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Pla Simon

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Everything posted by Pla Simon

  1. Your recalcitrant, naive arguments are devoid of gravitas. I've met Royalty. You have no clue of what you're talking about. The connotation and consequence of your logic is that by default, all of your lineage are to be deemed racists - as you yourself will eventually be condemned, by ideology. Owing to time constraints and preservation of sanity, I can't engage anymore with you. Good day.
  2. Ok, this confirms everything I need to know. I asked for binary. Here's a word salad for you. I took the liberty of reading this whole thread before I commented, and your repetitive, low syllable, non sequitur absolutist beats of castigation, certainly want for inspiration. So, to avoid dull protraction with autocratic protagonists, agenda based group identity politicos or supercillious posturers, feigning pseudo moralistic outrage, I will leave you with this. As I alluded to - to repudiate the generational dichotomy of cognitive artefacts, is to lead you blindly, to your own day of judgement. Basic social propriety ? Always. Nobilty, grace and taste are not to be bought or found on google - to believe an 83 Year old Lady of considerable social status would be consciously using racial ephitets in any context, is a fallacy. Contrived proposition of lunacy. As for irony - some of the vulgar, vindictive posts screaming about entitlement and privilige is a dark contradiction, to say the least. I would rather reek of anything other than rancid bigotry, bitter scorn and smouldering resentment. Take people as you, yourself find them. Good day to the honourable and noble. Good day to you.
  3. Have you met or had any interactions with the Lady personally, or purport to know anything about her history ? Were you there, personally ? Quoting the guardian and bbc - really ? Have you heard of irony ? Ozi or Oxy ?
  4. Poor Lady Susan Hussey. Unfortunate. If only her advisers had kept her abreast of the evolving maleable precepts of social constructivism, and the resultant cognitive artefacts thereof. If only she had worried about her pronouns, taken the deferential knee and apologised - offering restitution for her white privilege, before heartfelt discourse on whether or not women can have a penis, this whole subjective parlance faux pas and resultant travesty could have been avoided entirely...
  5. Thank goodness they're not at a roundabout - resultant discombobulation doesn't bear thinking about...
  6. Well, would Ye believe it ? The life of Kanye West has finally gone South.
  7. It starts with garbage education. No trash talking. Bin there, seen it, not done it.
  8. Thanks for the music - most of my o level revision consisted of playing my zx spectrum, red Leb and Fleetwood Mac albums. Can you imagine being unforunate enough to live in an age whereupon ultimate demise, a talented individual who lived a noteworthy and extraordinary life gets relegated to the bottom of a newsfeed, just above a communist human rights abuser, and superseded by news of an over priced prawn fried rice on tiktok ? RIP.
  9. I would say somewhere in Phuket - although 10 Years ago, so prices might have risen since then. Thank goodness they didn't order an accompanying fish... Highly credible tiktok news aswell - I tried to give it a go once, looking for rip offs exposing squids and starfishes,. but in the end found mostly males flexing mussels, so deleted.
  10. Reds in peace.
  11. I like that in some senses, but can't help my gut feeling that although both spurious - this covid pandemic, conflictingly, is the antithesis of any teleological argument. Information is cash, cash is king, and plagiaristic kings fly above us exalted as esoteric Gods, these days. In that sense, said God has blessed those you may have thought forsaken. Blessed are the indoctrinated. Indeed, a payment plan for the meek, and a free subsciption are preached as gospel of the day for the lowly - and don't forget to ring the bell icon. To defer blessings, those who might seek validation by other means than subjugation, would be subjected to eternal damnation - a wrath filled nihilistic dichotomy. On that note, I must turn the gas off on a pot of homegrown leaf tea, that won't get me high atall - then go and clip one off, of biblical proportions... As Fat B'stard famously said - I've got a <deleted> on that could choke a donkey. Enjoy your day.
  12. Ok - I'll take off my bacofoil tin hat and facemask. Look up World wide pandemics in the last hundred Years. The biggest pandemic I see is the one everybody is glued to, these days - social engineering on a massive scale, and in the end will not only account for the biggest loss of human life, but perhaps our very psyche, right down to the quantum. To some, we're nothing more than an algorithm. The bigger game strategists have been nurturing anomie to its current, self perpetuating state and capitalising on epistemic ambivalence. Desensitising through sensory overload / information seems to have been the precursor. Only my own opinion - if there is such a thing. I'm going to have to let this go soon - otherwise I'll be no better than my neighbour, after I covered his frisbee in superglue. Enjoy your day.
  13. Been a long time lurker myself - almost since the start. This is my 3rd incarnation, thanks to going against the grain, and the altruistic cyber fops and dandies hiding behind a report button and inherent bias. Not sure getting your 5 a day on here is wholly beneficial.. I believe the seeds have already been alluded to, sown and prep'd. Capitalisation of covid is yet just another capitalisation on information - the expedient currency of which many buy into, but realise no profit. Enjoy your day.
  14. "Actress" bit of a stretch, but perhaps no more than being in the pink, to the stink, to the clink. The holy trifecta, for those living in the rapacious fast lane. Shame her coach didn't teach her how to act with remorse, or humility.
  15. To be fair - she said she was a Nun. Turns out she was just a habitual liar...
  16. Fittingly, he has a certain je ne sais quoi. It's certainly a bone of contention. I'll stop blubbering....
  17. He would have been better off leaving his skeletons in the closet. For the police, will the 'cetacean' in this case be criminal or not ? I won't spout anymore - it's making me feel moby dick.
  18. It was a play on words - could be taken in many contexts. You took it a certain way, which validates my point. Subjective interpretation is a beautiful thing.... or is it ? You have over thirty two and a half thousand posts, and you're telling me to get a life. Why ? Why not ? If you don't want to allow open discourse on an open public forum, perhaps you could forward you concerns to the mods, or write your own closed opinion pieces - or not of course - I encourage you to be authentically you. Covid is so yesterday. More developed nations are already looking forward to the next pandemic.
  19. I think you missed my point entirely. Invaribly I do whatever I like, but thanks all the same for your concern, chief. "Capitalisation" of "covid" - as a hypothesised or constructed proposition. Discuss....
  20. Smiling Russians greeted at U-Tapao as first charter flight since Covid brings 230 tourists to Pattaya This is Home Page today. Inflection to suit the narrative. A whole history of it. 10p war comic stuff - bored of it.
  21. Reporting ? Plenty of pandemics last 100 Years, and death is all apparent. Just don't see all Upper Case letters on many words, no matter how gruesome or sensationalist the headline - that's what my post was alluding to.
  22. Still, after all this time, news outlets the World over are still capitalising the word covid.
  23. After that triathlon, he certainly deserved gold.
  24. Obviously, only his criminal record is long.
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