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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Very different calculus. The faster Hamas is nullified as a viable force, the less likely that Iran, its various proxies, and other players like Syria/Russia will choose to escalate in support of Hamas. So it's a matter of "Quick, before it all blows up".
  2. Nonsensical. The Israeli are warning residents of Gaza via text messages, WhatsApp and social media to leave certain neighborhoods and relocate expecting a heavy airstrike period in this area. https://twitter.com/AuroraIntel/status/1711712692107460960
  3. Holtz is not talking about true contrarians, but about blurred folks blindly following other blurred folks on social media. A bit like someone bashing Hotez as a big pharma baddie clueless that Hotez is actually a top anti big pharma hero. Yes, he's brilliant and designs his own vaccines that he gives away for free to combat big pharma. "CORBEVAX, licensed for free to Indian biopharmaceutical compaies, represents a major step toward accelerating worldwide access to vaccines. Hotez is also working on vaccines for hookworm, leishmaniasis, and other overlooked illnesses." There are other bright scientists fighting big pharma whom I've discussed in the past.
  4. This an altered mis-quote from Chomsky (in fact only part is from him) and not even about Gaza. https://ceasefiremagazine.co.uk/it-misquoting-noam-chomsky-gaza/ Worse, the mis-quote is from 2012.
  5. Chaengwattana here. Online reporting is usually fast but the last one was very slow, in fact exactly 15 days, applied Sept 4, received Sept 18. No idea why. I decided to just wait after I confirmed my latest application was identical to previous ones, I did not make a mistake. I applied two days before the actual renewal date Sept 6.
  6. FI, factual information (not sure about the handbag). This is Hamas's second and most successful attempt to overwhelm Iron Dome. The first was May 10 2021 when Hamas fired 4,350 rockets but over a longer time. Iron Dome can launch up to 800 interceptors at a time, subject to location and target constraints, and can reload subject to onsite ammo. Firing 5000 rockets rapidly followed by more would likely cause problems and was surely planned. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-iron-dome
  7. Hard to say without knowing what would happen if the most infectious and mutagenic respiratory virus ever seen went unopposed. It certainly doesn't sound like a rational idea.
  8. Did you do the transfers at the counter? That was always allowed. I signed up for BB about 10 years ago and things may have eased up since then esp with newer tech. My wife complains because I pay condo fees once every 3 months. I looks like too much, she says. So I did the same as you with SS from Bangkok Bank, and had her put the money is a carry bag.
  9. No. Not until risky gain of function research is regulated responsibly worldwide and, the US and Western governments can prevent state actors like China from perusing bio-weapon power. Tall order. As of today most virologists graduating from top universities can design their own virus and in not so many years kids may be able to using their USB5.0 home virolab kit. You can already buy home gene scanners and check out your own DNA.
  10. SSA transfers to Bangkok Bank require a special restricted SSA defined account with no means to withdraw funds except in person, at the counter, with a smile. No card, no transfers, and no 3rd person authorizations. I once asked what if I was hospitalized in need of immediate life saving care. I think they said the bank could send an agent to the hospital to authorize a payment. I could not authorize my wife. Switching to SCB relieved one of those chronic headaches about living here.
  11. I changed from Bangkok Bank to an existing SCB account 2 years ago using the form posted above. It was easy. I took the form to an SCB branch near me and had a bank official sign it, then sent the form to the Philippines SS office.
  12. Because it limited worldwide SARS-2-Cov deaths to around 20 million and the number with long term illness to around 100 million. Not bad for the most infectious respiratory virus ever seen. Note: the Nobel prize is given for scientific work that led to vaccines. The ability to use the body's own mRNA to fight disease is a miracle that will pan out over many decades. Yes, your body is perpetually swimming in vast amounts of mRNA. It is the very essence of life.
  13. Thai men have a saying about Thai women in general: Gae reo tai cha. Age fast die slow.
  14. If you saw the tall slender Chinese Malay girl that greeted me in a British accent the first time I went to Malaysia, you would understand.
  15. The West would not hold a referendum at gunpoint. Referendum by gun usually favors those holding guns. As if Putin or the Soviets ever told the truth anyway. During the referendum Russian soldiers (who weren't there) took over public buildings and Ukrainian military installations. Um, who should I vote for? More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Crimean_status_referendum
  16. There is no picture of Thaksin actually in hospital. Why a helicopter? An ambulance would be easier. After he couldn't sleep, helicopter+pilot was ready at 12:30am? With intense political pressure, the only evidence to 'show' he's in hospital: LOL, I believe! wink wink
  17. Where did I say you did? Your words that I quoted were in . . . . quotation marks! 'Knowingly unprepared' is simply recorded history.
  18. Your original point "It's been proven that Russia was not prepared for a conventional war against a tenacious enemy," So, starting the most massive invasion of a sovereign nation since the WWII era, knowingly unprepared, is pretty irrational. So, why do you assume a more rational future Putin? Concerning Russian esp. Putin's rationality, see renowned Putin expert Julia Ioffe's interview 'Putin's Road to War'. Below is a clip asking how dangerous is Putin. Also watch her full interview. Her interviews average about 5M views.
  19. On opening Schrödinger's box, the live and dead cats collapsed to FSB agents making fake videos from earlier recordings. Here is yesterday's, of an award ceremony at the HQ from before its destruction mysteriously filmed both before and after.
  20. First, I don't accept your premise that Putin would not take the rest of Ukraine because he would need nukes to attack NATO. It's a bit flawed like a Möbius strip. Likewise, the irrational nature of Putin's initial invasion does not argue for rational behavior going forward. Further, nothing about World, Russian, or Putin's history even hints that Putin would be satisfied with Eastern Ukraine. Remember he initially attacked Kyiv from the North West.
  21. You must read all the news with an open mind. Then reverse anything from the Russian State, if they say 'not shot down', it was. If they say 'he's alive', then he's dead. If it 'can't be shot down', then it's easy. Like that. Been that way from Soviet days.
  22. At Munich in 1938, Chamberlain got an international agreement that Hitler should have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. Chamberlain said it was 'Peace for our time'. Hitler said he had 'No more territorial demands to make in Europe. Imagine believing that again, about a despot who already said he wants more. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/chamberlain-and-hitler/
  23. Question, did you have a sore arm, or was your immediate reaction mostly global?
  24. In her case it started directly with a Covid infection and just got worse. Covid is a very nasty virus and can cause problems throughout the body including the heart, circulatory system, and brain. In her case, the neurological issues are severe. But long covid is common, three family members living with me had it but lucky recovered in 2 to 3 months. In your case, two days after vaccination is close to peak immune reaction to the vaccine. It's hard not to associate your case with the shot. I can sympathize because chronic low level problems can be a real drag. Since vaccines represent the viruses they seek to stop, it's not far fetched to ask if vaccines could trigger long covid in rare circumstances. Maybe look up "long vax" or search for "can vaccines cause long covid". Here's one, there are several. NIH: PubMed: In rare cases, vaccines may cause Long Covid-like symptoms Good luck.
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