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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. A powerful local administrator." This is a key problem in Thailand in and of itself. These "powerful" local administrators. As if they are a government and nation to themselves controlling the police, business and the destiny of Thais and foreigners on their turf. This "powerful" village administrator seems to be pushing in the face of the general's efforts to clean Thailand up.

    You have hit the nail on the head mate , couldn't agree with you more .

    That's what is known as the patronage system my friend

  2. Sorry, but that image is not convincing. Your eye is seeing what it wants to see.

    If that was a real person, they would be approximately two feet tall.

    It could be anything and it could be flat on the walk-way.

    What are you talking about? Why dont you look at the video footage before you comment, it quite clearly shows someone walking out of shot. This is the enhanced still picture of the video footage.

    Why people have bothered taking a screen shot i do not know as you cant see sht on it, those images need deleting as they just confuse things in these never ending posts.

    It depends what you are viewing them on? On my macbook I can see quite clearly an image of a person in the corner of the shot that appears to be holding a stick like object. Id upgrade your pc if I were you pal.

  3. Sorry, but that image is not convincing. Your eye is seeing what it wants to see.

    If that was a real person, they would be approximately two feet tall.

    It could be anything and it could be flat on the walk-way.

    What are you talking about? Why dont you look at the video footage before you comment, it quite clearly shows someone walking out of shot. This is the enhanced still picture of the video footage.

  4. https://www.facebook.com/CSILA90210?fref=photo

    This Guy is right on the case.Lots of csi here.

    Wow, this guy seems like a good source of info.

    there has been ZERO mention that there was a witness to the guy running, he had to see him repeatedly, may be a shop owner

    This guy seems to have worked out that there is also a 2 minute discrepancy in the cctv footage as well as other people being present but not mentioned. He also says, and I quote "Amazing Thailand, because of human rights issues police can not collect dna samples from all individuals. Looks like this will remain unsolved"

    What about the human rights of the two people slaughtered on that beach then???

    • Like 2
  5. And if this guy really is related to Suthep, maybe that could be the explanation to unwillingness to solve the case??

    Wait some posts and the boy will be labelled Suthep's nephew !!!

    The fact that the boy names Suthep as loong suthep (uncle Suthep) does not mean at all that Suthep could be his uncle or a member of his family. The word loong is currently used for all people who are older than you.

    Not correct. Loong is used for familymembers or people you know well, who is older than you. Not for all people! (According to my wife, who normally knows, what she is talking about!)

    Maybe different in different parts of the country?


    My wife says it is common to use loong as a term of respect for somebody older and they don't have to be family but normally somebody you know, Suthhep has a massive following and she has heard other people refer to him as loong Suthep as a term of endearment so I wouldnt read to much into the fact that he addressed Suthep in such a way.

  6. I am German resident, living here in Pattaya since long time and feel ashamed abut that guy.

    Hope, he will disappear from here.

    If You watch all these lonesome losers hanging at the bars around, already in the morning,with the beer,

    what can you expect ??

    Pattaya needs a change, urgent.

    Less people like this and more qualified tourists.

    Why on earth would 'qualified' tourists go to Pattaya ? the beaches are poor, sea polluted and the town is jammed with traffic. Black market money from Russians fueling the property market & cheapskate Russians from Siberia on 2 week budget packages. Seems only the sexpats are willing to put up with such poor facilities, not your average tourist who has the pick of many decent beaches in Thailand.

    Pattaya needs raising to the ground urgent ! thats the only change worthwhile.

    I've been a tourist for years but I've never been 'qualified'. Where do I get my qualification papers? So all these years I've been touring around the world without being qualified? WOW!!!...I guess I'm lucky I'm not doing serious time in the monkey house.

    If anyone is interested im offering a 5 day tourist course for only 50000 baht at the end of the 5 days you will be issued a certificate stating you are allowed in Pattayanon official tourist business, I will then take your money and get drunk and sleep with a bunch of girls before going back to Bangkok, collecting my passport and going back to Germany.

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