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Posts posted by jobsworth

  1. in india the police like to set up foreigners with drugs usually ganga because that is where the money is.

    in thailand and cambodia it is the ngo's who give money to the police to set up foreigners as pedophiles because that is where the money is.

    you will not be set up for drugs in thailand.

    you will not be set up as a pedophile in india.

    do look frightened if you are. you have only one life so enjoy it.

    if the police try to talk to you just don't answer. your answers can only make matters worse.

    especially questions like "is she your girlfriend?" and "is she good lady?". it is none of their business. they only do that to titillate themselves.

  2. my experience of laptop stealing was in singapore when about to fly singapore air to bangkok.

    as you know it is common to place your hand luggage on a conveyor belt which takes it thru the scanner and then out at the other end,

    no receipt is given and passengers are trusted to pick up their own hand luggage.

    meanwhile the passenger is expected to pass thru the body scanner.

    what a gang will do is to pass thru as a large group so as to delay the queue.

    meanwhile you the mark are without your luggage which has already been scanned.

    the gang will then pick up their luggage and your laptop.

    when i informed the check in staff about what had happened they were anxious to play down the incident.

    they told me that i could search the overhead lockers which i did,

    when i got to the rear of the aircraft there was a gang member holding my laptop and another laptop.

    i asked whether they had stolen the other laptop also.

    once again the boarding staff were quick to play down the incident.

    they did not want to involve the police.

    so watch your luggage if you are behind a big group.

  3. power supplies are cheap from 300 THB up. and easy to fit. you just unplug the old one. undo 4 screws and reverse the process. try that first before doung anything else.

    do any lights come on anywhere like mouse, power button or fan? if so it could be more serious. good luck with it.

    these days pc repair is no longer rocket science just a question of deciding which new parts to buy.

  4. There is something strange going on in MBK lately, more than half the Telephone shops in MBK are run by foreigners now, I think Indians that speak better English than the Thais.

    But the technicians that repair the phones are all Thai. I wonder why the Thais let foreigners take there jobs so easy ??? if a Farang would take a job from a Thai there there would be a riot, ...so ? I'm trying to understand what is happening there now ?

    I would appreciate some information if someone knows more about it....THX in advance...

    Best regards.

    i don't know about mbk but i do know about panthip plaza. the place is rather empty now and is being refurbished. before that there were many stalls staffed by charming burmese who spoke perfect english. many were cheating.

    i don't understand how burmese can work in bangkok without a permit. maybe mbk is similar.

  5. sounds like fun. i always wanted to visit north laos.

    vientiane - vang vien - luang prabang - phongsali.

    20 years ago they would not allow foreigners to do this because of attacks by hmong.

    a friend of mine did it in a truck. they were shot at long range with ak47.

    10 years ago i tried to do the journey with an isaan lady who could understand lao.

    the tourist mini bus to vang vien was $7. the government bus was $1.

    the mini bus driver was a maniac and so we disembarked and continued by tuk tuk.

    vang vien is a backpackers mecca with air america runway and river for swimming.

    the government bus to luang prabang was ok but all the hotels were full of thais who had flown from bangkok

    on package tours for 4000 THB.

    so that was the end of it. never have been to phongsali. did not return down the river for 2 days to thailand.

    took all the busses back to nong kai in thailand.

    2 weeks later one of the busses was shot up by hmong tribesman and all the passengers were killed.

    i hope that you make it to north laos. it is certainly an adventure.

  6. It depends on how big the room is. 8 baht is an apartment rate, if in a condo you can get your own account at a much better rate. But just for giggles...I have a 35 sq meter room and pretty much never run the AC just use a big 18 inch fan...laptop all day...lights not so much and fridge 24x7. My electric is about 60 units used at 8 baht = 480 baht monthly. If I used the AC every day...maybe about 1700 to 2500 baht.

    may i respectfully suggest that you have your AC cleaned and refilled with gas.it really makes a difference, those figures seem way too much.

  7. my memories of a visit about 10 years ago are of narrow tall houses like Amsterdam because of a property tax on the length of frontage.

    then there were the terrible touts like the Arabs in morocco. my tout acquired me at the bus station and never let up for 3 days.

    a good tout can be a useful friend if you don't know anything. This one wasn't.

    he took me to a $10 hotel where the only thing that worked was the internal telephones.

    the building being so small was arranged as a shop on the ground floor, storage on the floor above, the family on the next 2 floors and tourists on the 2 floors above that. There was no lift.

    The upper floors of ho chi minh smelt of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulphide) from a local factory.

    the food was over priced and bad like chow chow, a sort of spam.

    what was interesting was the fruit and vegetable market. the professional people like doctors and lawyers who worked for the Americans cannot get a job and so work there. I flirted with an ex American nurse who was happy to practice her English.

    the interview form for all jobs requests details of the applicant's war service. of course they were not Viet Cong and so have a problem.

    the travel agents all seemed to be white foreigners trying to sell trips to bo lat which was supposed to be so much nicer.

    the best attraction was the museum of French and American atrocities including a guillotine and a 3.5 inch rocket launcher.

    3 days was enough. later in bangkok i met a Vietnamese worker who confirmed to me that ho chi minh was best avoided. He told me that when friends came to visit him he did not know where to take them.

  8. there is a rumour that countries are developing underwater drones that will seek out and destroy submarines more effectively than the current hunter killer submarines. this would negate the whole philosophy of deterrence which has never been discussed or approved by any democracy. we owe our lives to the soviet colonel who disobeyed orders and refused to launch an all out strike when he received satellite data that America had launched.

    we also owe our lives to the American general who did something similar when during a training exercise enemy launch warnings were received. we don't need to be worried too much about north Korea. we do need to be worried about the rest of the nuclear arsenal.


  9. Why on earth do you want to buy gold bars? That is the stupidist way to own gold. You should buy bullion where you can freely carry it in/out any country in the world without duty or tax. Also it can be freely exchanged anywhere.

    You should do some research on owning gold before you make these investments.

    as you suggest i will do some research. yes bullion. some time ago while exiting the uk there was a customs booth in the departure lounge manned so tourists could reclaim vat.

    i was going to singapore and so asked about buying gold bars and bringing them back to the uk. the officer was very cynical and unhelpful.

    he talked about hatton garden and gold chains around the neck with little gold bars on them. "we would need to look at it".

    like you say it should be possible to carry bullion freely since it is like cash.

    it has always interested me but seems like a grey area connected with drug trafficking and money laundering.

    please tell us more about what you know.

  10. isis or whatever is their name made a very poor job of destroying the monument.

    before they damaged it not many people knew or cared about it.

    it is important to discredit an object in order to destroy it.

    now it has become one of the most respected and recognisable monuments on the planet.

  11. .........pay.......pay.....pay.........

    ........I had one unit 'serviced' and cleaned 3 months ago.....he left some parts off.....the unit makes a strange sound now every 8 seconds....

    ...and my electric bill has been higher since....even during the cold spell...

    how much were you charged? i paid 500 THB for gas and 800 THB for cleaning. mine was very dirty and it does run much better now. however he also left some parts off, in particlar the flaps that cycle side to side. maybe that is the strange sound you get every 8 seconds.

  12. I applied for a re entry permit last week using the download from MFA website (Pinned on TV). Other than insisting upon having my phone no on the back there was no difference to my last one some years ago.


    your phone number is worth money and can be sold to deliver you with spam. same at the banks. avoid giving your phone number wherever possible.

    i always ask why and if they cannot give me a reason i write "NO SPAM".

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