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Posts posted by dhream

  1. If she were to leave and do a runner there would be one less catalyst (a major one) to incite violence, especially if she was convicted.

    she can do a runner ANY time. her brother has major connections in burma (and property) and the border is porous maak maak.

    Finally an intelligent post. Thank you. She knows exactly what she is doing. And she's staying because she knows her family still have enough clout here to change history if they bide their time.

  2. The case has provoked uproar in Thailand, with questions being asked of both the British and Thai authorities after Mr Taylor was permitted to slip through the nets.

    I don't see how the British authorities could stop him leaving Thailand.

    They in theory at least , could revoke or invalidate his passport...... Since they issued it

    His passport has long since expired. The reality is you only get 9.5 years in it from day one, since only your home country will admit with less than six months validity. He's been a fugitive for longer.

    Every page of my passport is scrutinised at every asian checkpoint. I just don't accept this story as being remotely possible unless he arrived in a private sailing vessel and by passed border controls entirely. Or paid a fortune for a quality doctored passport. Also, knowing the corruption in these countries, he'd be paying vast amounts just to stay free. He certainly would have to be quite insane to go online to boast about his current life, given how hard, and expensive the undercover life is. But, as this site proves with every other post. Human stupidity is depthless.

  3. The case has provoked uproar in Thailand, with questions being asked of both the British and Thai authorities after Mr Taylor was permitted to slip through the nets.

    I don't see how the British authorities could stop him leaving Thailand.

    They in theory at least , could revoke or invalidate his passport...... Since they issued it

    His passport has long since expired. The reality is you only get 9.5 years in it from day one, since only your home country will admit with less than six months validity. He's been a fugitive for longer.

    Every page of my passport is scrutinised at every asian checkpoint. I just don't accept this story as being remotely possible unless he arrived in a private sailing vessel and by passed border controls entirely. Or paid a fortune for a quality doctored passport. Also, knowing the corruption in these countries, he'd be paying vast amounts just to stay free. He certainly would have to be quite insane to go online to boast about his current life, given how hard, and expensive the undercover life is. But, as this site proves with every other post. Human stupidity is depthless.

  4. The case has provoked uproar in Thailand, with questions being asked of both the British and Thai authorities after Mr Taylor was permitted to slip through the nets.

    I don't see how the British authorities could stop him leaving Thailand.

    They in theory at least , could revoke or invalidate his passport...... Since they issued it

    His passport has long since expired. The reality is you only get 9.5 years in it from day one, since only your home country will admit with less than six months validity. He's been a fugitive for longer.

    Every page of my passport is scrutinised at every asian checkpoint. I just don't accept this story as being remotely possible unless he arrived in a private sailing vessel and by passed border controls entirely. Or paid a fortune for a quality doctored passport. Also, knowing the corruption in these countries, he'd be paying vast amounts just to stay free. He certainly would have to be quite insane to go online to boast about his current life, given how hard, and expensive the undercover life is. But, as this site proves with every other post. Human stupidity is depthless.

  5. The fail. The newspaper that thinks airliner doors can blow off. Hahaha. Even if true, this clown is not in a happy place. I can't imagine how much he must have paid the Philippines if this is true.

    How you get from one country to another wirh a big overstayed stamp in your passport and as a known murder fugitive, when even a dodgy visa border runner has no chance, is beyond me. Unless he swam ashore, in which case. He can be nicked anyway. Like I said daily mail. Hahaha.

  6. Let me give you another slant on the death penalty. Forget the old innocent man argument. Although, for me that's cast iron.

    Consider one Peter Sutcliffe, aka the Yorkshire Ripper.

    A monster, sentenced to life. He has been savagely attacked several times, blinded in one eye by a dinner fork, and has chronic diabetes, and is reportedly terrified of losing sight in his remaining eye due to an future attack or diabetes. So, would you rather have hung him in the 80's a quick and I'm told, painless. Or relish his decline into hell over Decades? And the Kicker? After all this he's still going to die, probably in terror or in great pain. Now does the death penalty look so Good?

    BTW it's also cheaper to jail someone for life, than to execute them, ask any rich appeals lawyer. Who pays for those Appeals? We taxpayers.

    So three strong arguments why everyone but the perp. wins when life is handed down. The opposite argument has one position, revenge. Not much of an argument, more a goatherders simplistic biblical logic.

  7. So DonDoRondo thinks US$3 is too expensive. And then you guys wonder why there are no Saunas left in business?

    I think a price reality check is in order. It is 2015. THB100 won't get you much of anything that's worth a damn these days. Charging customers double that certainly won't even pay the overheads needed to run a quality Sauna operation. Speaking of which, have you tried the resorts? I'm sure they have what you want, and cheaper than back home even then, but like I said, reality price check.

    And lest ye think this is trolling, please do look at numbeo.com for the cost of living in Chiang Mai 2015.

  8. Just inform Saudi if a dirty Nuk goes off in Europe a clean Nuk will go off in Riyadh. Simple.

    And by making good on this offer, the West plays right into deash hands, not to mention basically handing Saudi Arabia and its 80% deash Worshipping population, to the bad guys on a platter. Oh and ensuring the Koranic prophesy is fulfilled, as they are now flat out trying to do. Simple.

  9. I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

    I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

    In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

    I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

    Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

    The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

    There is the media, and then there is real journalism. I recently read a deeply educational article about what Daesh believe, and it would surprise you. It surprised me. For example it won't go down too well in Louisiana or Rio or indeed Rome, that daesh believe, and I'm not making this up, that Jesus, yes that Jesus, will 'spear' the 'Roman' leader, and lead them to victory, in Syria. To grossly oversimplify, eliminate deash from Syria, and you eliminate, or delay their prophesy. Syria is the Mo prophesied site of the end of days, and wellspring of the world caliphate that is lead by... yup, JC, in the Koran.

  10. Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

    You understand that "WMDs" are a fictional construct, don't you? The kinds of weapons pictured by the fear mongers don't exist. There is no chemical that can kill the population of New York City by dumping a thimbleful into a reservoir. There is no gas that can kill all the tenants of an apartment building by opening a tank into the central air conditioning system. They don't have "suitcase-sized nuclear weapons." There's no such thing. For poison gasses and biological agents, they need to use tons of material to kile more than a couple of people. In America we kill 30,000 people a year with cars, for mercy's sake, and another 30,000 with guns. Why are people so frightened of the boogedy-boogedy?

    Because, (as demonstrated in all Religions) they WANT TO BELIEVE. And theres no pill for stupid.

  11. The best response all expat residents can make is none.

    I understand many here have contributed significantly to the economy. Many have kids with Thai blood, and I for one would grant you full citizenship as fathers, and perhaps even a few farang mothers, out there, if I could.

    But, since you don't count here, and since the Thais need to sort out the destiny of Thailand. Reading most news reports, especially from General/PM/Chairman Chan is only going to frustrate you, and may even eventually lead to arrests on here. Best bet is focus on more worthy pastimes. We can't even change the way it is back home by getting upset at the news, why even bother here?

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