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Everything posted by rabas

  1. How to say you didn't listen without saying it? Post off topic propaganda video from youtube. Paid for by the government that shelters the head of Hamas.
  2. Watch BBC reporter get schooled by a real international lawyer & expert on laws of war. Choice moments include Israel's rights what ever it takes, and utterly morally repugnant accusations of collective punishment that are even liable. International law 1, BBC 0, Hamas -10 (Thorgal scoreless)
  3. Some of my Russian friends came to Thailand basically to stay alive. They hate Putin. They say everything you hear from Putin is a lie. One of their fathers whom I've known for decades, hates Putin so much he won't repeat his name (also for fear of his live, too). He also admires America, the West, and even Asia. Seems anything not Putin's Russia is good to him. Maybe you read to much media.
  4. Seeming one way or the other can also be due to media presentation. Some major media has been surprisingly accommodative of Hamas. Why? More controversy, more clicks. It's unfortunately the world we live in. But your question is still valid, if Hamas gets more media on it side is it achieving its goal? Maybe a little, but the unprecedented, utterly horrific inhuman terrorist attack pushed them far back from the goalpost, possibly out of the game. I think its time to treat such terror as separate from all other issues. It's not OK. (yo, Thorgal) I would also ask about Iran's goals but that's a bit early. I'd also say no here, 200,000 tons of aircraft carriers pointing in your direction already shooting down missiles is a strong message.
  5. A Thai has no issue wearing a mask. A Thai has no issue not wearing a mask. A Thai has no issue wearing a mask sometimes and not others. A Thai with mask has no issue with a Thai without one. A Thai without mask has no issue with a Thai with one. In this way they are vastly freer that you, Bob, and live a better life. Sometimes, some of my family were masks, usually when sick, always have. No one has ever said a word.
  6. You reason they understand slogans?
  7. Were hiding... Have you seen the many videos of high precision IDF bunker busters walking down the center lane of major roads in Gaza?
  8. So shelling and bombing civilians remedies that ? No but shelling and bombing Hamas does..
  9. No. But you did toast Hamas' claim that IDF bombed the hospital by posting the intercept of Hamas admitting it, which you used as true 'evidence'. That wins first in category.
  10. Your NASA reference is for kindergarten thru 4th grade students and still you blew it. Airplanes can and do have rotors in front. Anyway, that was a drone, so when I put my drone is my bag, I have an aircraft carrier.
  11. Which languages did you search in? Using what tools and settings?
  12. So you post the recording between two supposed Hamas operatives as corroboration of your already disproved theories. When asked directly if you think it is real, you deflect and refuse to answer. May the court enter into the record...
  13. Do you accept the audio tape is real? 1. The IDF did record Hamas. 2. The Hamas operatives are not lying. Yes or no. Then we can address other points.
  14. All killing immediately stops when those who massacred 1000s of innocent Israeli civilians drop their arms and accept responsibility for their actions. That is the first necessary step to a lasting peace between the two peoples. That is what you want, or not?
  15. and ... the head of Hamas is worth $4 billion begging the question how profitable is Hamas terrorism to him? A case of follow the money? Ismail Haniyeh’s Net Worth and Wealth Revealed: A Shocking $4 Billion His income is as mysterious as his group’s finances. He allegedly embezzled charitable funds and imposed taxes on the use of tunnels to pass to and from Gaza. WIKI Ismail Haniyeh
  16. Mixed. I stated with great clarity. They even say so. You obfuscate by changing my words to 'forged a live clip'.
  17. Yes, the original video that clearly showed the rocket's break up was initially filmed by Al Jazeera. That has now circulated worldwide. Al Jazeera is now trying to obfuscate that same video by mixing it will irrelevant clips and making up stories. See the video you posted earlier.
  18. Breaking, 12 hrs ago Army expert Lt. General Mark Hartley provides a complete explanation of the break up and fall of Hamas's errant rocket that fell on the Gaza Hospital parking lot, precisely following Rabas's earlier AN description. This discredits many of the deflective posts about big craters and giant IDF missiles.
  19. Lol, that's not the same small mark you called a crater in your previous post. What does it tell you when someone continues to make self inconstant claims? Does he believe them?
  20. Lol, that's a slow motion high pressure blast. You don't think that would blow leaves off the trees in the parking lot, or blow the trees away? Watch the morning after video, all the trees still have leaves and look unperturbed. Anyway, your alleged crater wouldn't be there. Please stop with the nonsense.
  21. A two foot diameter crater (or less)? Are you kidding? That's the diameter of the rocket motor, which falling from a high altitude would punch a small hole in a dirt/cobble surface. The remaining rocket fuel then ignited and burned the cars. Talk about seeing only what one wants to see.
  22. Crystal clear up close video of intact hospital, from local Gazans. Warning: video contains broken windows and a burnt tree.
  23. It's odd Hamas didn't talk on public airways to prepare a secret attack? Talk about seeing what you want to see.
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