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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. I'm as sceptical as most people on this site about this development, which many of us anticipated. You wonder why it has taken more than two weeks to find these suspects on that small island. You wonder why they didn't flee the island ages ago, especially when the Thai police publicly announced very early on that they would DNA test all Burmese migrant workers.

    That said, the story and re-enactment does fit the evidence....and surely dispels some of the more bizarre theories spread on this site about David not being with Hannah and only coming to her aid when he heard her screams, or the involvement of Sean McCanna....as both a hero in some posts and an accomplice to murder in others.

    But it's hard to understand why, if rape was the sole motive, there was such brutality in the disfiguring of Hannah's face. Maybe they were on yaba, maybe they over-reacted in silencing Hannah's screams. But the violence was disgustingly extreme.

    The Thai police still have lots of convincing to do that they have the real culprits.

    Around a week into the investigation i read that Hannah may have been shot hence the reason for the brutal head wound to disguise where the bullet went in. But no ones ever mentioned gun shots so im not sure how this theory came about

  2. What these three suspects and the world needs now is a very good expert lawyer team that isnt interested in getting them off on a technicality but who will turn over every stone and employ investigative and forensic professionals to look at this from top to bottom.

    Your forgetting about the judge. I think no matter what now, these guys are going to be prosecuted for this crime. There is nothing anyone can do about it, its just the way it is unfortunately.

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  3. It appears on the Thai language forums that 90% of people are dismissing the arrests as a cover up. From a Thai message board today. Translated into English:

    "Come and ask me here. Come and ask me there. I am a Koh Tao resident, although my mom gave birth to me at Surat Tani. My family is very close to all the influential figures on this island, including the owner of this resort.

    I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.

    I would like to say that Koh Tao is just like a Kingdom of its own. The local mafia family can do whatever they want and get away with it. For example, in 2011, a bar owner got shot to death. Everybody in the island know who did it, but never had the nerve to speak out. People here are strange. They are wiling to cover up wrong doing for the local mafia. Thailand might be a democratic country, but in Koh Tao it is Feudalism."

    If you are for real, I find your post very interesting...........thumbsup.gif

    This is real facebook page CSI LA a social media community for Thais

  4. I

    we all know is it a set up of the Burmese guys.....!!!!

    I guess the Thai police will be splitting up the reward money that has been offered.....13,000 English pounds!

    What a disgrace!!!

    WHERE is the UK government in this corrupt process after the murder of UK nationals!

    Bye Bye Thailand...I am completely over you my old friend. I will be spreading the word also about you.....and it ain't going to be good.

    And where is YOUR evidence this is a set up as you claim?! Maybe stop watching thai soap operas on television and you will see things a little clearer.

    Some folk are just unable to admit they were quite possibly wrong in their assumptions and are unable to give credit where it is due.

    In this case, the RTP deserve a "well done chaps" for following through with their procedures and not giving up!

    With all due respect, have you followed this from the beginning? There are way to many inconsistencies in the police investigation. Are you familiar with the Thai patronage system? With a name like Inspector I would of thought that you would have done some research into this case before putting your 5 baht in. Look at whats happening on Thai social media they are even calling it a cover up, do you think its a coincidence that both westerners and Thai's alike smell a rat. We are not Thai bashing we are saying that the police have made a complete mess of this case and they are still withholding crucial info.
  5. Gangthai is completely right.....you all moan about injustice and how bad Thailand is and you won't accept when a suspect confesses to a crime...what more do the Thai Police have to do?.....pathetic farang that want to live in Thailand and criticize Thailand forever.

    Can you not accept the positives of Thailand?

    Beautiful country, wonderful religion, wonderful King, best food, most illustrious history, friendly people, beautiful culture, amazing Thailand......why do you only bitch about Thailand?

    Can you not see the corruption and badness in any other country?

    I am truly blessed to live in the best country in the world and to respect Thai law and to abide by Thai law.....I don't understand the moaning and griping.....if you don't like Thai law....go back to your country...if you love Thailand stay and be respectful of the wonderful culture and kindness of the most amazing people in the world....you can be pathetic and criticize but Thailand is Number One and always will be

    This has been a party political broadcast by the Royal Thai Police.

    Get a grip mate haven't you ever heard of freedom of speech? And FYI GangThai is a troll who is probably connected to the rtp, I called him/her out on this and she disappeared

  6. "pack up and go" I hate that phrase

    "Stand up and be counted"

    Or you're just as bad as them...

    For all you people defending the pillars of our communities that are the police heres a story for you. I have a former friend who killed 3 migrant workers while driving drunk on Koh Samui, he has money and was able to buy his way out of that mess by greasing the right palms. The police made it look like the 3 poor blokes on the motorbike were drunk and because they were migrants, nobody cared and there were no family's to deal with! This is a fact so to all you people defending the police I just want you to know that this stuff happens all the time here. It's just the way it is, and if we are not prepared to live with it then we should just pack up and go.

    Difficult to stand up and be counted in a country that barely acknowledges your existence mate.

  7. For all you people defending the pillars of our communities that are the police heres a story for you. I have a former friend who killed 3 migrant workers while driving drunk on Koh Samui, he has money and was able to buy his way out of that mess by greasing the right palms. The police made it look like the 3 poor blokes on the motorbike were drunk and because they were migrants, nobody cared and there were no family's to deal with! This is a fact so to all you people defending the police I just want you to know that this stuff happens all the time here. It's just the way it is, and if we are not prepared to live with it then we should just pack up and go.

    This story actually makes it less likely they are going to frame someone. As you just said 3 migrant workers were killed and there was no family to deal with.

    This case is high profile with family and media to deal with.

    Do I think there are corrupt police, oh yes. But that being said the high profile nature of this case means the likelihood they can frame someone a lot lower.

    I think you missed the point. What im trying to say is for the right price you can buy yourself out of trouble here!

    And the police don't care how it looks they are a law onto there own.

  8. For all you people defending the pillars of our communities that are the police heres a story for you. I have a former friend who killed 3 migrant workers while driving drunk on Koh Samui, he has money and was able to buy his way out of that mess by greasing the right palms. The police made it look like the 3 poor blokes on the motorbike were drunk and because they were migrants, nobody cared and there were no family's to deal with! This is a fact so to all you people defending the police I just want you to know that this stuff happens all the time here. It's just the way it is, and if we are not prepared to live with it then we should just pack up and go.

  9. Demand to see the 2 minutes cut from the CCTV video and you have the real killer.


    Why on earth would they cut out someone from the video?!?!??

    Its called tampering with evidence, and doing it badly to boot, I mean look at the university cctv footage of the chief's son. Ridiculous, even Thais are saying this is ridiculous!

  10. You see everyone, the police were right from day one. They said a Thai couldn't do something like this and it turns out they were right. Well done RTP, you have redeemed yourself for the fiasco you called a police investigation! I for one have full confidence in your abilities to solve crime in such a methodical and proffessional manner.............

    And if you believe that you will also believe that these poor 3 Burmese Patsies are the murderers! I presume theyre families will be adequately compensated!

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