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Posts posted by jobsworth

  1. i am told that there is very little gold in the world and the volume would only fill an olympic sized swimming pool. I went into this some time ago when in Perth Australia. The gold they sell is 99.999% pure and too soft to be of any use in jewelry so it gets mixed with silver I think and becomes 96% pure which is what they sell in Thailand. In Perth they also sell gold certificates which can be traded like gold. The main problem with gold is storage. I bought an ingot and kept it in my hotel room. Not finding a safe place to store it I sold it back to the gold shop. The price in 1985 was about $800 us per ounce which fell to about $287 when I bought it and has now risen to about $1500 per ounce. Some say that all currencies are doomed to go the way of the Zimbabwe dollar and that the price will rise to $10,000 per ounce. Of course there is very little actual gold and with the demand for jewelry the amount is going down so what is being traded? These gold certificates are a good idea if bought from a reputable dealer but there must be some doubts about what you are buying. It is said that not all of the gold stored in fort knox or the bank of england exists and that some of it has been rented out to make jewelry. Remember how Venezuela wanted and got its gold back? Germany is trying to do the same thing but will have to wait a bit. Why gold is worth so much as a currency must remain a mystery. Pity that we are not still using cowry shells.


  2. 44 minutes ago, ThailandLOS said:

    " "People should watch out for suspicious individuals"


    Mission impossible. Would say the majority of ppl visiting this soi look scetchy.

    true very true. better to substitute the phrase "don't look right" or look out of place.

    if you are a victim of gang stalking like myself you will know what i mean.

    ask yourself what is he doing? what is she doing? why are they there?

    mongers and bar girls look right in soi cowboy.

    police and tourists look right.

    look out for the people who do not belong there.

    difficult to say what i am trying to explain.

    maybe some of you will catch my drift.

  3. 19 hours ago, Acharn said:

    Holy smoke! The U.S. only has 909, which many of us consider hugely bloated.

    a battalion = 700 men commanded by a colonel  - 675 off
    a brigade = 3 battalions or 2000 men commanded by a brigadier general or 1 star general - 225 off
    a division = 5 brigades or 10000 men commanded by a major general or 2 star general - 75 off
    a corps = 5 divisions or 50000 men commanded by a lieutenant general or 3 star general - 15 off
    an army = 5 corps or 250000 men commanded by a full general or 4 star general (or colonel general) - 3 off
    GHQ = 3 armies or 750000 men commanded by a field marshal or 5 star general - 1 off

    that amounts to 750000 men commanded by 319 generals.
    it all adds up very quickly.

    now the American army is much larger than 750000.

    in the British army a brigadier is no longer a general

    so 909 American generals is not too many while 3000 Khmer generals is definitely too many.
    last i heard it was 300 and not 3000.


  4. does sex have any form other than prostitution? at least you have to buy the girl dinner don't you?

    there are 2 sets of laws, thai law and the law of the american christian ngo's.

    thai law is the law of the land and the american christian ngo's pay money to officials to implement their law.

    their law is that sex should be illegal except between a christian married couple

    and then only for the purpose of procreation (making babies).

    have you seen the big crucifix which they have installed on a boat facing pattaya beach.

    it should be taken down.



  5. Id dictu quam re facilius est (Livy).

    id dictu quam re facilis est

    it is easier to say than to do.


    more easily said than done.

    Dictu quam re facilius est provinciam rebellatricem confecisse.

    "It is easier said ('in saying') than done to subjugate completely a rebel province."

    Stultitia est venatum ducere invitas canes.

    " Stupidity is ('consists in') leading out unwilling dogs to hunt."

  6. Somehow ...someway...somewhere ...sometimes.....somebody is going to try and make you feel guilty for having sex...the most natural aspect of humanity while apparently we are required to answer to others and their ideals.


    what if there was a group that tried to make you feel guilty for eating food, drinking water, having a piss or taking a shit?

    we all do all of these things.

  7. Luke 6;41
    "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
    Luke 6:35
    But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.
    Luke 7:47
    Therefore I say unto you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.

    Quotations from various translations of the bible.

    If it means what i think it means (and of course it may not)

    it implies that the activities of NGO's are not Christian.

    Satanist more like.

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