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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Oh, well before that. Dots never stop. And they surely don't stop on a single dot of your choice.
  2. ... and that terrorist attack caused this. By Hamas design, this is the only way to stop worse to come. You must connect all the dot's, not just those you choose.
  3. Far more one sided on October 7. But you always forget that.
  4. Not sure when it starts, but surely it ends when Hamas puts them directly in the firing line with the IDF. Or tells them to stay above ground as Hamas hides in tunnels, or blocks them from leaving combat zones, or fires rockets from hospitals full of noncombatants, or just bombs the hospitals themselves. So I think your question is wrong. When do noncombatant Palestinians have a right to defend themselves from Hamas? Please do not ask this distorted question again...
  5. The data is not 'fraudulent'. The graph was not prepared by the CDC, the graph was made using CDC data, presumably by the insurance industry. The graph is misleading because of data choices make by the graph preparer. It's purposely misleading to support increased insurance rates.
  6. For a good understanding of excess mortality and calculations, check the HMD (human mortality database) the world experts. Note discussion on reliability and accuracy. https://www.mortality.org/ Cool domain name, wonder who owns www.dead.org.
  7. So, why does Brian's true excess-death graph show minimal current excess death in contrast to Red Phoenix's? Because real excess death is compared to a multi-year average, otherwise you can get bogus results. This is well known. Phoenix's graph uses a single year baseline, 2019, and only covers the first 5 months rendering the graph near meaningless. The graph was probably prepared by insurance companies to justify increasing rates.
  8. Rasmussen Reports Poll - 24% of US Citizens Say Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Put in perspective: In 2022, 34% of Americans believed in UFOs driven by aliens. That rose to 42% after recent congressional hearings. [ref] Therefore: Twice as many Americans believe aliens exist than believe they think they know someone who died of Covid vaccines.
  9. That sums it up. They only changed a well known loophole allowing Thai and tax residents to avoid tax on remitted overseas earned income by waiting until the year after it was earned. A few years ago I auctioned some valuables in China. So I called the RD and asked if I was liable for tax. The kind lady (your wife?) said any profit would be taxable and recommended I use the loophole by waiting till next year to avoid tax. Thanks RD. Rich Thai using the loophole will be most affected. This may also force many to repatriate large sums of overseas money before Jan 1, 2024. That could be part of the plan. Foreign retirees like me are not on their radar. They got bigger fish to scale.
  10. In 2022, the estimated revenue of the US Health industry was US$2829.6 billion. [ref] Make pills not bombs!
  11. I have to agree on China. I just returned from Shanghai where ominous things seem afoot. It was oddly quiet with few foreigners. I talked with a Chinese friend who lives there but now holds Singapore citizenship. He said about 50,000 of China's richest elite have left China and moved to Singapore with all there money, just in the last year. Parts of the economy are undergoing unprecedented collapse most notably China's massive real estate sector. Recently two top CCP officials have been or are being purged, both were Xi supporters. So the stage is set for your scenario. Edit: one of the officials is defense minister Li Shangfu. He was initially chosen by Xi.
  12. I agree, Russians and Russia would, should be great allies for the West, this has been know for decades. The problem has been 1. corrupt communism followed by 2. even more corrupt Putin. Allies has not really been in the cards so far. There was serious talk of Russia joining NATO in 2000 when Putin became president. Both sides made positive moves. One reason it fell through was Putin's demand to immediately join allowing Russia to skip lots of checks and requirements, possibly leading to a fox in the hens house situation. Another factor may be the US's position of strength. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule Other than that, Russia has been, particularly after its blundered attach on Ukraine, the top strategic, dangerous threat to the West. The West has no option other than to oppose an expansionist RusPutin. China is a completely different story, more of great global competition and cooperation. In the long term both will hopefully realize they have more to gain in a cooperative relationship.
  13. Given you must leave the hospital or clinic with 4-5 medications, this looks more like a prescription for IBS, Irritable Bowl Syndrome. IBS is common here and most everywhere. It's a chronic often lifetime sentence to intestinal disturbance in part related to food. Doctors often consider anxiety a contributing factor, but not primary cause. The idea is treating anxiety can reduce real intestinal track symptoms. Both Flupentixol and Gabapentin can be prescribed for IBS. TREATMENT OF IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: A REVIEW , International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics (sorry pdf) I know this because my wife has had IBS more than 35 years since catching it while we lived Singapore, and she has been through all the best doctors. Surprisingly, they discovered a major cause of IBS two years ago, which explains how my wife 'caught it'. A real intestinal infection triggers the intestinal immune system to wrongly remember a food type as a trigger, thus the lifetime reaction to foods. Not all doctors will know this yet. So the question is, why did the doctor think of treating IBS? Did your wife possibly mention prior or repeating stomach problems?
  14. What? How can someone be bored thinking creatively about amazing things? So I am thinking, the premise of the entire thread is wrong.
  15. Seems about the right number. My immediate family of 10 who I live with had 3 cases of long covid varying from mild to pretty heavy. One 35 yo niece who works as a lawyer experienced heavy brain fog that took months to clear and badly affected her work. The other cases were milder but real and aggravating. What some naysayers seem to forget is that any new crossover virus from nature (via lab or not) can reek havoc throughout the body. Covid hits the lungs, heart, circulatory system, other organs, is particular hard on the liver, and is know to affect the brain. Of course there will be varying degrees of damage. On the contrary, human's have long adjusted to the common cold, which is now a nothingburger.
  16. As rabas stated correctly because the CDC does not define science, does it? Thought you didn't trust them anyway, more covoluted reasoning on your part.
  17. And that proves what? I'm a pretty good scientist myself and know exactly what he means. Only that he did not initially develop it as a diagnostic tool, as I explaind above and you ignore as usual. This is true of most all things. Microwaves were not initially intended for ovens.
  18. No the general definition of vaccines didn't change nor did the science of immunology, which you don't seem to underatand. More dork science like the Kary guy saying PCR was not invented aa a diagnostic tool.
  19. Exactly what scientific evidence do you have that the long history of vaccines does NOT relate (and strongly) to mRNA "vaccines" ? Your statement suggests a lack of an even basic understanding of science or what a vaccine is. Science is based on reasoning, not hot media sound bites.
  20. Kary is knowingly pulling wool over the eyes of the technically challanged. He says PCR was not developed as a diagnostic tool. BFD. The best way to show what he is doing is by analogy. The integrated circuit and CPUs were not developed for mobile communication. But every mobile phone uses them. ICs were made to measure temperates in oil wells. CPUs were invented to control traffic lights. And a new fool is made everyday.
  21. You conflate an activity, terrorism, with a historical conflict, then lie that terrorism is not terrorism if terrorists like Hamas do it. What crap. Beyond that lie, that any conflict can a priori only be resolved through horrific inhuman terrorism is an utter lie. Terrorism is likely the worst and least successful approach possible. History tells us this.
  22. Dear god, it's the first item that comes up in google, don't just search under your bed... Individuals born within the country receive an Israeli passport at birth if at least one parent is a citizen. Non-Jewish foreigners may naturalize after living in the country for at least three years while holding permanent residency, renouncing former citizenship, and learning Hebrew. Wow.
  23. Yes, you are mistaken. Arab and Muslims in Israel are full citizens. 2 million of them. Israel is a democracy, the only democracy in the Middle East ranked 29th worldwide. See Democracy Index WIKI. This does not include Gaza, which is a terrorist state run by Hamas. Good time to ask oneself how much else am I unaware of. Probably most of us.
  24. Not only citizens, Arab Muslim women are not required to, and often don't, cover their heads. Many appreciate living in a normal society. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/21/middleeast/arab-israeli-citizens-cmd-intl/index.html ... back to Hamas ...
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