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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Thanks all for the info thus far. As I said, I've done this from SYD-SIN,SIN-GLA (UK) and GLA-LIS. now its to be LIS (EU) CNX. My biggest cost ever was the truck from my Sydney home to that freight Depot! And I got a discount, they were rubbish at it too, didn't send the right equipments ancient had to help or risk my stuff being damaged, but apart from that, it's worked brilliantly everywhere, you buy the pallets and wrap online, call a commercial shipping company, have them email the waybiill, fill it out (they select a flight Option) make a list of contents, hire a truck at either end. Visit customs to collect. Done.

  2. help the poor!!!! help the temples!!!! help bring in clean water!!!!

    farang want more money, but not help fellow humans!!!!

    i don't care about wealth or materialist possessions..

    my trust gives 100,000,000 baht to the poor yearly

    and i live on 1000 baht a year

    Oh go on, spend a few hundred baht more, and get some English grammar lessons, we'll love you long time for it.
  3. Obviously they mean what your favorite or the one you consider to be best.

    Similar to people writing IMHO (in my honest opinion) as I assume if they are giving it w/o staying it's someone else's then it's theirs.

    As for the honest part, well I never assume that!

    imho means in my humble opinion.
  4. Sorry LannaGuy, if my attempt at a bit of light hearted christmas banter went down wrong, I was only being light hearted at this "time to be merry" !! As to whats the worst, I just posted a few posts ago that theres a box called "Camden Park" which makes Montclair taste like the best vintage French wines, I m not joking, its absolutely disgusting and literally undrinkable. It tastes how I imagine that popular Thai drink called "Spy" tastes, sweet, sugary and disgustingly awful !! One taste and the rest will be down the toilet or sink or wherever your waste liquid products go!!

    By the way, for the record, I m not a "Montclair fan", I just think it gets an unfairly bad rap when there are significantly worse products out there....like Camden Park !!

    Thanks for the warning on Camden Park. I saw it the other day and almost fell for the old judge a wine by its name trap.

    As any true blue Aussie will tell you Camden Park is the home of the man who introduced merino sheep into Australia thereby starting Australia's wool industry, John Macarthur. He also helped establish Australia's wine growing industry and by 1853, Camden Park listed some 33 grape varieties for sale.

    So by association I thought 'this sounds like a good wine' and planned to buy some next time. What a narrow escape.

    'The fatal shore' historic account claims that Macarthur was also unhinged, and corrupt to the core, seems Camden Park wine bears his proud legacy.
  5. I have one aircraft dimension pallet of personal effects, clothing, Hifi kit, quality cookware etc, documents. Tools.

    I do my own freight consigning whenever i move overseas. it's easy, and cheap compared to what agents charge.


    Is there anything I need to know about how they will tax these items?

    Do I need an itemised List?

    What sort of costs are realistic, any bribery Nonsense?

    I'm already retired and well estabilised here 2 years.

    Thanks all.

  6. Portugals 15 year drug experiment has been more successful than the default of prohibition. Source:Washington post.

    In addition, the feared uptake of new users never materialized.

    HIV is down, that means everybody is safer, drug user or not.

    Overdose deaths just 3 per 1000 rest of prohibition EU 17.2 deaths per 1000

    Why do the rest of the world continue down this lose-lose Path?

    Because it's a backroom boys millionaires club started by the cia right here in the golden triangle.

  7. Dear Prime Minister,

    It was the traditional peaceful nature of Thai culture that, in part, attracted me to retire in Thailand. I had considered other countries but have found a home here. I can understand your frustration with the position you have chosen to place yourself. Democracy is a messy business and constantly changes. In my humble opinion, Thailand is not alone in the stress within its society. If there is to be peace there must be basic economic and legal fairness and that is lacking. Again, Thailand is not alone in this issue in today's world but if Thais want political peace, this is what must be changed. Those with power must give more power to those who are economically disadvantaged.

    Those with power will never give it up as long as their backsides point to the ground! That has been their way for 100's of years and it will not change anytime soon (unless they learn from Singapore).

    And the leadership will continue to tell the ordinary Thai citizen "we are doing this for your benefit and happiness" - oh, really? Unfortunately the disadvantaged buy it! Corruption goes unchecked and until that is changed no amount of differing Government styles (democratic or otherwise) will advance the rights and aspirations of the ordinary citizen.

    Singapore? Democracy? Try 'benign' autocracy, with most of the peoples fawning support. Support forthcoming because the money tree is in full Bloom. Much to laud about Sin, granted, but democracy is not 9new of them.

    They also counter sued the victims families of the Silkair disaster for daring to seek compensation after the FAA and black boxes proved the captain murdered the first officer with the crash axe in the flight deck, then flew the plane into the ground. Their judge found an electrical system was at fault. Majulah Singapore!

  8. Boy wants drama...boy gets drama.
    Tit for T.A.T.

    I suppose all the attacks on Brits this year have brought alot of pressure on Thailand to take action. So they did. This case was easy, though.

    I don't know if it is because they are easy targets, or otherwise obnoxious...but Brits have sure been taking on alot of public humiliation this year. I would recommend they tread carefully.
    All these Brits and other Westerners, stop walking through the streets and shopping malls drunk and showing
    off your fat ugly tattooed bodies, then you might get more respect from the Thais.
    Like Thais dont do the same thing??? You dont live in Thailand do you?
    No Thais don't do this the way low lifer tourists do.
    Thai gangster types have yakuza style tattoos under their shirt line, they will sometimes go shirtless in the baan after a few drinks, but, they don't do this unless they are in or near their homes or the ocean environment. Or crazy. It is very low form because of the gang banger implications here, which are not cool like overseas. I have not seen shirtless Thais in public spaces, in the same way whitey does this, nor do Africans, Indians, Chinese and all the other tourists we love to hate. So one of us is seeing things.

    So tourists are low life and Thais are hi life you are saying?

    If you say you havent seen shirtless thais is public you are lying. They are everywhere i cry BS on your post.

    You Drunk?
  9. I like the government ask me to login every 90 days, and show up and prove I'm not skint, every once a year, after that -they leave me alone.

    I set up a small ebay account selling my mother's meagre estate and belongings in Europe three years ago and they're still locked in a counter productive claim for tax that I will never pay.

    I like that if I don't open a newspaper, or this site, the world could evaporate, and I would not know, or care much.

  10. Amazing.

    Simply amazing how this story brings out so many Thai bashing posts and references to the KT murders.

    Simply amazing so many of you still choose to live in a country you obviously can't stand full of a culture and it's people you can't stand.

    Pretty decent police work finding one scheming, selfish loser tourist during the high season in a country full of so many.

    Personally, I am just glad this story of a missing Brit tourist had a happy ending.

    everyone should admit that the N° 1 / ultimate advantage to live in thailand is the cost of living..... nomore the mentality/culture, not the police/justice/health care , and so many others policies, even not the climate tongue.png

    personally i would be glad if the cases of genuine missing people (whatever nationality) had turned to happy ending tongue.png

    I like the climate 8n the north. I like the women, all of them, not just certain types, If like their grace, and I like their skin and features. I like the beauty and creativity in the little tableaux they set up everywhere, I like the relatively low levels of graffiti. I like the food, mostly. I like the odd insects and plants in my garden. I like the neighbourliness and politeness, even when not genuine, it beats a snarl. I like the religion. If we must have one, it could be Worse! I like some aspects of their kow towing, I'd be a liar to say I don't enjoy being sucked up to. I like taking everyone at face value, life has a funny way of showing you what you want to see.

    I like to rememeber that a lot of the negative things here, we do or see back home, and if not now, we did them not so long ago. Everything. An innocent man hung in 1950s England because a doctor murdered his wife, and framed him. Sound like somewhere you Know?

  11. Boy wants drama...boy gets drama.

    Tit for T.A.T.

    I suppose all the attacks on Brits this year have brought alot of pressure on Thailand to take action. So they did. This case was easy, though.

    I don't know if it is because they are easy targets, or otherwise obnoxious...but Brits have sure been taking on alot of public humiliation this year. I would recommend they tread carefully.

    All these Brits and other Westerners, stop walking through the streets and shopping malls drunk and showing

    off your fat ugly tattooed bodies, then you might get more respect from the Thais.

    Like Thais dont do the same thing??? You dont live in Thailand do you?

    No Thais don't do this the way low lifer tourists do.

    Thai gangster types have yakuza style tattoos under their shirt line, they will sometimes go shirtless in the baan after a few drinks, but, they don't do this unless they are in or near their homes or the ocean environment. Or crazy. It is very low form because of the gang banger implications here, which are not cool like overseas. I have not seen shirtless Thais in public spaces, in the same way whitey does this, nor do Africans, Indians, Chinese and all the other tourists we love to hate. So one of us is seeing things.

  12. Asking Thailand to apologize for anything, just because they shamed and humiliated a white boy who needed a grow-up call, is redundant.

    By all means you may be totally justified, young jj here is not the only person in Thailand that needs a long overdue boot up the arse, but if you cant even convince me that this is the appropriate time place and channel to get your apology, it won't wash with the locals.

    Don't use this idiot boys plight to make a point about other troubling things that have no bearing on this incident, you only dilute your case to irrelevancy.

  13. What absurd posturing. What sort of idiotic game are they playing here? Would a Thai in a similar position in the UK, have to apologize to the nation? Thailand should make a New Years resolution to do away with hubris and 'face', or simply put away such childish, petulant values, and grow up.

    Why would you expect Thailand to live according to the UK rules and culture?

    Haha ho ho. What a lark, it was all a big joke for laughing boy. Until it wasn't.

    Your passport clearly asks you not to behave like a <deleted> and accept that you abide by rules overseas. Or if you can't, be smart enough not to draw attention to yourself.

    I can assure you that in Australia he'd be ridiculed publicly as well, probably on a morning TV interview. And expected to pay for any public search and rescue efforts following his dramatic dissappearace.

    He got off cheaply here.

  14. Immature, selfish, irresponsible, stupid....... He's 21 and not exactly a kid. If he were mine I'd disown him.

    With a flippant attitude like that, then if I was your kid, I would do exactly this so you would disown me. I could not stand having a "perfect" Dad who never did wrong in his life. If one mistake a child makes was enough for you to disown, him then I hope you are gay and never had the opportunity to breed.

    Sounds like you forgot your meds again, club man. What if if your kid came to Thailand and had a little gay adventure? 555 the entertainment never ends on here.

  15. Gemguy, this post is not an attack on you, but a lot of your commentary, indeed the media, is based on the'fear and loathing' factor inculcated unto drug 'abuse' since the 1930s.

    Before that, everything was available over the counter, and had been for centuries. Queen Vic was a junkie, and her Empire fought a war with China over her drug of choice.

    There never has been a cause for legitimate concern. It was like the Red menace, a bogeyman based on an element of truth. Used to exert geopolitical influence and control.

    From there, the 'war' not the actual drugs, which were once available to all, remember, have enriched many, killed plenty, and falsely frightened and indoctrinated even more.

    this cunning plan of course has bit them on the arse with the rise of synthetics like meth to replace and even outdo cocaine (sexy models on it stay thin and bang like a barn door in a gale, and they don't want kids to know that, but the kids do!) Ho you fight That?

  16. The mathematics speaks for itself. If government's were obliged to run countries like a business, instead of pissing treasure up against a wall 'fighting' this and that moral outrage, then based all drugs on a health risk scale like tobacco and alcohol, then dropped the invented reefer madness panic about drug epidemics that never eventuate despite them being clearly unable to stop the trade growing, much less stop the trade entirely, their drug problems would be solved in a year.

  17. The mathematics speaks for itself. If government's were obliged to run countries like a business, instead of pissing treasure up against a wall 'fighting' this and that moral outrage, then based all drugs on a health risk scale like tobacco and alcohol, then dropped the invented reefer madness panic about drug epidemics that never eventuate despite them being clearly unable to stop the trade growing, much less stop the trade entirely, their drug problems would be solved in a year.

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