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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Rays of truth begin to emerge with daybreak. If early images are indicative, the Gaza hospital bombing may live in infamy as the Great Nothing Burger. No significant structural damage to buildings, a heavily burned out parking lot. Did 800 people die in those few cars. Image from CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-news-hamas-war-10-18-23/h_2b0ca738700446dc5c8615090e1f3331
  2. What's more, if a rocket breaks up into warhead and long rocket motor, the motor will likely tumble, fall slower, and land last as shown in the video. So where are the 800 dead? No single missile kills 800 at once. The two World Trade Center buildings was 2753+ fatalities. Two hundred floors.
  3. Well, gosh, my exact analysis. A rocket motor with lots of propellant fell at the hospital.
  4. I don't need to step back as I'm fully capable of analyzing video content. The video is a recording of factual information from a real event. If two people have different views of that event then one, if not both, are wrong. I strongly encourage more people to look at actual information rather that listening to talking heads.
  5. You don't need to listen to anyone. Watch the video, what do you see? How do you account for it? Don't just listen to talking heads, especially propaganda experts.
  6. It currently does not fit any actual evidence, only propaganda.
  7. They do have larger missiles like the ones fired at Haifa in northern Israel but they are of low quality. One large rocket is the M-302 Khaibar-1. They recently bragged about even larger ones like the Badr 3. The hospital video shows two explosions from falling debris, probably the warhead and the rocket body, which likely hit the hospital. The rocket body contains a lot of highly explosive rocket fuel. Rocket types, authentic link 😁
  8. What? A reddit account named northernIreland linked to an Al Jazeera page that has since been deleted/closed with no reference to New York Times is your proof?? ... then you opine there must be a reason things are deleted. Well yes. Please provide a direct link to the investigation of the video timestamp in your claim. It cannot be the video showing the hospital being hit. So, more misinformation.
  9. See my rebuttal already posted. Please start showing some proof to back up your many false claims.
  10. More misinformation and false propaganda. The ultra clear video of the hospital bombing I posted above shows the hospital itself in flames, the hospital building is clearly visible with its unique rooftop solar array. It's not fake, It cannot have the 'wrong timestamp'.
  11. Please provide proof of your false accusations. The hospital video clearly shows a solitary rocket from Gaza braking up above the hospital then falling in two pieces, one of which hits the hospital. The two pieces are probably warhead and rocket body, which is still full of explosive rocket fuel because the rocket just launched. The body likely hit the hospital causing the heavy flames seen. Tech analysis: Before the rocket explodes, it starts to become brighter, eventually so bright is causes a lens flare. When it does explode, flame shoots out perpendicular to the flight path, consistent with a breakup of forward and aft sections. Note, Hamas has access to very large rockets like the Badr 3. These are usually launched one at a time as in the video.
  12. An Al Jazeera junkee suggesting other info is propaganda. Hamas planned in advance to and did target elementary schools and a youth center. Gunning for kids. And yes they did mutilate and behead children. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/top-secret-hamas-documents-show-terrorists-intentionally-targeted-elem-rcna120310
  13. So, severe storm warnings and evacuation advisories in Florida are ethnic cleaning? Who knew. Gazans were advised to leave their homes, not Gaza, temporarily to save their lives. Hamas is trying to keep them there to die.
  14. As you are agreeing with the poster's claim of ethnic cleansing: There is NO ethnic cleansing, there is NO carpet bombing of Gaza. If you want ethnic cleansing, look to your friends Iran, Hamas, and others who deny the Jewish state's right to exist. Follow the logic for one minute.
  15. Hamas is using roadblocks and possibly car bombs to stop fleeing Gazans and kill them. Time to end Hamas. Xlink roadblocks. XLink carbomb
  16. Lol, define 'direct' involvement. Funds transferred via SWIFT versus crypto? Training in Gaza versus Iran/Syria? Not sneaking weapons in? From the Atlantic Council: For years, Iran has provided Hamas the overwhelming majority of its funding, weapons, and training—all of which were leveraged for this attack. Iran's foreign minister is meeting with Hamas right now in Qatar [reference].
  17. A clip from one bombing video showed a series of bombs dropped every 20 meters down the center line of a major street. Each bomb made a small hole and exploded straight up without touching buildings. Those must have been bunker busters. I can't find that video but found a similar one.
  18. If you already damaged my house and want the money to attack me, I may hold it until it is safe to return it. If you're already trying to destroy me (as in Russia/Ukraine) I may just give the money to Ukraine.
  19. Poster wanders a dark imaginative cavern unaware Hamas is killing more Gazans by telling them to stay put and die as Israel urges them to flee and live. Hamas is the terrorist.
  20. NBC News exclusive. ‘Top secret' Hamas documents show that terrorists intentionally targeted elementary schools and a youth center.
  21. Hamas, in and of itself, beyond all consideration, is utterly wrong. ⚫ <== period. Would you like to discuss anything else?
  22. There have been many fake accusations of the IDF using white phosphorus, most are videos and images from the Ukraine war. These have been posted on social media since almost the first day. There is now a claim from Human Rights Watch who says they confirmed a video of one use in Gaza with 2 or 3 artillery shells, on a seaside location. The announcement comes from the Beirut office. The images are clear but the video elusive. LINK Israel has denied the HRC claim. LINK Edit: the HRW's two videos come from X social media. Link to HRW analysis page. Such claims need verification in war time.
  23. Been reported on propaganda social media for a few days now. All fake images. I feel well that you don't have a clue.
  24. Israel just warned a million people to leave the target areas in Gaza. And Hamas told them to stay and die, as leaders sit in safety. I hope they ask themselves who their friend is. Anyway, Israel has been warning them all long about target areas via leaflets and social media. The new one million figure is for civilians to move south out of the path of the impending ground offensive. I do feel sorry for all who suffer though.
  25. Hamas can release the hostages at any time.
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