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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. Another person saying they know what happened, I have sent her a message to see if this is real or not.

    This is on Hannah's fb page.

    Its true they do all know...

    And the saddest thing is many farangs who live on Koh Tao and so far up the as@ses of these islanders and so eager to please them/ dont want to give up the lifestyle of getting stoned on the beach every night.

    They are going on line and trying to convince people that these Burmese guys really did do it and subvert attention away from the real problem.

    And I think we have a couple of them spineless foreigners posting on here............You know who you are!!!!!!

  2. How sad, absolutely no evidence it was a Thai let along a Thai from a wealthy family but it doesn't stop people from refusing to believe the overwhelming evidence against this pair including their friend being a witness against them, people seeing them near the scene at the time, video footage, confessions, one of the victims phones found at their place and or course their DNA which was a match to the semen collected at the scene and which was share with Singapore.

    Unless these two not only die but have their bodies disappear as well as their family, their DNA will be around to be tested again with that on file in Singapore by whomever will want to test it.

    Everyone has the right to a fair trial, lets see what happens now that the Burmese suspects have somebody representing them shall we?

    • Like 2
  3. What about the 2 minutes of missing cctv footage showing that there was 1 possibly 2 people in front of the main cctv suspect carrying a stick like object? ? Why hasn't this been forthcoming ? Have you even seen it?

    No, but I have seen the stills.

    2 people in front of the main suspect, that equals 3. Think about it?

    Don`t you believe that the police have all this evidence in hand so that everything adds up? The police have already made it crystal clear that they have all the evidence, including DNA matches, CCT footage, witness statements and even some facts they are not disclosing at the moment for the purposes of not jeopardising the case.

    As I have said many times, let us wait and see what further develops in this case, especially considering that the families of the tragic victims maybe reading these threads as the comments on Thai visa have already been mentioned in other news media. Please, give them some hope on the positive side that justice will be obtained for their children and as for the guys in custody, until the police evidence can be firmly dismissed as not credible, than they have the right guys.

    • Like 2
  4. And for everyones information, be prepared for people coming into the forum trying to discredit the "social media conspiracy theorists" as they are calling us, it is only to be expected as the police have there Patsies now. Thing is its not as if its the first time something like this has ever happened, we are just trying to make it the last!! Its not just us that believe this has been a fit up, its a lot of Thai nationals too. Surely we cant all pe paranoid nutcases?????

    • Like 1
  5. why arent any lawyers in thailand standing up for the basic human rights of these two?

    do thai lawyers do pro bono work?

    is there any thai lawyer with a conscience?

    isnt there any organisation in thailand to support and help these two?

    In a word NO

    Unfortunately it appears like the rest of things here, no money no honey or perhaps they are scared to go up against the RTP in such a high profile case, god forbid if the RTP were to lose face.

  6. It seems as if about 99% of all posts at the TV Forum do not believe, those guys are the real culprits, and many of the Thai websites don't

    believe it either. There is even a Facebook (CSI LA) page dedicated to debunk most so called evidence. My question is, if there will be serious inquiry by Amnesty International or other reputed NGOs?

    Lets hope so, but I dont think its likely. Its not the first time this has happened in Thailand and it wont be the last.

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