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Everything posted by natway09

  1. The "tourist" area commissioners jobs of the big 8 are not cheap to obtain. 140 million Bht in these areas without pushing the barrow would take about 6 months to recoup, this stupid commissioner just could not help himself to get richer quicker. From memory was not the Chonburi commissioner not a "political appointment" I remember during & before the Vietnam war they could make this with "poppies"
  2. The tip of the iceberg, the under 50's from Russia must be about to start or do they have a special status ?
  3. The criteria for promotion will henceforth change from a silent auction to a silent Dutch auction.
  4. Raped over many years & now wonder why they are small
  5. Have listened to all the comments on here but sounds to me like you are using Thailand as "your 2nd home" or your "home base". You stated that you had a retirement extension, why did you not just maintain it ?
  6. You are a nurse, kick him in the balls
  7. It is not rocket science. I can rent in the city for 20,000 a month Same apartment for sale at 6 mil. 25 years to pay it off without any interest, outgoings maintenance. It just does not add up here to buy. I have been saying that water finds it's own level in this regard for 30+ years here but not yet
  8. His return (if it ever happens ) could be more trouble than an elected Government never being sworn in.
  9. You ain,t seen nuthin yet
  10. Talk to the folks that supplied your medication. Is it real or synthetic ? If real they should have supplied what they call in Thailand as "anti morphine" at the same time & supplied you with explicit instructions. Very remiss of them
  11. A word by the right person to the UAE Embassy will get this sorted
  12. Many years ago I made a statement on this forum that best leave him overseas in exile. The cost to this country in possible bloodshed, uncertainty, disruption to the whole country, is just not worth it. Nothing has changed my mind
  13. The RTP & the mafia taxis do not want anybody to rock the boat
  14. They worked out how to push the buttons & get some data. They might just have 1,000 Russians to handle soon or will this Govt give them amnesty ?
  15. The man who had knock shops just down the road from schools, made millions & yes I used to visit & enjoy now has turned goodee goodee,,,,, funny actually
  16. So the visa issued must be activated by entering Thailand by the 12th of May. After that time it has expired. Still surprised that you could not enter on a 30 day visa exempt, unless you have had 2 land border entries in the last 12 month already
  17. It is only China's support that is keeping the evil Burmese junta in power. They have no interest in their peoples welfare in any way ,shape or form only power & money. Human life is a commidity to be disposed of when it suits. Anyone supporting them from offshore is not much better than an animal
  18. I think a PO Box is unacceptable for both
  19. He also needs to have his mouth sealed which is almost impossible to find
  20. Gotta love Chuwit who opened up this can of worms. It was OK for him to have knock shops close to schools, but that was then this is now.
  21. I saw the aftermath on Thai TV & was upset that the concrete in the columns looked like gravel & powder. The steel in the columns looked fine but the concrete mix terrible. The welds at top of columns attaching to the roof steel still intact, obviously bent. There are thousands of similar structures around Thailand with open sides due to the climate & when built correctly are strong & wind can travel through so no pressure build up. Very sad, condolences to the families
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