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Everything posted by natway09

  1. With little hydro difficult with rising fossil fuel prices going crazy, thanks to Putin. Have a look at the UK unit price & weep for them. Nobody needs aircon in a home during the day unless it is cery badly designed & built
  2. In addition to my comments above I do not believe fire exit inspection are police work. They are (or should be ) the responsibility of councils or shires in their respective areas
  3. More lip service. Last time I was in Nana Plaza the 2 old fire exits supposed to lead out to beside the Landmark Hotel alley at the back padlocked or built over in one case. In fact they are so well disguised that unless you remember the "old days you would not know they are there, not that they are any use. Supposedly "security"is the reason Full house, old buildings with a lot of old dry timber, fire at the front & hundreds would be toast. Years I have been talking about this but I presume "money talks"
  4. At this time the capital investment required (I have 3 phase) & the returns just do not stack up
  5. In all probability a serviceman would look at the compressor outside to ensure the fan is clear but where most performance is lost are the condensors that get all gunky inside that need cleaning every 6 months under normal domestic use. Commercial heavy use can pay dividends to clean condensors every 3 months. (I am assuming no need for regassing which with a good brand & correct installation should not need doing for 5 years
  6. Yes you can, but not for hire or reward
  7. All I know is that if you do not use the ATM the birds get angry
  8. Rutnin are now more expensive than Bangkok Hospital
  9. With luck gone for good. Ask the tailor who had to get his maids to clean <deleted> & urine off his steps every morning. Used to walk down to Trendy, the urea stench was overpowering. No toilets no bar allaoed
  10. Good old SRT. Most badly run Government Dept in Thailand. High speed train to Hua Hin should have been operating at least 15 years ago
  11. He must be in the early stages if last month he did not know. A good private hospital could get him back well enough to travel if that is his wish, I am sure, although his age is about the end of the line age. I wish him well but to travel if he knew about without the financials available was a recipe for a good burning with 4 monks
  12. The internal accountant is satisfied, back you go
  13. Not wanting to fly Thai & no landing slots for flying himself ? Bit of a snub though
  14. Too strong a taste for me anyway
  15. The dog needs a bullet. Should be a restricted or banned breed
  16. I was requested to get 12 monthly statements as I had not updated the passbook every month
  17. Light on fuel, no passengers, no problem, up & over to Suvarnabhumi. Don Muang was not used for bombers, they went to Utapau
  18. Something smells like fish & something is missing from the epistle
  19. I have similar, check that you do not have Aortic Valve Stenosis. This tires you quickly & shortness of breath
  20. No chemical castration for him, a sharp knife job needed
  21. How was he to know it was a "pet". It was out on the street being a nuisance, bad aim I say. I love dogs but having twice had to fight off packs, I wishfully think a cull is in order
  22. Sounds like some fine upstanding locals (farang orThai) should have reported this "habitual drunk driver long ago. I would have had he been in my neighburhood
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