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About flexomike

  • Birthday 05/09/1947

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    Chakphong, Rayong

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  1. You really are a victim of <removed>, get a life
  2. You really are an idiot
  3. Who gives a flying fok
  4. You are the one that has nothing, all you do is post bs, nothing better to do in the village than play all day on the internet, what a boring life you must lead.
  5. you obviously don't have a clue either, you had no asessable income so there would have been no need to even file.
  6. how old are you and how much would you be receiving per month for SS. Do you have other savings, is your health good.
  7. I always get a yearly statement, I asked the bank to start sending me credit advices for each transfer, they talked to the main office in Bangkok and said they could do monthly email credit advices, still have not received the one for March but it has only been three working days, will wait for one week and go back in if I have not received one.
  8. In that case a credit advice for each months deposit will be required, more paper work
  9. They set me up for automatic email credit advice statetments. The new code for them was a little confusing, no one new anything about it had to contact the main office in Bangkok to get info. Strange that the sms I got says Prompt Pay, I don't use prompt pay.
  10. Went to Bangkok Bank today, to take out my monthly transfer. US Social Security money which is routed through the NY Bank. Since 2016 it has always shown as FTT, today the code showed up as TPP, had the banker call Bangkok to see what is up with this. Apparently they are changing over to TPP, hope Immigration is made aware of this. I use the monthly method.
  11. Does the credit advice come to you automatically or do you have to go to the bank and get one. Also is this free or is there a monthly charge for it?
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