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Kasset Tak

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About Kasset Tak

  • Birthday March 21

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    Northern Thailand

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  1. I have had similar problems, especially when people use 3rd party companies in Bangkok to send by Thailand post. I get a tracking number, that is then not in the EMS system, and sometimes it takes days before it's finally registered in the online system, and few times the package have been delivered with another EMS tracking number on it. And to/from abroad (home)... I had a package sitting at the airport back home for 5 weeks according to the EMS, then it was finally sent to Thailand, and arrived at my house less than 24 hours after arriving in Bangkok... and I live 400 km from Bangkok.
  2. Not anymore... I have a BA, I have taken and passed Krusapha's exams, and then after 10 years working legally with a teachers license and everything, I was denied to renew my license as I don't have a degree in Education... the laws keep on changing and changing, and it's getting harder and harder to pass. And still the Thai English teachers where I used to work can't even get past "How are you?" without struggling?!
  3. This is not like in Myanmar as the problem is that Bangkok is sinking, while the sea level is rising... and if you are right, then look at the US that have had 9 cities serve as capitals...
  4. Yeah, the problem is that Biden had too many Jews in his administration, with Blinken, Yellin, Merrick, and Mayorkas just being a few of the over 50 Jews in the Biden administration... and then look at "the others" like Bloomberg that gave over $100 million first to Biden's election campaign, and then to Harris election campaign... So, I wonder where this about making America safe for Jews comes from?!
  5. It's not about antisemitism, it's about Israelis behaving like scumbags in Thailand. I grew up getting to know a Jewish woman, an Auzwits holocaust survivor, and already in the 80's she was condemning Israel for how they were treating the Palestinians, comparing what was happening already back then with how the nazis had treated her in the Warsaw ghetto.
  6. A majority of Thai people support the legalisation of cannabis, so that this government will ban that again, while a majority of the Thais are against casinos and gambling, so they will legalise that??
  7. Well, considering that my asthma meds are equal to $6 in Thailand, $10 in Sweden, and somehow average at $550 in the US... then what do you expect from all these politicians who are bought by companies and interest organisations like AIPAC?!
  8. Well, bodily harm, so deportation and blacklisting should be the starting point in the negotiation. Then his so called friend should be taken out back for a quick exit from the gene pool.
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