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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Graphs for above post showing global out of season SARS-2-Cov waves with links. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-cases https://ourworldindata.org/covid-cases
  2. The abstract clearly states: However, these results are correlations and not causations." Well, of course... New deadly crossover viruses like Spanish Flu and SARS-2 do not follow seasonality as they mutate wildly driving multiple out of season waves. They are not yet humanized as falsely claimed. To further their illusion, they chose six geographically contiguous countries in northern Europe that shared variants, which appear partially seasonal because the countries share deep winters. The illusion becomes complete as there will always be some seasonality. A bit like a half lie. As for the rest of the world, what seasonality? Peaks followed mutations. Wait, the huge Omicron peak did occur in Dec-Jan but oops, Omicron came from South Africa where it was the dead of summer. Worse, as it moved to the northern hemisphere it slipped out of season there.
  3. Some folks have it backwards. Thai women went bare chested more in olden days but pictures suggest it was partly about poor dress or poverty, though sometimes about ceremonies and dancers. But the elephant in the room, topless Siamese women in public didn’t become a social issue until Europeans started showing up at the Royal Court of Siam in the mid-19th Century. It's all about Western prudism! You are self-shaming!. ref From my experience, ordinary Thai women are still more comfortable topless in front of others in family or in all female company than most Westerners. Thai dancer of olden lore.
  4. Goodness, you didn't even read the paper. The paper says small rats of average weight 220±10 g. received a dose of 30 μg/Rat of Pfizer m-RNA vaccine. That's three hundred and fifty (350) times human dosage by weight. 350X. Amazing they lived, and their offspring were relatively normal except for some wobble and reduced social engagement. Far smaller changes in many essential or even beneficial substances in humans can cause damage or death. Aspirin kills at relatively low dose. There is nothing in the paper to suggest normal vaccine doses cause any such problems. It is an exploratory paper, no more.
  5. Police General Hospital PGH is a full general public hospital with 800 public beds. "General" means public. I doubt they have prison wards but certainly the luxury aircon suits are not high security prison wards. They also have public activities like the new sports club, 99 baht for 2 months to improve your figure.
  6. You garbled the dates. According to your link, a nurse reported him unwell at Bangkok Remand Prison at 11.59pm (22nd). He was admitted to PGH 12.20am (23rd) and the department deployed guards there. But the reporter (linked above) went there on the 23rd, to the 14 floor, but there was no sign of anything. Thus, if he arrived on the night of 22/23, and he was not there the next day (23rd), and It was never announced he arrived on a later date how, according to official statements, is he there now? I look forward to your factual logical solution.
  7. He is allegedly in PGH. I see you are now accepting common knowledge. But do you know Thai common knowledge? It's not the same.
  8. You seem to like official statements. Well, it was official announced he arrived the day before (in an ambulance) but there were no signs he was there the next day. It has never been announced that he arrived on some later date. Therefore, he would not be there now, or ever. You do like logic, right?
  9. Um, what is written just before those words? ... that you can't read the post, which is Thai. You can't understand Google's translation. You also can't understand the actual discussion which is in the video with the evidence. But then you reason it has no value because it was 5 months ago? That was the very day after Thaksin was allegedly taken to the 14th floor, in a location claimed to be without air conditioning. So it looked like he didn't arrive.
  10. You have two choices, it was an eye exam or the image released by Thaksin of him and Paetongtarn at the ophthalmologist in Dubai was faked by Thaksin. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/paetongtarn-in-dubai-to-meet-thaksin/
  11. The poster's comment in Thai is not meaningless, just Google's translation. Or better, just listen to the video which contains all the factual evidence. So OK you can't, but at least accept that. The X post is only an intro comment to the video. It basically says "The reporter easily took the lift up to the 14 floor just before the hospital locked the lift's doors. That is, that was in the past, but now times have changed and one would not be able to do so." I.e., the hospital began locking the lift after the incident. The video talks about what the reporter saw, which was nothing to indicate Thaksin was there. No guards, nothing, as well as the lift being open to the general public, also unguarded. Further, the whole floor seemed to be air conditioned, cool and comfortable (contrary to police claims). The 3 nurses at the nurses' station had no fans or other means to stay cool without air conditioning. (according to the video) link to referenced video
  12. Except most Thai. Thai know things because they know how Thais communicate. Westerners not so much. A Thai lie is often not meant to deceive, just preserve the face of those who pretend to believe it. Nothing more. So if you have proof Thaksin ever went to the police hospital I would be interested.
  13. Goodness, what's going on in Singapore? Is this because of limited reporting (noted at top of graph) or because of something in Singapore.
  14. It's very possible that one brand/version/batch of a rapid test kit will not detect more recent strains of SARS-2-Cov, while PCR tests still work. This is in part because SARS-2 is a particularly infectious and rapidly mutating virus, possibly as a result of R&D programs studying such properties (as we now know). Rapid tests only look at viral surface proteins, mostly from the changeable spike. PCR test's deeper in viral RNA and sees parts that rarely change. ATK manufacturers adapt to newer strains but it's a bit like trying to board a moving train. So it's important to check the manufacturing date and try different brands. Here is a 2 minute video that explains clearly (from approved sources) Why a rapid test might not detect all COVID variants
  15. Thank you. I see a broad variety on iherb.
  16. Sorry to awake the thread. I'm looking for Melatonin to help my wife sleep better. I haven't used it for many years but from comments here I though it would be readily available on Lazada and Shopee. I was surprised to find none except for one hoax brand selling a 'natural' form that claims only 1.05 micrograms per capsule. Should be 1 to 10 milligrams. Shopee search find nothing. So have they stopped selling Melatonin OTC in Thailand? This is the fake brand on Lazada, some versions mention vitamin B i then listing details. Thai for 1.05 micrograms 1.05 ไมโครกรัม is in the first bullet.
  17. Unfortunately, truth is not negotiable. Surely they both knew something was a foot but perhaps Israel didn't know when. Iran is quite genius at using it's various proxy forces in the region, which they've been building for a very long time. Iran was also a major factor in the Oct 7 attack. Wiki: 2023 Israel–Hamas war : Iran proxy warfare The IRGC reportedly worked with Hamas to plan the 7 October attack and gave the green light to launch the assault on a meeting in Beirut on 2 October. In the weeks leading up to the attack, some 500 fighters from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad received training in Iran, under the guidance of the IRGC Quds Force. Iranian officials publicly boasted for years about their role in arming militants in Gaza, and a 2020 US State Department report said Iran funnels $100 million a year to Hamas.
  18. My guess is that nothing will happen that didn't already happen years ago when you brought taxable income in from abroad in the same year you earned it. Except now every year is the 'same' year. Perhaps now we know the Thai meaning of 'same same'. Q: Is next year the same as the current (i.e., same) year? A: Yes, same same.
  19. Taking advantage of a tax loophole, such as this one, I doubt the Thai wait till next year rule is was illegal or even frowned on. I once asked the Revenue Dept about tax on a significant amount earned income from China and they said "Oh, no need, wait till next year and there will be no tax."
  20. I thought that's probably what you meant, but good to fix. Overall, your summary of tax issues is very useful, I saved a copy. Thank you for your work.
  21. ...YOU are responsible for determining if you have the minimum assessable income in Thailand each year - YES ...which means you must file a tax return. - NO This was not a general rule before the loophole change so should still be not true. I would be interested to know if you know of of new rules.
  22. No, I believe you were putting words in my mouth to dodge my point, and are now doing it again. Do you understand that many Gaza casualties are because Hamas use of human shields?
  23. I 'believe' your unintelligible answer/question proves you know Hamas use of human shields is why casualties are so high. Always have.
  24. Nor will they ignore the deaths of Palestinians who aren't Hamas. Do you understand yet? Yes. Then they will put 2 and 2 together to realize they are related. Just like cause and effect. As most everyone already knows.
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