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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. how is this a story? there are LOADS of people getting deported for working illegally every day!!

    what is unique about this?

    Obviously the resort is under surveillance because of the kidnapping, so the authorities thought they may as well do something to re- imburse them for the tea money they have spent while working on the kidnapping case, so i guess they try and squeeze a few sheckles out of this poor old boy.

  2. But on a serious note OP, It’s funny that when you leave your home and wander really far, you always think, I want to go home. But then you come home, and of course it’s not the same. You can’t live with it, you can’t live away from it. And it seems like from then on there’s always this yearning for some place that doesn’t exist. I felt that. Still do. I’m never completely at home anywhere.!

  3. You will never feel at home in Thailand because the Thais don't want you. They want your money then you need to get out. It may feel familiar but that is the best it gets.

    What you are feeling is just a phase that we all go through after being in a different country especially Thailand.

    Frankly I like it.

    Bit Cynical Expat!!

    OP, buy yourself a bottle of Sang Som, a pack of Krong Tip's, get smashed, smoke all the fags and then wait for your girlfriend to come home after she's been abused by some dirty old farang, beat her with a stick and then go to bed so you can start the whole process over again the next day.

    There, do you feel like a Thai now:)

    Cynical followed by ....cynical...

    Yes, a couple of stereotypical expats who seem to hang around with trash - possibly where they feel most comfortable.

    How dare you call my wife's family trash?

  4. You will never feel at home in Thailand because the Thais don't want you. They want your money then you need to get out. It may feel familiar but that is the best it gets.

    What you are feeling is just a phase that we all go through after being in a different country especially Thailand.

    Frankly I like it.

    Bit Cynical Expat!!

    OP, buy yourself a bottle of Sang Som, a pack of Krong Tip's, get smashed, smoke all the fags and then wait for your girlfriend to come home after she's been abused by some dirty old farang, beat her with a stick and then go to bed so you can start the whole process over again the next day.

    There, do you feel like a Thai now:)

  5. I am 45 and my GF is 26, been with her a year and never had any problems, never argue, have a great life, never been happier and she is now pregnant, which we both planned (I have never had kids and time was getting on for me, for her it's a great age to have her first kid). She was a normal girl with a normal job and had never even met a falang or spoken to (face to face) until I met her....all she did was work and home and knock around with a few Thai friends when she had time.

    She doesn't drink but she has integrated with my falang friends and comes to the bar with me when I want to go.

    Before the "you are so naive" brigade step in.....I have lived in Thailand full time for 6 years, I was with my ex (36) with 2 kids (living away) and 2 divorces behind her for 5 years and yes, she was ex-bar. It cost me a fair bit, car in her name etc etc (yes, I was a bit naive for a while) BUT I learn't a lot and put it down to experience. Some good but a LOT bad! I was too blind to see it for a long time!

    I made a conscious decision this time round to only date "normal' girls and am glad I did. It restored my faith in Thai girls. I took my time and dated a few "normal" girls and avoided bar girls and the bar girl environment completely!

    I don't get demands for this or that, I just live a normal life with a normal girl....simple as!

    There are a lot of cynics on here that think every girl is a money grabbing <deleted>....just not true. However, I DO see a lot of blokes going head first into relationships with bar girls I have known and see them heading for a fall, but they can learn the same as I did!

    So, to answer your question OP, no problem at all being with a 25 year old! I just wish I had done it 3 years earlier!

    I also posted here about a year ago with the same concerns, there were the usual cynics (probably sitting in their Singha singlets' having been stung by a few bar girls) with their comments....and some great comments!

    My advice is <deleted> what anyone else thinks!

    Sounds idyllic pal, well done!! Probably me being cynical, but it normally is plain sailing until there's kids involved, just speaking from experience but hopefully your GF is that one in a million:)

  6. Hmmm, should I go for the coconut shell charcoal briquettes or mangrove wood charcoal? The bamboo wood charcoal looks good too. Decisions, decisions....

    555. It will be the LoSo black charcoal for me. smile.png I'm on a budget...

    Got my residence certificate so I'm free to sell the motorbike this week. Paid 42k and selling at a garage might only net me 15k, more if sold privately.

    And there it is people!!! please form an orderly line as a deal like this should not be passed up!

    Jackvale, ill give you 14000 baht and a sack of charcoal for your motorbike, hell ill even throw in a box of matches.

  7. Jack Vale as others have suggested, why don't you post the links to your websites on here?

    Surely if you were serious about making these start ups work then you would take any opportunity you could to promote your services/ products to anyone that will listen.Well? You have our attention!

    Put your money where your mouth is, or do everyone a favour and light that charcoal, you've been talking about doing it for the last 2 weeks now yet your still on here writing the same crap.

    Again good luck in what ever you decide to do! TROLL!

  8. You have to giggle at the sincere replies here to this wanke_r/scam.

    I was never going to read another post but its sort of funny now to me. I love the dear heart ones that have sympathy for this troll. And his replies are so lovely. Just above ...."might sell the motor bike".

    Stuff me no good to you anyway as you just peddle

    Im just waiting for somebody to bite, and give this chancer some money. One born every minute

  9. Although there's been some progress, I'm still pessimistic. Likely will sell my motorbike this week and then enjoy the $$ that's left until it runs out. I've already found a metal pot and charcoal should I need to go that way. Copycat of some bloke that went the same way on Pattaya One News.

    Oh dear jack Vale, why don't you take the money from the motorbike, go to a butchers buy some meat and then put the metal pan and charcoal to good use selling kebabs, this way you will have the money required to start your new business venture.

    If not, don't forget to close all the windows and doors when you do light your charcoal or you could end up brain damaged if the carbon monoxide levels are not high enough to kill you.Anyway good luck in what ever you decide to do im sure we will read all about it in the Pattaya One News:)

    • Like 2
  10. What a load of bol*#%cks. Go home, get a job and do what everyone else in society has to do, WORK!! I'm sick of this hand out mentality that seems to be gripping society today. Stop feeling sorry for this guy coz your not helping him, your just giving him false hope!!!

    Wake up and smell the coffee my friend, you get nothing for nothing in this life.

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  11. Worse case scenario, you'll never know, you'll be another stastic of someone who jumped off the balcony, or fell down the stairs, or overdosed, the boys in brown wont bat an eyelid and that'll be the end of that.

    Pay your rent, if you cant, try to sort something out, if you cant do that leave whilst you are able.

    Bang on!! Why would you take such a chance in a foreign country with foreign laws, and a police force that can be bribed into doing pretty much anything required from them for the right price.

    Do yourself a favour and either find the money or get out of the property sharpish!

  12. Hi All,

    I have just registered but have been using Thai Visa for all my news since arriving in country on retirement 2 years ago. I have settled in Kanchanaburi with my Thai wife but not before encountering a few problems to do with purchase of land and building a house. The last thing I needed was to be done in by an English CON-MAN who ripped me off and as I am a Vietnam veteran, passed himself off as a veteran of 4 conflicts stating that he would look after a fellow veteran. He wore 4 medals to an ANZAC Day service here in Kanchanaburi and after some checking up I have found out that he is not a veteran of any conflict, just a liar and a fraud.

    I would like to know if anyone can confirm approx. how much does it cost to transfer at the Land Office a Nor Sor 3 Gor (Blue Book) for a block of land, from one Thai's name to another as this guy has charged me 70,000thb (not including tax) for the privilege, I am not the only one as others have been charged anywhere between 20,000 and 100,000thb for his wife to sign over the land to another farung's Thai wife. I was new to Thailand and did not know land prices etc. and was taken in by his smooth talking and believed what he said as the truth.

    start your own thread mate, im sure youll get the answers you need

  13. Hi all, just want to say this is a really great site and very informative, i previously lived in the LOS for 8 years, but now back in UK working and saving hard so my wife and i can go back and live in Thailand, hopefully all going well should be achievable in around 4 years.

  14. If jackvale passes up on this once in a life time opportunity count me in. I can't believe I would ever get another chance like this again in my life time. Had exact same offer once via email but I was to stupid to grab it. My sister advised me against it. I never spoke to her again. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I tell her of my good luck. This must be karma for all the money I have lent and never paid back. Now I have a chance to get back on top.

    LOL, at least someone knows a good deal when they see it!!

  15. I stopped at a Harrods at Heathrow on my way home this time and bought my GF a handbag and put some things inside of it, teddy bear, sweets, perfume etc. It didn't cost much, maybe $50 all up and she was pretty happy with it. It was also easy for me to carry. Remember they love brand names!

    $50 for a bag, perfume, and teddy bear...from Harrods, you're joking. A plastic carrier is about $20, what perfume did you buy for christ's sake...555

    I was thinking exactly the same thing mate!

  16. Would you please define "hugely successful" for comparitive purposes? I'm interested to know the difference between rich and hugely successful.

    BTW I am poor, so no vested interest from my part.

    Lets just say that i will be in a position to retire by the age of 44, (around 4 and a half years away), not bad considering i came back to the U.K with around 1000 baht in my pocket in late 2008, so like i said in my previous post, never give up, because there is life after failing miserably in the LOS:)

  17. Now if there is a remote possibility that you are in this predicament, here is my advice. After living in Thailand for 8 years and owning two successful businesses, through my own careless actions I found myself falling on hard times, I did not ask for handouts although i could of used them, as i am a very proud person, even when my money was down to the last few hundred baht i still did not ask, but out of all my so called friends, there was only 1 person willing to help, yes and you guessed it he was a Thai national, he lent me the money for a plane ticket and i high tailed it out of Thailand back to my country and started over, needless to say as soon as i started making money again i repayed my loan, but that's just my story. I am now hugely successfull again and am planning on retiring in the LOS within 5 years, at the age of 44!

    What i am trying to say to anyone in this kind of pickle (not neccessarily to the OP as i think he is a scammer) is that if you do fall on hard times in the LOS, do not procrastinate because it is inevitable that you will have to get back to the real world, just do what you have to do to get back to your family/real friends and put the bad stuff behind you!!

    And normally the help will come if required from the person you would least expect it to come from. NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

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