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Posts posted by dhream

  1. There is an acceptance for cheating here. It starts at university where post graduate qualifications are bought and paid paid for. Likewise careers. People are appointed on recommendation rather than the best candidate. Those in top positions don't have the experience or academics know how to do the job because they are cheats. Subordinates do not question their superiors. The result is Thailand today, wasted resource, industrial accidents, daily road fatalities, the god delusion, superstition, and a heard mentality.

    Persecute the cheats, eliminate the privileged untouchables, allow free speech and empower the public.

    How hard can it be?

    Since you're a farang, like me, persecute the military industrial complex in the USA for war crimes, eliminate the British elite.

    That's how hard it can be.

    Because the elite here are not about to reform themselves, there is no benefit to them, only Thailand as a whole, and they could not give a continental what happens beyond their privileged bubble. Why would They? If you were them, why would you? No one will thank or reward you. I agree with your sentiment, but we're both pissing in the wind old chap.

  2. P

    ... and assign a high-level Nestle manager to make sure change is underway

    Well, if that requires travel within Thailand, he/she better bring a bulletproof vest coffee1.gif

    Oops just remembered - they are illegal for civilians who are at risk of getting shot

    Purina has a factory in Chachoengsao...Nestle already has foreign managment in the country. Lots of them
    back in another life, my vet cautioned me about the canned/bagged crap all corporations, not just 'Nestegg' feed our pets. It's junk food for animals. Quite right. feed your dog or cat things they'd catch in the wild. Raw chicken, ruminants, etc. Buying at tesco means youll pay thrice, at the checkout, at the vet, to fix the health issues, and at the grave, when your pet succumbs to their processed unnatural diet.
  3. Don't over look this one point: Nestle is the one blowing the whistle here!

    They're admitting anyone that does buying here in LoS is opening themselves up to the slavery issue. The American legal system is making it so the Corporations can't be honest with their findings... Nestle went out and actually traced the roots of their supply chain only so some sleazy attorneys and their starry-eyes clients can fulfill their get-rich-quick fantasies. The article says class actions suits have already been brought forth by pet food purchasers in the US, how will that help the people currently chained in boats here?

    Now, if Nestle continues to buy from slavers after publishing their findings, then we talk boycott.

    PS IMA FARANG: Recent CEOs canned for ethics violations - 2015 United Airline's for the unprofitable routes solely for government officials (investigation pending), 2011 BP's CEO after the Macondo blowout. Corporations are owned by their shareholders - regular people - that should hold their company's executive accountable for ethics.

    Nice fantasy, show me one single 'regular guy' who has more shares, and hence voting rights than ' investors' such as Macquarie, 'Golden Sacks' et al. They all sit on each others boards, and for all we know each others dicks. 2009 taught the average punter nothing, guess who'll pay for that oversight in the next 6-12 months. Not them! That's what PAYE worker bees are for. The ones that walked got off lightly, failure at that level should mean jail, because the profitsvor rewards are commensurate with that. When these guys screw up they often take working families to the trailer Park. So make them accountable for the wad they trouser every year.
  4. whistling.gif In true Corporate Capitalism ethics is never allowed to get in the way of shareholders profits.

    That is one of the Golden rules of Capitalism.

    People are less valuable than profits.

    No Corporate CEO will ever be dismissed for ethics violations, but not making the quarterly profit forecast will get you fired.

    True, but every one of those psychopaths negotiate a sweet severance even if they are totally incapable of running to the bathroom, never mind running a company. They don't get to be ceo by writing to the make a wish foundation. They are more or less serial killers who never actually kill anybody. Want an example in recent memory? Wannabe POTUS amd ex corporate demolition-dame, Carly Fiorina is just warming up! Lest ye imagine I have it in for the girls, UKs Private Eye magazine had a regular feature on these types, showing the company value when they arrived, and the company value when they left. And I think they included laughing boys severance deal. I'll never bag Thai corruption again after recalling some of those handsomely rewarded disasters. We Snafu with the best of them, it's just more sophisticated graft back home.
  5. Good god, some posters really need to read the OP properly and try to understand what it is actually about.

    And learn What? This Swiss based behemoth has a list of profits before (very poor) people, young 3rd world mums in particular, that would make Peter Sutcliffe blanche. I'm in the mood for dusting off the DMs and these tossers will do nicely thank you. Breaking news VW love you, pictures of der fuhrer at eleven.
  6. hmmm... police call for help to identify the man but no photo of his face or passport are published. oh well...

    If they have his passport they won't need to know from a public appeal, if they photograph his busted head, no one apart from his travelling mates, or family, if he is an expat, who would contact the police sooner or later anyway, will identify him. Have you considered a career with the highest levels of Government here? You'd fit right in.

    "and contact his relatives" the police also asked.

    Passport doesn't provide this and maybe the guy lives on his own...

    I will need an aide de camp in my government post...

    Actually the back page or at least one other of almost every passport in the world has a space for not one, butin the case of the UK, two contacts details, for in case of an emergency. People like you, are why people like me have to live in nanny states, and even then, you have no clue. You don't need an AdC, Minister, you need a brain, why don't you quit while I'm ahead?
  7. I get very irritated when I see westerners riding motorbikes with no helmet and often no shirt (to show off the tats I suppose). I seem to recall reading that not wearing a shirt was, in itself, an 'offence'.

    I know there is no simple answer that will solve this, but we can hardly criticise the Thai's when many farangs set examples like this.

    Just had to get that off my chest! thumbsup.gif

    Holidaymakers should be warned about bikes and jetskis. Just DON'T. I know many ignore, but at least some may realise the extreme risks. I finally realise why they insist on holding one's passport,where the hotel merely take a copy, apart from it being almost as stupid as hiring a bike, they reckon odds on ypu won't be needing it anyway, you're going home 'gift wrapped' for mum.
  8. hmmm... police call for help to identify the man but no photo of his face or passport are published. oh well...

    If they have his passport they won't need to know from a public appeal, if they photograph his busted head, no one apart from his travelling mates, or family, if he is an expat, who would contact the police sooner or later anyway, will identify him. Have you considered a career with the highest levels of Government here? You'd fit right in.

  9. If he wasnt wearing a helmet its unlikely any insurance company will pay out expecially for head trauma.

    It's clearly written in almost ALL insurance policies that they WILL NOT cover you if your riding a motorbike in this country, as a passenger wearing a helmet YES you are covered.

    Actuaries live and breathe the numbers to reduce their payouts to the nth possibility. If they flatly refuse, then one may as well sign up for Syria with the French Foreign Legion, or be a drug mule, at least youll get paid for having your nuts in a sling.
  10. The police do set up road blocks and regularly stop motorcyclists for not wearing helmets. Most motorcyclists are aware of this and most have probably been stopped at some point.

    However, fining them 100/200baht does nothing to make them change their ways.

    Make it 5,000/10,000baht and word would spread like wildfire. there would be very few that did not in future wear helmets.

    And for all the idiots who say TOO MUCH FOR THAIS, realise that Thai or non Thai, nobody has to pay if they wear a helmet and do not break the law.

    I think you will agree that the traffic laws in Vietnam are very effective in ensuring that circa 99% of riders (and passengers) wear helmets.

    Do you know how much the statutory fine is in that country ?

    I'm guessing the penalty is banishment to Thailand, and Charlie is Like: Sweet Jeezus no! Anything but that, I'll even wear a tutu just don't make me ride There!
  11. Talks been going on for years..... sigh.

    Just another bunch of look important, feel important ?? you know going through the political motions to justify they their bloated salaries and their hand me down jobs. I have watched this same crap for all my years and it is going from nauseous to sickening.This drivel just never ends.

    You're referring to the local politicians and not the foreign contingent, correct? Seems the foreign contingent actually wants to make things better, whereas the local yes men just like to offer up lip service.

    As a trusting ex voter who has been betrayed by every single politician I ever believed, I find it highly dubious that these ambassadors even have the time to bother with Phuket when all hell is breaking loose back home. But, like many voters who seemingly never learn, they live in a rosy world of their own. Only the Thais can sort out their own problems, when they decide the price of corruption is too high for society to continue to pay, and until that day comes, forget about it.
  12. I've lived on Phuket for nearly six years.

    I don't know how many governors have come and gone in that time, but it seems there has been a new one almost yearly.

    I can't recall that any of them have brought real, positive change to the Island despite the numerous talk feasts to which they seem addicted. Please refresh my memory if you know of something. I don't even know what official power or influence they have with local mayors or prominent entrepreneurial families.

    I do know several vice-governors have been associated with land scams.

    Q: How many Phuket governors does it take to change a light bulb? A:hand me that fat wad of an envelope, and I'll see what I can do, but no promises!
  13. The takeaway here is. Manila is a better place to score a gram. Likely it arrived by boat on one of the countless islands, then from there... These clowns got involved. The barons rely on weight of numbers to win the war on drugs, for every big bust, others get through, every single day. Bank on it. They do. Also, the breathless and oft inflated Street value is not the loss the Baron wears, he gets it for relatively little buying in bulk, marks it up, and sells it to a middleman, and so on... Further down the chain, the less profit can be extracted, and the higher the risk. A business for losers to be sure, which is why your African dregs are so well represented.

  14. Attempts to reports a violent crime, police ignore it. He complains on social media, and now gets sentenced to prison.......don't worry people the resident thaivisa sexpats will be along soon to tell everyone how great thailand is compared to those police state western countries where everything is banned.

    Don't worry some ThaiVisa members preferred no to read the whole article.

    1) The first incident relates to a video posted Nov. 12 by Sukanya in which she vented anger and lashed out at a cop who told her not to park in a restricted area. The video went beyond complaining about the officer, and in it Sukanya accused him of planting drug on innocent motorists, Sompong said.

    Peerasuth said he called officers at Krabi Police Station about the incident, but no one picked up the phone, so he took the woman to the hospital on his own. Even after the woman was admitted at the hospital, no officer showed up to assist her, he wrote.

    So, these are police that serve the people? If the victim was your own relative, what would you think? This kind of thing happens almost every day, but dont you dickheads think about fixing it at all? he wrote in a post set to be publically viewable.

    Sompong said Peerasuths account of events was false, because the man in fact never alerted his station to the incident.

    He said he was angry that he called us and we didnt respond to the scene. But actually, he was calling 191. He never called us.

    and where are the phone Records? They love to show pictures of arrested people, guns, drugs, where are the PDF of the phone Records? Same with that other story about the museum. Where are the Accounts for all to see? Just some guy saying it's all OK. 555.
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