and they cover everything, including a scarf round the face.

  7. 2 reasons you need helmet here... first, this is not Europe, there are many holes in the road and often have dirt (easy to slide). A few weeks ago a I followed a guy who hit a hole and went head first into a ditch. Second, the sun on your head ...seriously, it can make you very sick. Ever wondered why most Thais go biking at dawn?

  8. I'm thinking of going out in my high-viz vest. I'm hoping that will give me a waffle-grid tan...

    Actually, because I wear a backpack, I won't, but I am hoping that the vest will prevent the sweat wicking into my backpack and destroying the cardboard boxes for the inner tubes. I keep meaning to go back to the cycle shop that had a slightly bigger saddle bag (still not big enough for the sandwich and a couple of cans of beer, though), but the price made my eyes water, and I'm normally passing before they open, I think at eleven.


    With the head in the sun, I get partially blond when biking a lot, while the remain keeps a dark brown. Everyone thought I color my hair....

    Hands, partially brown partially white from the gloves, looks strange. But that is the way it must be biggrin.png

    In the shop I was yesterday, they had a water bottle, which guarantee keep the drink inside cold for 2 hours. Great for us European, so we can keep the white wine cool, the normal bottle is only suitable for red wine.

    (I recall on a training we once stopped and drank some wine somewhere at 2/3 of the way. The last 1/3 was the most horrible hard training unit I never want to feel again. We never did it again).

    Actually I look for a normal water bottle which you can open with your teeth.....but "no have", only some high-tec ones.

    Head in sun. go blond? You mean no helmet? not good idea here.

    Get a small Zebra flask, put some ice in too, stays cold all day.

    Can get cheap water bottles from Big C.- don't look in cycle department, look elesewhere

  9. My wife just told me that a friend is selling them in Nakhon Si Thammerat. Wife told they are nice....but she knows zero about it. Surely cheap, rest I don't know. My guess is that it is cheapo junk polished up to look like new.

    If you want I can get you the details and an extra discount, but don't blame me if at the end it is really junk and they don't want to take responsibility if it brakes down a day later. I don't know them very well.

    Thanks. I gave up the idea of buying second hand - most shops just have imports from Japan. I only wanted something for touring and going to the beach. I looked round Big C and Lotus but but wasn't impressed. I found a small bike shop in town, husband and wife run it together. . Great service, good price. I done 50 km on it today. Very happy.

  10. Whilst my experience with Thai women may be limited, my experience with South East Asian women is not so I was rather surprised.

    Yes, he was a Thai and this happened in public at a crowded market where they sell mostly second hand stuff; I never see another Farang there. My GF saw it too and laughed it off as no big deal.

    Guess your GF has not really blown her top yet then. When they do go it's normal to psycho in sparrow's fart time. Once that temper turns really nasty it can be slaps, kicks, and using anything that comes to hand to throw or hit with.

    A bloke in the UK took his new Thai wife shopping. They had a row as he wouldn't let her by everything and anything she wanted. She ended up walloping him with her shoe!

    Nearly as bad and quick to rile as Filipinas.

    Not yet. We've had the odd tampo, nothing more

  11. There was me thinking Thai ladies are sweet and submissive when this illusion is shattered in one blow - literally!

    At the market today, my attention was drawn to the loud voice of a lady, that unmistakeable sound of nagging. The poor husband sat in silence and took it all but then suddenly, she slapped him quite hard round the side of the head. They were stall holders; I couldn't believe it but nobody else took any notice. Is there something about Thai ladies I've yet to learn?

  12. Hi, I have to run a few lengths of cable, so I go to the electrical store for the clips etc. "Conclete or wood?" Concrete - so he gives me these stupid little nails which you cannot hold and when you try to bang them in half the wall falls apart. I was hoping for something better but in Home Pro, same nails. So what's the secret here because so far I have 2 clips in and a wall that looks like it's been machine gunned.

  13. There is a modern block opposite the spare land used for market trader parking. The rooms are ok with aircon etc. Some have a terrace but can be noisy when the market starts up. There is a sign up with a phone number but I believe the lady who runs the cake shop near Vogue is an owner. I think about 6k p/m

    thanks for the reply

    6k is around the price I'd like to pay for a clean, modern room

    I will check it out when I move down next month

    is this in Krabi town center? near to Vogue department store?

    It's at the back of the market, about 5 minutes walk from Vogue Department Store

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