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Everything posted by bignbad

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 66 seconds  
  2. He just got new 'interests' in the defence manufacturing sector
  3. Big session on beer Chang, always works for me!
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 107 seconds  
  5. To The OP. Why do you take drugs?
  6. With the new 'Baht Bus' AND the new 'Monorail' projects on the go I suppose the 'Matter Transporter' plans are on hold!
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 42 seconds  
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 80 seconds  
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  10. Just been in the village shop, beers wrapped in newspaper before putting in the bag! .....sorted.......
  11. Where is this safe Bob? Asking for a friend!
  12. Get a portable USB DVD drive and do it your self, or just watch them from the DVD
  13. Who picks the random photographs that are appearing on AN (not just this article). So wrong lately, a little editing before publishing would be good
  14. When the pot has finally finished cooking, and everything is a mush, pour it straight into the toilet bowl, sounds like the only place for it!
  15. Giving the powers to be time to build and furnish a Luxury VIP wing for the prison, so his daughter (and any others) can come back too
  16. I bought 'er indoors an Airbot, rechargeable thing, she hated it at first, now vacuums at least twice a day, loves it. Good suction, easy to clean.
  17. Well, take a test, if you are a 'good' driver it should not be problem! There should not be a 'conversion' from a foreign licence, the qualification of which was 40 years ago! Is there a 'conversion' from a foreign available in your country
  18. ENT doctor in Phyathai hospital, Sri Racha, fixed the wife's sinus problems a couple of years ago, no further problems since. Very good and efficient service, good post surgery and after care.
  19. They had a meeting, formed a committee and ate the frog of course
  20. They do it here because if they were caught racing in their own country they would be in jail. And regarding licences and abilities, I have been to Kuwait, and do not remember any motorbike traffic, apart from 'other nationalities' working as delivery riders.
  21. I used one of those cheap NIR lights, got it on Lazada, sent from China, great for me after about 2 weeks use, never needed it since
  22. Maybe the 'finest Cologne' is not so fine to the Thai nose! Shower twice a day and be natural. And maybe a 'check up from the neck up' would not be a bad idea.
  23. Surely not on the run, but on the hop....????
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