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Everything posted by hellohello123

  1. Debt collector: "we put 10cm of masking tape over the handle, that'll show him who's boss
  2. OMG!!!! Looks like im going to have to sell all of mine
  3. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/death-wall-inside-mushroom-chefs-house/news-story/a879b2505a32b22dc16214201659dab4 The story gets weirder.....
  4. "embarked on an attention-seeking mission" What crappy journalism, assuming its attention seeking without proof he isnt the father (unlikely as it may be)
  5. I'm 10000% sure if i tried to stab or shoot someone and missed because im a knob, I ain't winning the nobel peace prize
  6. Its these type of stories (in any culture) that makes me distrust humans more and more and makes me unwilling to help/trust people
  7. It truly is a baffling story Whenever there is a death by mushroom report, its usually middle aged asians going foraging
  8. The chinese only care about reputation when it suits them
  9. Ill bet thats the price tag still stuck on his hat So he can return it a year later for a refund
  10. Playing devils advocate, Is the 3cm shortness because of hosptial incompetence?
  11. I love it how they make arresting them sound like an international man hunt requiring 1000s of people
  12. As a huge animal and dog lover There are no winners here What people forget is that the dog is behaving instinctively . They are not being evil/vindictive I have no love for pit bulls, but every owner of one thats mauled a kid says how they wouldnr hurt a fly Some breeds are just more dangerous than others
  13. There's a bit of a difference leaving off you once married Vs Meeting 1 month and getting an allowance That is unless you are bill gates rich
  14. Its just mind boggling how some men who have never done this back home, let alone heard of it, Come to this country and do it so easily and quickly Can you imagine what would happen if back home a girl.of similar age said " i need an allowance"
  15. This isnt restricted to thai women but asking (maybe he offered) a stranger 1 month after meeting for living expenses, shows little self respect Some women, money is the only thing they care about But I guess there are those sugar daddy websites
  16. Agree, its politically incorrect to say like the way he did it, but if you are being totally sensible , the thought should.come.into your mind. Like saying its advisable not to date a woman who has had 3 husbands and 6 kids
  17. I usually write reviews for most hotels i stay, personally its about 70% excellent, 20% good, 10% scathing Ive never thought about timing it but i do it well after checking out. Havent been detained yet (i only found out about the thai defamation laws recently) Maybe ive been lucky Oh and my reviews are factual, unemotive and very direct, including staff names
  18. But sarcasm requires a certain competence and common sense to understand........
  19. Who would have thought a led-water fountain required the services of a plumber and electrician! I wonder if they would hire me to build a submarine
  20. Ummmm. Thats what tourism is. Replace 5-6 with 1-2 for boring places or 10+with places that have lots of accessible interesting places
  21. "200,000 baht baht bill" ????????????????
  22. "Im terribly sorry but the meter is not working due to technical difficulties, would you kindly accept 1500 baht for this 3 minute trip, and have a nice day"
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