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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. So that directly confirms that Trump was forced to collaterize his properties and didn't have even the strongly reduced amount of cash. He simply lied.
  2. I see. I thought he ment the original post of mine which he quoted. That was only one and rhetorical. Regarding marketing a question rhetorical: no, that's a method of speech same as sarcasm that works without marking it explicitly as such. It has nothing to do with being psychic or mind readers. It's just about understanding the words being said. Like "Who would be stupid enough to believe xyz?". Nobdoy expects an aswers to the question, it is rhetorical. It's simply used to express the opinion that people would be stupid to believe something. In the same way my question "Who would trust Trump on the property value in order to grant a bond when he's being prosecuted for lying about exactly that?" is just meaning to say that nobody will trust Trump when it comes to that question and will 1. do their own valuation and 2. give very low valuations because of the circumstances.
  3. I didn't pose two questions so again I have no idea what you are talking about. But I guess beer would explain that.
  4. I don't know what you are trying to say. Your answer to my question doesn't make sense. The question was also rhetorical.
  5. People with far more knowledge (compared to?) of real estate values would trust Trumps word on real estate values? Makes no sense. If they have the knowledge then they would evaluate the value themselves.
  6. Of course there is a fee as there always is with bonds. If he had the cash then he'd post the bond using his cash and avoid the costs. Leaves only one option for him and that's borrowing with security against his properties because no one gives a bond of that size without security. He might have covered parts of the bond with cash but definitely only a fraction. Over 30 bond insurers turned him down before which means he didn't provide adequate securities on the larger amount, again a clear sign that he just doesn't have the cash.
  7. So even the strongly reduced amount he wasn't able to cover with cash even though he claimed he could with the full amount. He's borrowing a lot of money secured against his properties. Pretty sure he didn't get great rates because the very topic of his case is that he inflated the values of his properties so who would trust him on that when granting him the bond.
  8. So if you make it past the first two years you have a 100% chance of succcess. Amazing.
  9. Sorry what? The Thai government lets the Chinese decide the punishment for violations of Thai law? The Chinese government will have the power to revoke Thai visas? What? How does this in any way make sense? Is the Chinese government now in charge in Thailand? WTF
  10. There's also the effect that time seems to pass faster the older we get. When you are young a few months are an eternity but later you get thoughts like "another year passed?".
  11. You said it's governed by human imagination which is a weird claim. We defined terms like Days in relation to the day and night cycle which depends on earths rotational speed. Claiming that's just imagination... well I'll call that imaginative.
  12. Leap seconds do cause issues with software that expects a minute to always have 60 seconds indeed. It's sad because that stuff is nothing new just usually works in the other direction 😕
  13. It clearly does govern (influence) time. Both in the sense of wall-time as well as space-time as percieved by us. It's not dumb logic.
  14. I posted in relation to your "if the earth spun the the way" post. The article indeed talks about time as in calendar or time of day.
  15. Nonsense. Time (as in space-time) is influenced by the speed between two observers. The direction of that speed does not change the direction of time which has only one direction - forward. Only the absolute value of the speed matters. No direction in "km/s".
  16. Time is how much a clock proceeds. A very precise clock would be a light clock for example. Time on the farther edge of our spinning ball proceeds at a different speed to some place with less rotational speed as observed by that person. Our relationship to time does not change for ourselves, that is always constant. But we observe the speed of time for others change. If the rotational speed of the earth changes then the difference of speed of time for people at different speeds relative to us changes as well.
  17. Maybe the site is a bit too complex for this "intellectual" poster.
  18. I think the renter would have a hard time claiming reimbursement from the rental company. He'd only have a good chance if they either explicitly advertised the cars as coming with insurance (and even then it could be difficult) or if the rental contract states it. Depending on the actual accident he might want to check if there is any CCTV footage available or if he can find whitnesses. That might get him off the hook easier.
  19. If one were to be pricese then time is actually changing in a way because time is relative and one of the things it's being influenced by is speed. So a change in rotational speed will change time for some observers.
  20. I think they really mean shipping containers. You need a lot of chicken feet to get to those monetary values. They aren't exactly high value items. 5B THB / 10,000 containers is 500k per container. This article speaks of 24 tons of chicken feet in one container. That's less than 21 THB per kilogram. Could be about right.
  21. I wish AseanNow stopped posting stuff from "The Thaiger". The standards of that outlet are so low it's not funny. Plus half of their articles look like written by AI. They also use fake authors profiles.
  22. How is the article wrong? It cites a study so are you saying the study is wrong? If so, how? I mean I'm happy to hear that you found something that helps with your pain because well pain sucks. But how can you be sure it's the CBD and not something else? And how can you be sure it's not a placebo effect? I'm not saying what you experience isn't real. I'm just saying anecdata is always to be taken with a grain of salt and can't invalidate properly conducted studies.
  23. Maybe Thailand should think how ten thousand containers can pass through their border without proper checks. And that's just the chicken feet. Sounds like a complete anything goes.
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