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Everything posted by TorquayFan

  1. No-one looks forward to the pain and heartache of severe illness and death, be it due to Cancer or whatever - but it happens and we all die sometime. As for cancers, we can be encouraged by medical advances in recent years, particularly in the field of Immunotherapy. In addition to the advent of 'checkpoint inhibitors', (such as Keytruda and Optivo) for late stage cancers, vaccines for treatment are now emerging and show considerable promise. You may have read of Moderna's mRNA 'personalised' vaccines in recent months and they do show some promise -(their vax is 'personalised' insofaras a sample from a tumour is taken to determine and develop the precise immune agent needed - it's a lengthy process). Personalised vaccines are extremely costly. A small Company based in Oxford/Nottingham has, for the last 20 years, been developing DNA vaccines and current trials are showing that 'Immunobody' enhances the success of checkpoint inhibitors, broadly from a 50% response to an 80% response. Immunobody vaccines do not need to be personalised, can be used on diagnosis, the application is needle-free and they are much less costly. Other Companies are working in this field too. Scancell, in whom my interest lies, have the Immunobody vaccines trialing for melanoma stage 3/4, and Moditope, for solid tumours in advanced head and neck, triple negative breast, ovarian and renal cancers. Scancell also have antibody platforms, Glymab and Avidimab in development. Scancell are just one of the pioneers - you can read more here https://scancell.co.uk/immunobody and https://www.lse.co.uk/rns/SCLP/ Depressing as all thought of cancer and the gruelling current treatments are, maybe, in the near future, the outlook may be brighter ! Stay well all ! (2 baht, just seen yours and wishing you the best).
  2. Yellow - 30 years ? I'd guess more like 5 years . . . . and CNN didn't tell me, I watch a variety of sources, hours of it ! Yagoda no of course I've not been in the Courtroom. Whilst a Jail sentence doesn't disqualify Trump, I would expect the Republicans would dump him fast if it gets to that point . . . . Re. your reply to Danderman - there is a mountain of evidence and Trump's in deep trouble, - it couldn't happen to a nicer Guy.
  3. Michael Cohen is back on Monday - the 'cross' may be finished and the next stage will be the Prosecution on 'redirect', going through any matters from arising from the defence. It's fair to say that Cohen has surprised many by his composure throughout and though he obviously hates Trump, (I wonder why?), most of his evidence has already been pre-corroborated by other witnesses, so his evidence is fully credible. Crystal clear that all this was done on Trump's instructions for the purpose of avoiding the negative influencing of 2016 voters. It's a mess of his own making. Sad to see 'substantial' Republican figures ranting daily outside the Courtroom. Just what is it with this obsession about Judge Merchan's daughter? I hope Trump is convicted and jailed. The Republican's can see the writing in the wall, with an average of 20% of votes in the primaries still going to lapsed candidate Nicki Haley. It's time they dumped Donald in the nappy bin and put forward other Candidates. .
  4. Yellow - have a look at this https://youtu.be/jKGHBriP6RE
  5. Danderman . . . or 34 counts of falsifying business records by falsely coding payments as legal expenses, misdemeanors but upgraded to felonies, because it was done for the purpose of keeping it from the electorate, (the hushing up), and actually, the tax man too. It's evident that it was nothing to do with Melania. Trump and the GOP were in a panic because of the 'access Hollywood' debacle. https://youtu.be/oloQmY6sMn4?t=7
  6. Skip - I couldn't disagree with you more. This 'Election interference' trial has been conducted very fairly. It's Law and Order asserting itself, not political. Judge Merchan has been benevolent in not jailing Trump already. Trump has lied and cheated for decades and it may be coming home to roost. Michael Cohen's evidence is damning and confirms much evidence presented already, by other witnesses. Trump's behaviour outside the Court each day and at his rallies is frankly unbelievable. Did you see him extolling the virtues of Hannibal Lector at the NJ rally? 100,000 claimed for there last weekend ! Ha Ha ! It's a source of amazement to me that Trump has any supporters left. He appeals to Folks who are looking to be different, 'special', macho or some other blather. Wake up !
  7. Yellow, "exposes" is a typo I think. You contend, "But reimbursing your attorney for exposes they incur on your behalf, is a legal expense". Very funny. Or is that from 'expose', (in the sense of discovering) ? However, your assertion is not right. Say you pay an Attorney for conveyancing of £5,000 and £100,000 for a house. That's legal expenses £105,000 ? Clearly not ! ATB
  8. Yellowtail - "Is having your attorney arrange an NDA with someone not legal expense?" Paying your Attorney for his work IS a legal expense but money paid to the other Party in the NDA, in this case, Stormy, is NOT !
  9. Hanaguma re. yours, "It is also plausible that Trump wanted to keep the strumpet away from his family, his business, and his reputation. The payment could have been for any of these very realistic situations as well, and just happened to occur during the election cycle.." IMO that suggestion doesn't stand up to examination. Evidence was given that Trump tried to delay payment until AFTER the election, because then he could NOT pay Stormy at all - she realised this and insisted that payment should be made before the election. Somewhat illustrating that the purpose of the 'hush' was not keeping it from Melania, but keeping it from the Electorate . . . . .
  10. Danderman re. yours - "The question is whether the judge will allow a verdict of a misdemeanor rather than a felony." My understanding is that IF the misdemeanours were part of a 'hush up' because of the election then they become felonies. The evidence that Trump and the GOP wanted to keep the Stormy story from the electorate is overwhelming. Cohen is testifying next week and that should provide damning confirmation. As you say, only an errant Juror can save Trump from conviction . . . . . AIMHO
  11. Its sad to see, (for me), a clear thread disappear into a sort of oblivion. Going back to the point of the thread, it looks to me, that the case is not on 'shaky ground' at all but is rather 'cast iron'.
  12. Trump's Attorneys applied for mistrials at the end of an undeniably harrowing day for the 'Orange one'. Judge Merchan refused. Trump also asked for the 'gag order' to be adapted to allow him to reply to Ms. Daniel's lengthy and robust testimony. What ? How bizarre is that ? Trump can take the witness box IF he has anything to say. Judge Merchan refused of course. IMO there would have been a very good case to extend the gag order to cover the Judges in his trials, because Trump is making appalling comments about them ! It's clear to me that Trump led antics in SCOTUS and the Florida and Georgia Courts, make it more than likely that this will be the only case of the current big 4 to conclude, before the election in November. There was an extra insight into the 'access Hollywood' crisis today. Apparently in 2016 there were discussions about replacing Trump as the Presidential candidate if the Stormy revelations ran wild - quite a panic in fact. Thus the hush ! The threat of Trump being jailed for contempts remains - 10 counts. In fact, Trump committed an 11th in the Court when he was cursing during Daniel's testimony. Judge Merchan has that one tucked away and firmly in mind, I'm sure. Come on America !
  13. Hi Hanaguma. I've not seen that idea floated by any of the commentators. As I understand, if Trump could prove the 'hush' WAS to protect Melania, maybe he'd escape, but unfortunately there's evidence that he tried to delay the payment to Stormy until after the Election, so he could then back out of the deal. In that case, Stormy would have published and Melania would have got the dirt. So no chance of him escaping on that pretext IMHO. Much of the evidence so far makes it obvious that the 'hush' DID have one purpose i.e. to get Trump out of the 'access Hollywood' crisis . . . . .
  14. Just been looking around reports of Day 13 of the trial . . . Relevant to this thread is that at one point Judge Merchan called Trump's Lawyer Todd Blanche to the Bar and told him to control Trump who had muttered audible curses while Ms. Daniels was giving her testimony. Although it's frustrating, I think the Judge is right to try to handle this in a 'low key' manner - all the contempts are on record and jail time can be given at any time taking all 11 into account then. Blanche also asked for a mistrial - an idea which was swiftly dismissed by Merchan. Stormy's evidence and many other points make it crystal clear that the 'hush' was set up for the purpose of misleading the electorate, after the 'access Hollywood' crisis, neatly turning the 34 business records offences from misdemeanours into felonies. Trump is in great difficulty !
  15. TBL - you seem to be looking at Trump with blinkers on ! That's even as you see the results of his life of dishonesty and chicanery, unfolding before your very eyes ? Think a little more about the things Trump is saying and try to understand what a terrible future for the USA will result from his current batch of autocratic ideas. Only mindless MAGA fanatics will fall for these antics and I think you are wrong in your hopes that Trump will gain support as these Indictments proceed. Trump seems to appeal to people who frankly appear on the TV as mindless and inadequate, (present company accepted). Is it that his Supporters are attracted by a need to appear different, macho, or something like that ? To me, he behaves like a big Baby and I can see that every day, with my own eyes.
  16. There are interesting comments on Trump and his 10 contempts of Court - most observers are questioning why Trump has so far, avoided a night in jail, (or more). Is Trump above the Law ? Well in effect, so far, in respect of these contempts, yes he is. But Judge Merchan is aware that jailing Trump may trigger delays in the progress of the trial due to Appeals and there will be the difficulty of maintaining Trump's Secret Service protection. It's plainly ridiculous for Trump to claim he's been 'gagged' - he is simply restrained from attacking witnesses and jurors and their Families and in my opinion, the order should now be extended to cover the abuse of the Judges themselves - (not least this - Trump yesterday branded Special Prosecutor Jack Smith as a 'thick, evil, deranged thug') I think it fair to agree that the USA is NOW in a major battle to reinforce not only the Rule of Law but also Democracy itself - in my opinion this summary is well worth a long view : https://youtu.be/ZUQGkKmisik God bless America !
  17. The 'bonus' paid to Cohen was simply to cover the taxes that would arise and that would have to be paid by Cohen under the arrangements. The 'catch and kill' scheme disclosed by Pecker and the 'National Enquirer' was truly shocking and this evidence has so far been damning for Trump. The indictment covers 34 (?) felonies regarding falsifying business records which would be otherwise regarded as misdemeanours were it not for the fact that it was all done for the purpose of hiding truths from USA voters at a time when hackles were up about attitudes to women. Clearly a scheme for electoral manipulation. I'm glad to have read the 'other side' of the argument in that piece from 'The Hill' but for me it was just, 'huffing and puffing'. It's amazing to me that a sordid and unstable character like Trump can be taken seriously, by anyone at all.
  18. TBL - "Perhaps the judge doesn't fancy having to go into witness protection." IMO it's dangerous to make points like that. However, IMO Judge Merchan won't have to go into protection and anyway he'd stand up to any threats. Thankfully, protests so far have been limited. Here lies the USA's hopes for a more orderly future. Go USA !
  19. TBL - we'll have to agree to disagree on that. Trump's Lawyers from the start have been acting under his instruction to delay, delay, delay and this explains the very long time it's taken to get these indictments into Court. These tactics continue even in the current case but Judge Merchand is standing up to the prevarication. Time will tell. SYL - driving to Korat to watch the Swatcats !
  20. Jury of 12 and the 6 alternates ready to sit on Monday. In Trump's Day 4 exit speech, his mantra, 'Witch Hunt' is a misnomer . . . . rather call it a 'Law Hunt'. Apparently at the end, Trump got up to go before the Judge's direction and was corrected. The Judge seems fair but firm in these difficult circumstances and the many gross Contempts committed by Trump have, as yet, gone unpunished - any other Defendant would have been looking at a barred window by now. Sad to see it all. But come on USA !
  21. Ric - with all respect - Democracy has a meaning in it's own right. Irrespective of Political Parties, the USA has a Constitution AND Laws - under which, for offences against, Trump has been caught out by acts he made and the events he created. Trump recognises no higher Authority than himself and will as a result of his hubris, fail in his endeavours. Which WILL be for the greater benefit of the USA and the World. IMHO ! I wanted to reply to points in your posts l but could find only blind stuff. If you think this is some kind of conspiracy or plot, lets see how it goes in this NY trial, Florida, Georgia and Washington DC. And the 'Class Action' about 'Truth Social". Future happenings there will be based in FACTS and LAW. GN
  22. Dream on Big Star - let's not quibble - let's see how it turns out . . .
  23. Earlin - thanks I'd seen that 'exit' speech earlier and I have to say that Trump cuts a particularly pathetic figure again and again and it's sad to see. There's a lot of stuff around the 'Tubes'. IMO we are not seeing a great political conspiracy against Trump, but simply, the Law and Order of the USA being reasserted by the Establishment, the Law, against a monumental rascal - it's all catching up with him. And thank the Lord for that! I wonder if Judge Merchan is going to pick up on the 8 contempts that have been widely spotted - or will he stick with an April 23rd review as noted.
  24. This 'criminal case' targets "34 criminal charges of falsifying business records in the first degree" (WikiP). A case of massive importance - in the weeks after the Hollywood scandals, Trump paid and concealed, illegal hush monies, to influence voters prior to the 2016 election. One of 4 damning indictments across the USA, with Florida, Georgia and Washington DC re. the Jan 6th debacle. I hear that there's a possibility that the Florida 'documents' case could actually proceed even before this one is completed. Difficult days for Donald. Not helped by by the TMTG share price - which actually recovered a little yesterday to $33.18 but TMTG is mired in legal disputes from other Founding shareholders. Truth Social network owned by TMTG had sales of $4 million last year with losses, unbelievably, of $58 million - I mean, how exactly does a Company do that !!! Apparently, (we shall have to see), razor sharp 'class action' Lawyers in NY are looking at putting together a 'class action' against Trump for many of his statements about the financials of TMTG. That could cost Trump a lot - there is nothing in Truth Social to justify these TMTG valuations, except, the inexplicable faith that some have in Trump, despite all the evidence to the contrary. You have to feel as sorry for him as he seems to feel for himself, but let's hope that justice will be done in the end. Hard times for Donald.
  25. Yes it looks good but Friday morning some of the 12 Jurors might fall away as happened yesterday - but they'd soon be replaced one hopes. It's progressing much faster than expected. The quota for 6 alternates has to be completed too. 'Swearing in' and a Trial commencement Monday would be good. Trump's disgusting behaviour out of Court should be rewarded with a night or two in jail.
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