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About flexomike

  • Birthday 05/09/1947

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  • Location
    Chakphong, Rayong

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  1. It is only your TIN if you activate it with the revenue department
  2. Hey I have a Yahmaha 125 guess that makes me HISO
  3. most likely on their income tax filing. No one is going to make that large of a donation without using the tax deduction.
  4. quit going to the doctor with all your medical issues and you should than have at least 40,000 a month
  5. you are the one that is confused, you need to get your head out of the place that the sun doesn't shine
  6. Oh yeah, most likely minimum wage, you sound like a real Scrooge
  7. Not true, only if you go to a tax office and have them activate the number for tax purposes. There is a form that you have to fill out to get this done.
  8. Why would you do like that when you have been saying that you would be staying outside of Thailand so that you don't meet the 180 day threshold
  9. Sounds like Bob has found his new place away from the tourist areas.
  10. and your point is?
  11. good job, guessing you are about 80, I will be 78 on my next birthday
  12. Rookie, first arrived in Thailand in 1968 and I also survived all of that
  13. That link seems out of date, check the personl allowances
  14. no way is money going to solve your problems
  15. If he had it for any length of time of course he would have paid less. Gold has appreciated a lot.

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