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Everything posted by natway09

  1. I think a PO Box is unacceptable for both
  2. He also needs to have his mouth sealed which is almost impossible to find
  3. Gotta love Chuwit who opened up this can of worms. It was OK for him to have knock shops close to schools, but that was then this is now.
  4. I saw the aftermath on Thai TV & was upset that the concrete in the columns looked like gravel & powder. The steel in the columns looked fine but the concrete mix terrible. The welds at top of columns attaching to the roof steel still intact, obviously bent. There are thousands of similar structures around Thailand with open sides due to the climate & when built correctly are strong & wind can travel through so no pressure build up. Very sad, condolences to the families
  5. Even the management & admin savings alone should be worth it
  6. "Caveat mentor" has never been so important
  7. 50% of diet dry reputable food Mixing wet food with brown rice very good. Anyone who feeds their dog chicken bones or uncooked pork does not really love their dogs
  8. I just luv the comments by the farang armchair critics on here who stay home in their apartments all day being critical of Thai ladies eating & exercise habits. I am 5 kg heavier than I was at 18, now 72 & 60KG. In saying that if they are over 50 KG, forget it
  9. The 700 Bht has been incorporated into the ticket price since they stopped the auto machines before immigration at Don Muang. This is an increased proposal of 300 Bht. Many, many countries have an entry & (or) exit charge. Because it is included in the ticket price most would not even be aware. The guy who is leaving Thailand after 18 years if implemented must be a very strange one
  10. All I know is it is going to be difficult to get the elephant out of the room
  11. Where I am the bulk of the manual work is done by the Burmese who have intregrated pretty well. Certainly there are no Thais who want to do the work
  12. Traded in Euro about 10 years ago with China ( both LL Companys )as the USD at the time just too volatile Worked well for both parties. Could never work out why always had to make invoices & transfer in USD when doing business on the other side of the world & neither party was American. It will be interesting to see what the "big 5 Thai bank" bosses response will be
  13. Any motorway, tollway is only as good as the ability to move traffic off at the end
  14. Keep it simple, If it is their name, stick it in the PP
  15. Red hot needle worked. They are here alright, when I got a couple I was still "very active " so no idea from whom they came. 555
  16. All I know is this is terrible reading & I hope that those responsible are brought to justice. Sadly interested in hearing any outcome as looks like a sensless & callous death
  17. The big breweries only make weak "lager" not even really beer
  18. Castration needed here & not the chemical kind
  19. I wonder if they discussed "overstayers" ?? Immigration is going to be swamped with them soon if not already
  20. Nothing wrong with frozen beef. It is how you handle it once you gradually thaw it. We used to leave sirloin & tenderloin in the bottom of the fridge for 3 weeks still sealed in the cryovac. Tender & juicy. Always leave out of fridge an hour before grilling & after cooking should rest for 4 minutes minimum Most beef in underaged
  21. Hard for me to fathom the reason behind trying to operate without the correct licences. Total cost for the 4 required come in just over 3,000 Bht for 1st year & under 3,000 Bht for following years. It really is a no brainer NOT to comply
  22. They would be better off just collecting their monthly millions from bars, massage shops etc in the brown envelopes & leaving the tourists alone, but no, got to get more greedy
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