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Posts posted by gigman

  1. Just how many and how often young woman are under influence of different drugs just for social purposes. ..

    Some just counting on better life by getting closer to better life...

    No one knows how they change their mind of events from the past.

    This days even to pay for the sex could be risky...Anyone can be accused of wrong doing later.

    Why "victims" often wait so long if they feel abused???

    Why there is so often in courts when comes to settlement every sixth case is based on child molesting etc....???

    When things comes to money ugly things start to appear. ..

    I think era of being a single suits best for the male....but still not safe...

  2. The case should be more simple that all words written here.

    In normal law respecting country everything is based on facts.

    If whole incident was recorded on video then it is a best prove to see the guilty of physical harm done to others.

    It should be not a any other serious facts involved except the one that no under any circumstances anyone can harm physically even if he/she feel abused verbally (if there was a case in first event)

    1.Who has a right to harm other and even get a bail in a fact of CCTV footage.?

    2.How it could be possible not to use full strength of the law in country where law is respected (if) ?

    Where is real guilt ?...

    Guilty are Thailand law "performers"

    If Thailand wants to keep going and have income on tourism then should respect simple law for tourist too and more strict.

    By letting go on bail those who created bodily harm to others (it doesn't matter what the cause if not criminal) is just joke and shame.

    Thailand should take real responsibility in such cases and to judge crime in most simple matter on their soil .

    If this is true and Aussie was treated so badly in jail and being hurt then it is best example of Thai law and officers not to mention human feelings to those who need medical attention even in jail.

    No wander they released those who created proven crime by giving them more rights then those who are victims.

    It is obvious that in this case who had a money has more rights (and it is not only LOS case).

    My Thai g/f was robbed and injured in daylight time going to work and she refused to report it .

    She said that if even guilty was found then she has no chance in court because usually thieve has more money for lawyer then she has in first instance.

    In second instance thieve receive sentence which mostly will be just little negative loss in his "business"

    In last taught she said that definitely she must consider thieve revenge done by his business friends because her ID can be sold just for little money paid.

    Simply saying ... this is a "jungle law" and always will be .

    If someone thinks that all this "justice "and corruption can be fixed then has very narrow imagination that in country where corruption was the essence of their everyday life could just be done in life of one generation??? gigglem.gif


  3. The most funny is when those on "top" are saying that they care about own citizens.

    Lately we have those words "bombarding" society under so polished scare tactics and actually most of the world people have nothing else just to believe in such nonsense .

    Absolutely no sympathy for the humanity ....we are just modern slaves and we still asking for more of it.

    I guess we deserved it.

    Who cares anyway...what will be the next gigglem.gif


  4. Modern slavery...

    Media can lie to us if paid well but we can not show the truth...

    World need to be reduced to heal all and everything .

    Like Armstrong sang..."what are beautiful world "

    Just superb !clap2.gif

    Life in deep Amazonian jungle is more normal and logical.There is human and monkeys and they live beautiful normal life

    In our so smart world we have so many monkey's and not so much normal human ...also beautiful ab..normal life.

    BRAVO !

    We are living in the world of lies mess and shrinking brain humanity only some may enjoy to watch this theater of comedy they created.

    Bravo...humanity ..bravo ... you all deserved it.gigglem.gif


  5. I am 63 now and spent 2 years ago 1 year working in Aussie desert 10 hours a day under sun in 45-52 deg for 2 months in a row.

    Just imagine being in full PPE means helmets gloves and full body clothing and dust masks .

    We had to drink water every 5-10 min (~ 10 L /shift and never go to loo)

    2 younger workers died from heat after work in camp.

    Conclusion ...?

    We had a clean cold water to drink .... that's probably was the key to survive in such conditions.


  6. Always the same one side story.

    1.Why those youngsters are so eager to go and risk everything ??? what kind of promises IS is giving them that Aussie government can not ...??

    2. Today stripped from citizenship for this and "tomorrow for ...who knows ??? maybe we should punish parents tootongue.png

    3.What kind of life and future our governments are giving young people that makes them to do so drastic steps ?wink.png

    I still remember communistic absurd rules which made people to scare of each other to be accused or dobbed by snitch ....

    Deja vu...???

    Is it only kind of punishment we was able to find who break the law ???

    Why not to accept euthanasia ..... ( NOT ...because can be manipulated ...this is the same with citizen rights... just let it go and nobody can stop it later)

    Everyone quickly forgot that we were young and stupid once in our past...??


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