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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Little bit of lead between the eyes quietens them down. Quick, painless. Hate to say it but sometimes the only way but the Good Lord Buddha would not approve so it will not happen
  2. More paranoid rubbish. What they should do is try to reduce the rat problem in metro areas where there are large monkey populations half of which should be culled like the dogs, but better not to start me on that one again
  3. I notice on my drive out the other day 3 of the crossings had installed lights. Not that it has made any difference
  4. Many assumptions here but IF they manage to bring him back he better have a a very good alabi
  5. Made the news maybe as a lesson to others. Lower stomach pain on the right hand side that persists after 6 hours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. go,,,,,, If it bursts, it releases a lot of toxins into the body & it cannot cope under many circumstances. Get treatment in time, simple & not very expensive
  6. It is, I am afraid as a previous poster called it is about self entitlement. Once they get a vehicle they believe that they are a class above any person on foot. I nearly got knocked over by a "messenger " bike rider who came shooting around a blind corner on the pavement. After I verbally gave him a mouthful he still wanted to fight me.
  7. Nothing wrong with your idea & the idea itself, but the ones I have come across have been almost obsessed with their own importance. On the other hand met a couple of ambulance vol's who I had nothing but admiration for & addressed injuries properly before transporting with a humble approach
  8. Bit late to start to worry now. Krungthep been rockin & rollin for 6 months now, but I suppose the BIB need their car HP paid
  9. With the latest upgrades you now have the tools at your disposal to nip the crims in the bud. All that is needed now is to get your crew off their butts & do some work other than the bare minimum or where there is a buck to be made
  10. So many disabled sellers will now be out of a job through no fault of their own but middleman manipulation, greed, graft & profiteering. Sounds about right. I remember when online "lotto" style was canned so the handicapped had an opportunity to earn a meagre living. Oh Thailand
  11. The Ministry has nothing better to do than to hound a Co that is selling a non essential item, has competition on the shelf beside it & should be discouraged anyway ? Time better spent checking the 160 essential items that every household needs
  12. 8 years in a Thai jail will do the trick, in particular if the wardens let slip to the local inmates why he is in there.
  13. Water supply in Hua Hin has been stating on ice for 8 years now. This is a welcome & much needed bit of infrastructure
  14. Funnier still are the news readers & comedy actors on Thai TV wearing masks still. Come on guys & gals, get a life
  15. Just let it take it"s course. I can be a lot of fun. Half the members on here must use walking sticks or their memories are shot.
  16. Now that is done, deep breath, go take your meds & get a Thai to pay your bills from now on
  17. Leave home on the off chance you get checked. Just pop down to the local street market & buy a couple once here. One third of the price you paid
  18. The same problem as all the "elected" PM's . Unable or unwilling to break into the total lack of meaningful control by RTP. It will never change until there is a sufficient enough deterrent by the RTP to start obeying the existing laws. It is called being indolent
  19. Come on guys & gals, Just coming for a holiday, bringing as much back to sell as they thought they could get away with.
  20. Been using for 4 years, had need to ring twice, no long wait & problem solved on the spot. Some posters on here talk rubbish. If need a new pin or change a visit to any BKB with correct ID will have done immediately. Wait 2 months,,,,,,skypilot
  21. natway09

    Roof Gutters

    Colourbond gutters available in 3 standard colours. (We have) As I am lazy & they are up high saves having to paint.
  22. Is this the idiot that suggested to get rid of all overhead cables in lower Sukhumvit ? The BMH took him seriously & now "poof" all our cable TV has gone. On the same subject I saw tons & tons of cables being taken away, after the indiscriminate cutting down, I wonder who made a fortune out of the copper ?
  23. Think you are joking about the remote ? I have my TV & required boxes for what I want. Family still have 2 TV choice in other rooms to use.
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