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Everything posted by Pmbkk

  1. If others are being paid to post , how do I claim my money ? ????
  2. Never seen any banking docs that say "particularly for residents of Thailand" in over 30+ years of working in banking. ????
  3. Only girls play rounders....... How you can say it's one of the world's "greatest sports, particularly on TV" I don't understand. Never seen it on UK TV. I think Tom Hanks starred in a movie about it once. A damn sight more play cricket - what is with Americans that they think everything revolves around them.. Enjoy the Football WORLD cup - played by most nations. ????
  4. My sister had skin cancer from using sun beds from her teenage years. She also likes her multiple hot hols, but the doc' said probably from sunbed usage. Totally advise against them after seeing her injuries. She recently had surgery and the state of her back and arms after all the stitches was amazing - I was totally shocked. Looked like a couple of Rottweilers had used her for a long lunch.
  5. If it's not sunburn it could be seborrheic dermatitis " Seborrheic (seb-o-REE-ik) dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects your scalp. It causes scaly patches, inflamed skin and stubborn dandruff. It usually affects oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest" You can get Dermovate from a Chemist(cost < 300 baht) e.g. Boots without prescription - I believe it requires a prescription in the UK
  6. I'm fortunate enough to be married to a Doctor so I usually ask her for medical advice. But yes, both excellent contributors.
  7. Without Ubon Joe - close it down.......
  8. Yes he did and he made very little impact. Would have been better bringing on someone who's job it was to score goals..... They knew they needed another goal.
  9. I got mine today in London - the P.O. server said 1949 and showed me their official document, I showed them their own P.O. updated website page. Much to the guy's annoyance he gave me the 68' version.
  10. If you've already got an IDP recently what is it, 1949 or 1968 and when did you get it? The Uk GOV website says 1968, but the post office did say 1949 until a few weeks ago. I wrote an email to the post office saying they're form was wrong - I added a comment in a thread on here a few weeks ago detailing the discrepancy. Now the Post Office has updated their website - no thanks from the P.O. for me correcting them ???? Not even a free 5.50 IDP. ???? https://www.postoffice.co.uk/identity/international-driving-permit#IDP-Checker To drive in Thailand you will need an International Driving Permit 1968 Permit valid for 3 year
  11. That was my understanding. We'll complete it anyway as we'll be in BKK if we go ahead. Appreciate the feedback from everyone. Regards P
  12. My Wife has come across something entitled 'Letter of Confirmation' which we should both sign - Thai embassy website. ( I know it says old - but she also has a link from the Vancouver embassy ) http://old.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/pdffile/buyland1.pdf As she bought it in her own name, before we were married I don't think we need it, but apparently "chatter" on Thai websites say we both need to sign it as we're now married. Anybody signed such a document? Regards P
  13. Thanks for that. I already have someone that's offered to buy it - I just want to get the groundwork in if I decide to sell.
  14. Hi Question re selling a condo in Thailand. My Thai wife ( then girlfriend ) and I bought a condo in BKK about 10 years ago( in her name). We subsequently got married and still are. We're looking at selling the condo. Are there any requirements from my side(British) for my wife to sell it - any official documentation required? If so what, and is it better to get it in England or Thailand We currently live in England, but are back to BKK for a few months next month. Thanks in advance. Regards P
  15. My Thai wife - obtained her British citizenship recently. She applied for her first UK passport - which requires additional documents to a simple renewal and a face-to-face interview. The interview they skipped, notified by email. From application(incl' sending her Thai passport ) to receipt of UK passport ( from Liverpool ) it took 4 weeks. This was in the last week. So not too sloppy !!
  16. I applied for 60 day tourist evisa from London last Friday and I got a successful email the following Tuesday morning. ( This week ) It contains a PDF to print out ( same as the evisa site) Cost was £30
  17. That says the 1949 version - according to the UK government website it says THAILAND 1968 https://www.gov.uk/driving-abroad/international-driving-permit FYI - if you go to the Post office website that says 1949 too
  18. I believe there is only one place ( in Silom ). Kasemkij building 8th floor 120 silom rd bangkok 10500 ( Not far from Bangkok Bank main branch ) Appointments to be booked online
  19. We fast-tracked our ILR application ( the one before citizenship ) and it cost us £800 in Feb' 2022. Next day reply. Cheers
  20. My Thai wife, just got her citizenship - her British passport delivered last week ! Does this cover it: ( https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-appendix-fm-se-family-members-specified-evidence ) 2. In respect of salaried employment in the UK (except where paragraph 9 applies), all of the following evidence must be provided: (a) Payslips covering: (i) a period of 6 months prior to the date of application if the person has been employed by their current employer for at least 6 months (and where paragraph 13(b) of this Appendix does not apply); or (ii) any period of salaried employment in the period of 12 months prior to the date of application if the person has been employed by their current employer for less than 6 months (or at least 6 months but the person does not rely on paragraph 13(a) of this Appendix), or in the financial year(s) relied upon by a self-employed person. I know how daunting those forms seem ???? Hope it all goes well. The missus kept a record of most things re requirements and timelines. We went via Croydon(London).
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