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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Enforcement alone won't achieve their target. They need traffic circles to replace those suicidal U turns. They need adequate Street lights. Adequate Road work safety detours, Hi vis clothing. Tail lights on bikes, vehicle checking stations for trucks andvbuses, including tachometer data inspections to ensure drivers are rested, vehicle maintenance checks every year, and on and on, whichbneeds money, too bad they spent it all on buying votes, dodgy trans Asia telecoms deals, and now rotting rice mountains.

  2. The tragedy of Thailand is that a lot of people who should not go to the convenience store at the end of their block wirhout adult supervision, hear the hype and think this place is disneyland for 'groan ups' and it's all great fun until it goes wrong, and then this place is your judge jury and executioner, sometimes literally. Don't blame Thailand don't blame your government and don't come here unless you've actually taken at least one iq test in your life, and have understood your score.

  3. Two years ago from coconuts...

    Airport to erect 30m baht glass wall to deter jumpers

    Scheduled for installation August 2014...

    That's inside the terminal. He jumped from the outside ramparts down into the taxi area. As usual slack reporting and skimmer reading has people thinking he was at the departure gates. It's all moot, that entire airport has thousands of 'launch' platforms. It was, and is, a world class example of how not to build a public space. Ever heard the unbearable racket thousands of wheelie bags make on those steel grille Walkways?
  4. The embassy do not exist to save their citizens from the big bad world or indeed themselves. It's like asking Honda to pay for your bike crash costs.

    There are notices on govt websites and in passports themselves, about YOUR obligations as an adult on tour or expatriated. Many on this site might try doing more reading and less writing. Some of you seem to get through life in a red nose and greasepaint.

  5. Sounds like a sad story. British embassy wont want to get in the loop. Too messy. Call home its your problem.

    A 35 year old doesnt become so depressed that he commits suicide because he cant afford a lousy airline ticket.

    Obviously alot more to this story. Thailand... 1. Business idea gone terribly wrong. 2.Taken for a fool by a Thai girl or a farang conman? They would be top of my list.

    Yes, it's always Thailands fault. He came here a balanced, healthy, wealthy... Seriously, have you any idea how inane your speculation sounds to anyone with a brain stem? What else is on your learned list O wise Sage?
  6. Most of the serious injuries to tourists on Phuket come from motorbike accidents, and why are tourists riding around on motorbikes here - no proper public transport.

    Fix this issue, and your hospital admissions will decline, immediately, and across the whole of Phuket's population.

    Add to that mandatory insurance when you rent a motorbike/jet ski etc., or partake in some group tourist activity like scuba diving, fishing or bungee jumping. ALL those outlets should have mandatory insurance to cover accidents and mishaps.

    Do that and I think you would find most of the hospital bills would be paid (insurance payout squabbling notwithstanding).

    Jetskis are serious water craft and it's time they were treated as such, not toys.

    Sydney city banned them outright as noise polluters and a danger to other waterway users. They were used by show-off morons for the most part anyway, no great loss.

    Motorbikes. no licence for the engine capacity one level ABOVE THE BIKE you're renting, then no ride. Shut down corrupt bike shops who fail to comply. There, fixed 90% of the problem in one quick post.

  7. "Help I'm being chased by a crazed Taxi driver on YaBa with a machete, a Sweaty ladyboy tried to pick my pocket, and I just saw a Chinese tourist drop trou and take a dump in the gutter in front of Starbucks!"

    "Arai Na?"


    Yes, and were you wearing suggestive clothing when these crimes occurred? If so you were asking for it!
  8. @ the poster with the long winded morality rant about how we've moved on from better things than "sex, hunt, gather" erm, no.

    The Internet is about little else than sex, hunt, gather.

    As for clothing when surfing, you need nothing but the power on.

    And by the way, the pinnacle of human development suggests concepts like self actualization (including nudity) fine art (containing nudity) and a lack of shame surrounding sexuality (necessitating nudity).

    These themes recur as civilisations peak, and are recurrently suppressed, as they decline, which is interesting in itself.

  9. Yeah now force them to pay it, foolishness, the girl should spend life in prison.

    she'll carry this forever, no one will let her forget. She's not a premeditated killer, so jail is a bit redundant. Locking people up needs to make some practical sense, not just make the mob feel better. She should be banned for life from driving, as should all manslaughter drivers everywhere. The payout should be higher. But like many have said. Good to see the rich here finally learning they are not above the law.
  10. Besides the parents also did not give testimonies that had proven that they had taken good care of their child.

    That's interesting - I cannot recall such comments from the court before. There are certainly some hi-so kids here, whose parents should be held liable for their behavior - and that goes for some of those expat kids as well..

    There's a limit to that. I know responsible people whove raised a bad little B. In spite of their best efforts. Some kids are going to be evil. Best not breed, like we need more humans as it is.
  11. Foolish Indian...

    What would he do if someone in his place would sit on his car / bike / veranda ? Ask him to piss off... for sure

    foolish thats not what i woud call himcrazy.gif never mind sitting on someone's bike. BUT WEARING A 75,000BHT.GOLD NECKLACE that is bloody STUPID.

    Scam against his travel insurance anyone?
    No just another subcontinent Del-boy flashing more gold than he's really worth to impress people dumber than he is.
  12. Its also normal for the pockets of the dead to be searched at a funeral, I suppose most people know this and accept its a gift for the inevitably poverty stricken souls who help at funerals, but they would not normally leave any valuable items or much cash. Must be a bit of a shock if you were not expecting it though.[/size]

    Removing valuables from the dead is called 'ratting' in the Australian death industry. It got a few mortuary workers locked up a while back. It's athsetically repugnant, but a victimless crime, unless you belive in Wooo. Why burn or bury cash the living could use to Live? Humans are irrational.
  13. Seems this post has identified all the good hearted suckers out there that will likely end up as news stories themselves on TV sooner rather than later. If you're upset because a more realistic human being makes use of money you've freely given to imaginary mates, then I won't presume to pigeonhole you, although my opinion of these, and other cockamaime religious rituals is not one of esteem. Reflect on the wisdom, or otherwise, of your beliefs instead.

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