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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. up too five years, read the article
  2. He filed taxes previously so he has to have a tax IF
  3. Just get a one year statement for 2024 from Bangkok, it will show all of your deposits for the year that were transferred in from the UK, add them up and just give them that number
  4. just take your wife with you to the tax office, they will do all the paperwork for you online. No charge for this and with the amount of income you have you will owe nothing, and if you bring a tax statement from the bank that amount would be refunded to you
  5. That is a lot of money for the majority of Thais, don't quit your day job, you will never make it as a comedian
  6. His goal is to reach 200,000 posts before Trumps term is over, he will probably do it
  7. you can withdraw all of the 65,000 every month but you need a new 65,000 baht international transfer every month, can not be one baht less than 65,000 baht
  8. I have Bangkok Bank and only get charged the 15 baht fee if I use an ATM out of the provence, have not done that for awhile so it may longer apply
  9. was this out of the provence your bank is?
  10. damn I was never contacted, but I am all for raising the ceiling for what you have to pay taxes on, this is one way to get the rich to pay more taxes
  11. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black
  12. wft does Australia have to do with Canada and the US
  13. Not like Australia which is governed by Rhodes Scholars
  14. Get off your high horse, damn Trump has turned your brain into mush,
  15. who gives a flying "F" about the problems the Russians are having traveling, damn man you need to get a life
  16. Its not the people who happen to live there that are throwing out the visas and entry free all, feel sorry for the locals who are getting their tranquil life sytles destroyed by the greed of this government
  17. Still have not received ours, I went online and got mine, filed my taxes this morning, just used the letter the wife got at the end of 2023 for how much she would be getting in 2024. Hopefully the numbers were correct.
  18. Not sure it that is what the DTA states, I was under the impression that only federal employees including the military are exempt
  19. it is half if under a certain level of taxable income, if one penny over then the tax rate goes to 85 percent on your Social Security income,
  20. Also just checked and the average payment is $1763, so you are not above average - 555
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