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Pla Simon

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Everything posted by Pla Simon

  1. Hi steve0101, I printed off 3 Months statements from UK bank account - dated the day before I applied - editing out sensitive information. No itinerary given, but I did give a signed photocopy of the i.d. and housebook of the owner of the address i stay at. I would imagine a preliminary hotel booking on a website would suffice. Was successful, with extensive history of stay. Vientiene were very friendly. I did post about my experience:- https://aseannow.com/topic/1300206-fly-inout-for-visa-exempt-after-1-year-stay-in-2023/
  2. Given the locale, I doubt it'll be the last "squid vendor" to be wiped on, wherever....
  3. One can only hope that the stout, Jabba the Hutt-esque watchman meets a timely political end - an ironic, fittingly analogous conflate to his penchant. Namely, held by a strong clasp, his inner dealings opened up and jewels exposed, sparsly lubricated and given a full expert servicing, employing sufficient amplitude until set to everyone's satisfaction, afterall - I doubt anyone of his stature would be up for sloppy seconds now, would they ?
  4. Plagiaristic exponents of the much vaunted Thai wisdom could perhaps be forgiven for metaphoric pluralism... "Gods do not play dice."
  5. Makes a change from, "Power Pole Slams into Kuwaiti Motorcyclist in Pattaya"....
  6. Hi Lolothai. You don't need to pay for parking, if you don't want to. Drive past the rip off car park, through the opening of immigration compound perimeter wall and turn left - you will see another car park, just a short walk before the immigration building. You can park there for nothing. Driven and parked there multiple times over multiple Years - never experienced any damage.. Last time I parked for a full Month. Enjoy your trip
  7. Oh, the irony.... The closing statement was from the OP... Go back to your safe space.
  8. Gold ? Diamonds ? Tom Ford, Dior, Chanel ? A handbag ? How about a fat lip, and letting her pick her window - both for her, and her stretch marked Gucci baggage ? Lastly, I would like to note that love doesn't equal expensive gifts....
  9. A bit of argy-bhaji over a hottie with a roti ? She must have looked like a real Goa...
  10. In this unfortunate case, depending on which direction the protagonist takes, he might very well find himself walking in ever decreasing circles...
  11. Plenty of the cleanest brains to be found, in Thailand. Now, if only everyone's vegetables received as thorough a washing, before consumption...
  12. There used to be honour among thieves.
  13. Maybe they had misunderstood a convoluted synopsis, about a fortcoming lesson on Brahman ?
  14. In Thailand ? At least 10, I would have thought...
  15. "Spittle", might be a more widely used and commonly known one....
  16. Very stubborn stain to remove. Pro Launderers would usually attempt to use a steam gun or ammonia. Once built up, I can attest, the only recourse is usually a new shirt.
  17. Brute force.
  18. Not true.
  19. At the moment, none of the big providers are doing pay as you go promotions on sims. TrueMove H are doing a limited time postpaid promotion atm. 250 thb / Month - 15mbps unlimited, with free calls to any mobile network - limit of 15 minutes per call. The only caveat being you must sign up for 1 Year at a time, to avoid penalties.
  20. Perhaps the subordinate misunderstood his commanding officer's order to covertly check on privates, during ablutions...
  21. The beaches on Koh Chang are a bit much of a muchness. I was there during covid - placed looked like the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust - completely dilapidated. Dangerous roads - treacherous when wet Got bitten to buggery on many of the beaches there, (aswell as walking along the peripheries), by sand fleas - notably Klong Prao. Enjoy.
  22. Since I flew into Bkk over 5 and a half Years ago, on a METV issued in London, I haven't flown anywhere. I never intended a METV to be a long term solution to anything - indeed, should have been back at work Years ago - ensuing covid nonsense put paid to that. Border bounces - SETV's issued in Savannakhet Laos / extended in Thailand, then covid extensions in Country / amnesty - after which I used up allowances of 45 day border bounces / 30 day extensions - after which I received my current SETV in Vientiane, after my first ever refusal in Savannakhet. Generally I don't pay attention to the naysaying "experts" on these forums, or the hearsay crowd with no direct personal experience of the subject matter. Many here, for whatever reason, seek great supercillious delight, wallowing in misery and scorn - thinking a retirement visa grants them an authoritative voice / opinion on immigration. The only real authority on immigration in Thailand, is immigration itself, and I've always had good dealings with them over the Years. The Thai embassy in Vientiane - right now - are not scutinising visa history in Thailand - if you can provide 3 Months historic evidence of funds greater than 20,000 thb, you're good for a SETV. Good luck to any and everyone who can and wants to stay here, and makes their way by any means possible. Would be interested to hear the OP's outcome.
  23. Multiple reasons - I have never paid an agent, and never will. I could have paid 20 bags of sand to an agent in Buriram, to sort out retirement visa, but decided to use monies to travel, and have a holiday. Here 28 Years - speak a few languages - enough to get by, and do things myself. Not enamoured with Malaysia. Not immediately constrained by time. Been hitting Laos / Cambodia for Years - history / friends - not been anywhere outside of Thailand since covid, so nice to get out of the village. If you keep checking - more days will open up - people / agents cancelling, etc. Dogmatic comments of "ludicrous - achievement" have no bearing on the facts at hand - my prolonged stay as a tourist has all been above board - legitimised by immigration officials / auspice of law. Just making my way forwards - there is always a way here. I will say to anyone running out of visa, with prolonged history in Thailand - Vientiane is more or less a dead cert right now for a SETV.
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