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Everything posted by rabas

  1. If you can precisely define 'threat' I will be happy to.
  2. Let my bypass your military analysis as Putin's attempt to topple Kiev now lives in infamy widely recorded everywhere and broadly analyzed. [ref]. Not sure what Putin means by initialing. Usually, negotiators initialing documents does not signify agreement and can mean as little as these are the words discussed (official copy). Anyway, the negotiators don't usually sign agreements into effect. Proof: [ref] Lead negotiator Davyd Arakhamia stated in an interview on 24 November 2023 that in March 2022 the Russian delegation had promised Ukraine peace for refusing to join NATO, but that Russia had not given any security guarantees and the Ukrainian delegation did not trust Russia to uphold such an agreement.[77][79][80] Arakhamia also refuted Putin's claim that Ukraine had signed any agreement in Turkey because the delegation did not even have the legal right to sign anything. So, Putin misinfo again.
  3. When it involves using other country's men to do the dying, that is an abomination, IMO. Either go for it- WW3, Armageddon, the end, or stop interfering in other people's conflicts to enrich your own arms industry with tax payer money. It's vile and immoral IMO. (btw, the sads aren't mine) So ,how would Ukraine keep Russia out of Ukraine (my point) without Ukrainian soldiers? You go full soundbite about the US killing Ukrainians and nuking the world, while ignoring Putin's brutal illegitimate invasion and war on Ukrainian civilians and their homes, etc. See video. You must manually insert the video URL in a browser, it shows civilian bodies. https://x.com/Alfaiomi/status/1793254414204981350
  4. The worst lies are half truths. What he said, all in one sentence, was they want to see Russia weakened so it can't do things like attacking Ukraine. Well, duh. How else can you keep Putin out of Ukraine? You are trying to make a mountain out of vacuum.
  5. Question for you. Do you believe that Russia has the right to attack other countries for territorial gain? I.e., does Russia have a right to expand Russian territory? Yes or no.
  6. The Wiki articles have 577 verified references on Russian propaganda from all over the world. Did you read them? My views on Russia come from lifelong interaction with Russia and close longtime Russian friends, not media. They will tell you do not believe anything that comes out of Russia. Emphasis theirs.
  7. Talk to Putin? Why? Russia has been the world's most prolific manufacturer of weaponized propaganda for 100+ years. Greatly improved by Putin. You stand as testimony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_the_Soviet_Union https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinformation_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine
  8. Very impressive. Horowitz is right on every point. The interview [here] was on February 24, 2022 the first day of the war. He knew.
  9. You mean like the 30000 innocent Iranians killed in 4 weeks by now dead president Ebrahim Raisi? Or the subsequent 38 years of death and imprisonment on his orders? Or the 834 he hung just last year? https://iranprimer.usip.org/blog/2021/jul/21/raisi-role-1988-massacre I'd worry more about anti American Western World enemies' gullibility.
  10. Would instrumentation failure be likely in this type of crash? First and final cockpit voice alert: "Warning, mountain 5 centimeters ahead..."
  11. People are commenting about the regime, not citizens. There are widespread reports of celebrations in Iran and by overseas Iranians. He and the regime are not well liked by many. Celebrations in Iran will be subdued because the military and feared IRGC are setting up positions around Tehran. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202405196321
  12. Sorry, The Leicester City crash was an Italian designed and manufactured AgustaWestland AW169 twin engine helicopter. Must of been the Pope's fault.
  13. I think the Ukraine join NATO to prevent attack option expired in 2014, but still you make an interesting point. As for Putin's Russia attacking NATO, he's been threatening this from the rooftops from the start of the war, even naming specific countries to take or which capitals to nuke. This brings us to a second hypocritical point, would/could Russia attack NATO, or do they lie incessantly. Got to be A or B.
  14. Truth doesn't change and stand on it's head, that's the whole point about truth. Not sure of your point so I'll go with the article's byline: "We and the EU must show the Russian leader we mean business and seize $300bn of his country’s [frozen] central bank funds." Yes!, and the time just arrived today as it's being widely reported that Putin just started seizing assets of European banks in Russia! Russian court seizes €700mn of assets from UniCredit, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank What Putin doing? His 700M theft could well lead to the seizure of Russia's 300B. The answer may be deep desperation. It's simultaneously being reported that Gazprom, Russia's biggest corp (a main source of elite corruption and mil spending) is in deep dodo and forced to make immediate fire sales to survive (as Ukraine continues pounding Russian petroleum infrastructure) Putin's Crown Jewel GasProm Forced Into Fire Sale Amid Record Losses Newsweek And, Russia's EU bank asset seizures come immediately after Putin returned from China without his long sought agreement for a gas pipeline to China, probably the reason for the trip. Here is the foundational dodo underlying all this, Russia's 10-year government bond is going through the roof. [source]
  15. No. Sounds like obfuscation (propaganda). And, no reference again ! Simply, Putin's Russia is the world's most corrupt country: [reference] [reference top 10] Probably why they will lose.
  16. Russia under Putin is a kleptocracy. The Rise of Kleptocracy: Power and Plunder in Putin’s Russia Authors: Miriam Lanskoy, Dylan Myles-Primakoff
  17. Nice soundbites, some/many are true. Certainly the West is powerless facing Putin and his ... no, wait ... "You are powerless, surrender ..." is the primary message of Russian propaganda! Oh, what to believe... How about NATO's great weapons superiority. How about NATO's $51 trillion GDP [ref]? What's Russia's GDP?, no one knows as Russia has stopped reporting any financial data to the World Bank as required to maintain their membership. Maybe ~3% of NATO's would be not far off. How about the West's great technological edge as we have seen by the failure of many of Russia's most vaulted weapons systems, like penetrated impenetrables, stopped unstoppables, and destroyed indestructibles. Never mind the UK's aircraft carrier, have you seen Russia's? Anyway the US has 11. I agree with your previous posted article warning that the West needs to wake up and take Russia very seriously. Time has come. It's a fact of history that enemies only attack when you drop your guard. BTW, I do pray for a stable world but Vladimir Putin is not the path to peace. Edit: reduce estimated Russian GDP to ~3% of NATO's. 4% was before the war.
  18. You mean the agreement to stop fighting that failed when Russia sent another large batch of its regular military at the start of January 2015[2]. Then, following the subsequent Russian victory at Donetsk International Airport in defiance of the agreement ,Russia repeated its pattern of August 2014, invading with fresh forces and attacked Ukrainian forces at Debaltseve, That agreement? That led to Minsk 2 that was a bigger mess as Russia continued to cheat. Even though Russia signed Minsk 2 (the only group with 2 signatories) they later claimed in Match 2016 it had nothing to do with them. [reference + 125 referenced addenda] Negotiations with Putin: "Trust me bro, I ain't gonna cheat you again ..." , he said for the third time.
  19. No, not disingenuous. You ignored or missed my genuine point. I correctly showed that Ukraine's death toll cannot be way beyond Russia's rather the opposite is true and 400K Ukraine dead is likely just more Russian propaganda. How many Russians, Ukrainians, or others butcher Putin is willing to kill is a different subject.
  20. Question. Invading land armies attaching prepared defenses require far greater numbers just to not get killed. This is well known. Russia also sends wave after wave of poorly trained and equipped conscripts from streets and prisons in meat grinder attacks where they die in droves. This is well documented even by Russia, a recent Russian video shows a commander telling new troops they will all die, and thanks them. You many not know that defenders have an advantage in local hospitals and doctors, which reduces deaths (but not casualties). Given these well known factors that should greatly increase Russian casualties, what logic do you use to say Ukraine has a 2X-3X higher death rate? Is it propaganda?
  21. This article is obvious propaganda. Author's name "Special", no references, rambling guesstimates (their words) and illogic. You need no more proof than the final conclusion where the author says Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief General Valerie Zaluzhnyi claimed the Russians had lost 150,000 dead. So, he opines, maybe he really meant Ukrainian dead. Not to be taken seriously. Also, the Youtube video you posted (since removed) of a Russian speaking guy driving around a Ukrainian graveyard as proof of war dead was in a civilian graveyard in Kharkiv. The author was lamenting the huge number of civilians killed by Russia. You can see this by setting English subtitles. Edit: I mention the video for the benefit of those who may have been misled by the false propaganda.
  22. Russian forces advance on Kharkiv, residents dance in streets, wait, what? Latest Jake Broe update, spoiler: Russians can't take Kharkiv, lose 1260 and 1740 soldiers on 12, 13 May respectively. Click to start at dance scene, go to start for full story.
  23. No. Russia has lost a vast amount of territory since the high point of Putin's current brutal war in Ukraine. Also note, they tried to take Kyiv in Putin's infamous 3 day special operation and failed badly. By the numbers: "Before 2022, Russia occupied 42,000 km2 of Ukrainian territory, and occupied an additional 119,000 km2 after its full-scale invasion by March 2022, totaling of 161,000 km2 By 11 November 2022, the Institute for the Study of War calculated that Ukrainian forces had liberated an area of 74,443 km2 from Russian occupation". [reference] From the same source: "During the entire 2023, the Russian forces only captured 518 km2 of Ukrainian territory, despite huge losses on the battlefield." You need better information sources.
  24. Do you know that German gas imports are now cheaper than before Putin's war? And, you suggest Putin's threats to shut off EU gas, possibly killing people, is more a reliable energy supply? I ask if know because I find it hard to believe someone can post so much Russian disinformation and not know. But I acknowledge it's possible. Read this: Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners https://ycharts.com/indicators/germany_natural_gas_border_price
  25. The less one knows about Russia, the more one cheers for Russia, even more so for Russians. Let me know when they reach 3000+ tanks destroyed. Following Putin's stopped unstoppable missiles and penetrated impenetrable missile defenses, meet Russia's indestructible tank, the storied T90: From the same Youtube channel. Why Are T 90 Tanks Losing the War in Ukraine
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