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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Beyond reasonable doubt is not a line in the legal sand. You could well go down in circumstances 'beyond reasonable doubt'. Which are only as good as the quality of the system at any given time. If I later confess to a crime you're innocent of, well then 'reasonable doubt' has been altered, but it still exists. Which is why I don't like your idea of summary justice one bit. It's arbitrary, it's just wrong, its basically justifying murder.

  2. Why is this oxygen thief allowed to still see the sunrise every day............. I have the perfect cure for him and other nonces and it doesn't require deportation or incarceration.
    Exactly, a long session of torture followed by 2 bullet's to the back of the head.

    Only bad if you find out afterwards that it was the wrong guy.....Because than as murder you would deserve the same treatment.
    The fact that he has already been convicted makes that a mute point, don't you agree?


    Convictions are recorded using evidence and a balance of probability. They're not necessarily watertight. So it's a salient point, innocent people get convicted, that's his point. You've somehow turned that into a mangled logic about gangland style exections replacing jail.

    Ok, allow me to refrase it, if he has been convicted BEYOND a reasonable doubt, or are you one of these people who wouldn't be convinced of his guilt until he was caught actually raping a child?

    I'm one of those people who don't go around writing that I'd be willing to put two bullet's into the back of anyone's head just because I happen to disagree with the outcome of a trial. Your argument is nonsensical. Even forensic evidence is always in some degree of doubt. You're mistaking court room drama clichés for actual legal thought.
  3. We're not here to defend rock spiders, we're here to challenge moronic ape-man vigilante thinking.

    Having a lynch mob mentality is not supporting justice, it is holding forth criminal intent, the willingness to hang a man without trial, as something noble and righteous.

    Try Bangladesh if that way of life floats your boat.

  4. Why is this oxygen thief allowed to still see the sunrise every day............. I have the perfect cure for him and other nonces and it doesn't require deportation or incarceration.

    Exactly, a long session of torture followed by 2 bullet's to the back of the head.

    Only bad if you find out afterwards that it was the wrong guy.....Because than as murder you would deserve the same treatment.

    The fact that he has already been convicted makes that a mute point, don't you agree?


    Convictions are recorded using evidence and a balance of probability. They're not necessarily watertight. So it's a salient point, innocent people get convicted, that's his point. You've somehow turned that into a mangled logic about gangland style exections replacing jail.

  5. How can someone possibly be free on bail after stabbing their girlfriend to death ? Only in Thailand !

    Although it appears likely he is guilty. He was granted bail. On the 'western' presumption of innocence. But no doubt, whatever the outcome, you just want to bash Thailand. And you've done it, feel better now?

    Any system which has been copied but is worse than the original deserves to be bashed.

    Fair point, now tell me how this in any way differs from the many cases of people skipping bail through beuaraucratic incompetence, anywhere?
  6. Sad they need the money so badly, they will resort to selling their bodies, very old profession that will be around as long as people want such services, and have the money to pay.

    Exploitation of the ecnomically poor is a fact of life, SADLY

    You make it sound like a fate worse than Daesh. Many, if not most women who sell sex world wide are quite comfortable with their decisions. It's the morally inept likely who do more harm than good.

    Its perfectly natural sex, for goodness sake, not mass murder.

    I get bothered because it's this po faced moral squeamishness that aids and abets the exploiters. If it were a morally neutral choice, Women would be better protected, and the criminal element eliminated. Think about it. Or don't, why tackle the hard issues when you can kick the blame upstairs.

  7. Sad they need the money so badly, they will resort to selling their bodies, very old profession that will be around as long as people want such services, and have the money to pay.

    Exploitation of the ecnomically poor is a fact of life, SADLY

    Exploitation of the intellectually poor, and the poor in spirit for that matter, is also rife. It's called propaganda, it's far more deadly and corrosive to the human race than sexual exploitation will ever be. You're right in the thick of it now. Sites like these shape your thinking by how they present stories, oh yes they Do!
  8. "Thai Meteorological Department says the country's northern region will shiver until weekend as the result of strong cold spell moving down from China."

    Looks like you're SOL on that wish, the smart white money is finding ways to capitalise on the inevitable transition in global hegemony. Learn Mandarin Boyo!

    It was so cold last night that I actually had to shut one of my windows.

    I don't mind the cold coming from China if wouldnt' be accompanied by its tourists.

  9. Technologybytes makes complete sense. The hang em high brigade always also ignore the ineptness of the police when it suits them. Then they will be back to criticise the police for fitting up all and sundry. They never seem to realise that the law is very much a two way street that punishes and protects. How would the people calling for the death sentence for anyone found with indecent images on their computer react if they were fitted up with those images and then placed on death row? It doesnt take too much of a leap of the imagination to realise that injustice can follow anyone around and the self righteous need the protection of the law as much as anyone.

    For myself as a father of daughters who are my whole world I can feel the pain of the parents in this tragic case. But nothing will convince me that the death penalty is right if only for the reason that so many people have been wrongly convicted throughout the world and will continue to be. There is only one place for hanging.....the hanging of the head in shame for any society that has wrongly put to death a person within that society.

    Hear hear, the same lynch mob would scream blue murder if it were their nearest and dearest. I was once a right wing kid in fatigues, seeing death and injustice in a war zone sickened me of it. Some of them have learned this crap from daddy, as I did, and some of them are just mad and bad.

    I have rarely, if ever, seen a conservative extend compassion to anyone other than family, or their mates. I was one. I know.

  10. Technologybytes makes complete sense. The hang em high brigade always also ignore the ineptness of the police when it suits them. Then they will be back to criticise the police for fitting up all and sundry. They never seem to realise that the law is very much a two way street that punishes and protects. How would the people calling for the death sentence for anyone found with indecent images on their computer react if they were fitted up with those images and then placed on death row? It doesnt take too much of a leap of the imagination to realise that injustice can follow anyone around and the self righteous need the protection of the law as much as anyone.

    For myself as a father of daughters who are my whole world I can feel the pain of the parents in this tragic case. But nothing will convince me that the death penalty is right if only for the reason that so many people have been wrongly convicted throughout the world and will continue to be. There is only one place for hanging.....the hanging of the head in shame for any society that has wrongly put to death a person within that society.

    Hear hear, the same lynch mob would scream blue murder if it were their nearest and dearest. I was once a right wing kid in fatigues, seeing death and injustice in a war zone sickened me of it. Some of them have learned this crap from daddy, as I did, and some of them are just mad and bad.

    I have rarely, if ever, seen a conservative extend compassion to anyone other than family, or their mates. I was one. I know.

  11. Let me give you another slant on the death penalty. Forget the old innocent man argument. Although, for me that's cast iron.

    Consider one Peter Sutcliffe, aka the Yorkshire Ripper.

    A monster, sentenced to life. He has been savagely attacked several times, blinded in one eye by a dinner fork, and has chronic diabetes, and is reportedly terrified of losing sight in his remaining eye due to an future attack or diabetes. So, would you rather have hung him in the 80's a quick and I'm told, painless. Or relish his decline into hell over Decades? And the Kicker? After all this he's still going to die, probably in terror or in great pain. Now does the death penalty look so Good?

    BTW it's also cheaper to jail someone for life, than to execute them, ask any rich appeals lawyer. Who pays for those Appeals? We taxpayers.

    So three strong arguments why everyone but the perp. wins when life is handed down. The opposite argument has one position, revenge. Not much of an argument, more a goatherders simplistic biblical logic.

    You were doing well up until the last sentence.

    Some people need to be removed from this world. Some terrorists for example.

    War is war. We're talking about criminal justice, and yes, want to talk Terror? Gitmo proved innocent men were roped in. Try harder.
  12. Drugs or not, he'd have surfaced by now even if he lost it, someone would have spotted him shambling about and raving mad.

    He sadly won't be the last to come to grief, and if crime were a tourist deterrent, Rio would be a ghost town at Carnival. So much for all the doomsayers, tourists will flock here until the place is radio active, and even then, some numbskulls would still show up.

  13. Let me give you another slant on the death penalty. Forget the old innocent man argument. Although, for me that's cast iron.

    Consider one Peter Sutcliffe, aka the Yorkshire Ripper.

    A monster, sentenced to life. He has been savagely attacked several times, blinded in one eye by a dinner fork, and has chronic diabetes, and is reportedly terrified of losing sight in his remaining eye due to an future attack or diabetes. So, would you rather have hung him in the 80's a quick and I'm told, painless. Or relish his decline into hell over Decades? And the Kicker? After all this he's still going to die, probably in terror or in great pain. Now does the death penalty look so Good?

    BTW it's also cheaper to jail someone for life, than to execute them, ask any rich appeals lawyer. Who pays for those Appeals? We taxpayers.

    So three strong arguments why everyone but the perp. wins when life is handed down. The opposite argument has one position, revenge. Not much of an argument, more a goatherders simplistic biblical logic.

    Where as I get the point you make and am also glad he is suffering, yes I would rather he was topped in the 80's for 2 reasons, 1 it sends out a strong message to sex cases and 2 the money wasted on housing that pile of filth would be in the millions and better used elsewhere,trim down the appeals process to 1 appeal not lasting more than 5 years and heat OAP's living rooms in winter instead.

    Wrong. Death penalties don't send out messages of deterrence. This has been proven with every crime, not just murder, but particularly murder, where the perp is clearly, in that moment, not of mind to care.

    Wrong again, jails will always exist, therefore housing killers is no more expensive than petty crims, and the longer the sentence the cheaper it is. It's called economy of scale.

    OAP's are not relevant to this. I would suggest anyway, that foreign aid (government level bribery) be cut to pay OAPs.

    Finally, appeals work, like most civilised law, on the presumption of innocence. Or would you rather give up that freedom and be subject to your own draconian ideas when they turn on you and you've nowhere to appeal to?

    Your poor and wildly inaccurate arguments to defend your own lack of humanity, are not made more relevant by being cloaked in moral outrage.

  14. What is the nationality of this scary man?

    Drugs or not, most people don't say the past has caught up with them for no reason..

    What past? The guy is 21, so what past could he have, especially from England manifesting itself in Thailand?

    Unless it is something he did, or got involved in, here in Thailand. That would make more sense. In which case, the local mafia (ie: police) might well be involved and it would be useless to try and do anything official through the police.

    Guess we will just have to wait for this to play out, but I won't be holding my breath waiting for a happy outcome. In Thailand, these situitations rarely have happy outcomes.

    Just another nail in Thailand's tourism business.

    If a girl of 16 can pimp, a man of 21 can have 'a past'

    Nothing short of nuclear fallout would dent any tropical destinations tourism prospects. Ignorance and a belief in the individual being immune to such misfortune always sees to that.

  15. Witnesses thought that a group of men manhandling a young lady into a disused house was a domestic dispute?

    I fully understand the reluctance of people to get involved in disputes here due to the high potential for extreme violence but in this case it doesn't really add up. Of course, I was not there and do not know how the scenario played out.

    "Witnesses thought that a group of men manhandling a young lady into a disused house was a domestic dispute?"

    From the report:

    "She was seen by members of the public being dragged away by one of the men"

    No mention from the witnesses of a group manhandling her, no mention of seeing them take her into the disused house. just they saw one man pulling a woman which yes, could easily have been a domestic dispute.

    The implications of your comment beggar belief.

    Aren't you a credit to Humanity!

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