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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. It's still you. See attached an alternative screenshot for the "after vaccines" timeframe which shows much lower death numbers compared to your "before vaccines" one. I'm not sure why you can't see that picking a different point on the graph completely changes the narrative and therefor it's meaningless to do this comparison. Your x-axis points are completely arbitrary apart from earlier and later in the timeframe and do not respresent trends, averages or anything. It's just peaks. Why? And just to stress it once more: you did not compare vaccinated vs non-vaccinated numbers and yet used your unrelated numbers to somehow argue against vaccines. It doesn't check out.
  2. Good point. It's two screenshots stitched together and labels added. @KhunLA did you get that from somewhere else?
  3. You cherry picked because you took two specific points in time on a graph. Why those specific ones? If you choose some others the picture could be reversed. @TallGuyJohninBKK already pointed that out.
  4. That's a misleading or at best meaningless comparison without also comparing to people who did vs who didn't get vaccinated. You also picked two specific points in time from a graph that had huge swings. It's also off-topic because the topic is the money the misinformation spreaders have suckered from gullible people who believe their conspiracy theories.
  5. I don't need WHO, CDC nor any other institution to see reality. Whitnessed enough when the pandemic was in full swing. Family lost enough friends who passed away. So yes, it is obvious and indisputable denial of reality what you are doing.
  6. Bluetooth is wireless. This is actually a good idea. There are plenty of shops which should be able to figure it out easily. It's hard to do that remote via a forum.
  7. Not necessarily. A bluetooth connection usually doesn't need a dongle.
  8. The first priority for police and courts in Thailand is to close cases and resolve them without much fuss. I am speaking from experience. If you don't press the police to file criminal charges then they likely wont by themselves. And if you don't press them then you can't complain that the police nor court aren't doing anything. A cheap lawyer will cost a few thousand bath to push it along. You said you don't need money so that shouldn't be an issue. So either spend the time and effort to make something happen or accept it and let it go.
  9. It is the deadliest pandemic since the Spanish Flu. Covid-19 has resulted in 7M deaths according to the World Health Organization [0] and other sources estimate even more. If you know of any more deadly pandemic since the Spanish Flu then please tell us. At this point I start to think of Covid-19 deniers the same a Holocaust deniers. Something terrible happens and people just flat out deny reality. And since they deny reality, no amount of facts and proof can convince them. They are stuck in a twisted narrative. Sad but seems incurable. [0] https://data.who.int/dashboards/covid19/deaths?n=c
  10. That the CDC has reclassified it now means it wasn't like the flu before. So that directly contradicts your narrative that it always was like the flu which it obviously wasn't.
  11. I don't know why any nurse would say the opposite. Maybe a private clinic which didn't receive many cases. Just look at the death numbers. Tens of thousands of deaths in a matter of months. My mom lost a good friend to Covid. A friend of our family lost both parents within a few weeks. I'll never understand the people who deny the severity of the pandemic.
  12. Again, it takes time to ramp up, then goes exponential and then goes down again. That's how every single epidemic goes. Of course Thailand didn't scramble to get testing kits right from the get go because they do this reactionary. First the cases go up, people notice things are getting serious, then the production of the kits needs to ramp up and then we have them. This should be utterly obvious. What are you suggesting, that people got sick due to testing kit availability? That would be ridicolous. A friend of mine is a nurse here in Thailand. I remember it when she so stressed out due to many hours of overtime and handling all the Covid-19 cases and seeing a lot of people die. She was at her absolute limit.
  13. A lot of people did indeed die in the beginning. The hospitals and even morgues were completely overloaded. The virus was lethal obviously. Lethal means you can die from it. You can't compare the final mortality rates to the initial ones because the virus mutated heavily and got much less lethal. I am not sure what you would have expected, that suddenly everyone is sick and dies in the first year? You are clearly mixing up cause and effect here. The people didn't get sick because testing kits became available. We scrambled to get testing kits because the cases were increasing rapidly!
  14. That's how a pandemic works. There's an exponential ramp-up. That's where the expressions viral spread or virality come from. First nothing and then it goes like stink.
  15. Well duh, of course as soon as you introduce testing kits you will indeed detect cases. How are you supposed to detect cases if not tested? 0.8% mortality rate with all the counter measures like vaccines according to you. That's half a million dead if it infects the population. In Thailand about 60 people die in road accidents every day. I think your numbers are a wee bit off.
  16. It was clarified and not reversed. The word "reversed" came from the journalist. That's exactly the issue. Quotes are taken out of context and then people are like "haha! gotcha! it was a lie!".
  17. Again, maybe these millions should not take their health advise from a random talking head. They could instead turn to institutions like... I dunno.. maybe the CDC? You are expected link to sources. Not just mention names and that it's "out there". And once again Biden was not president when the pandemic started.
  18. No idea who Rachel Maddow is. I just looked at Wikipedia and it seems she is just a random TV host. Why would anyone take their health advise from a TV host? Doesn't matter if it's MSNBC or Fox News. There's bull<deleted> coming from all sides of the spectrum.
  19. You said that. See quote below. I am a big boy and know how to search yes. But the burden on providing sources is on the original poster who posts a claim. That's how big boys do it.
  20. Biden was not president when Covid-19 started. So I'm confused why you would pay attention to him at that time. If there are lots of videos then maybe link one.
  21. By who? Neither the vaccine manufacturers nor the CDC made such claims. They from the start were clear that the vaccines help reduce the spread and help prevent you from getting Covid but they are not a 100% bulletproof solution. They prevented millions and millions of people from developing Covid, clearly a great success story and exactly as predicted.
  22. What lie exactly are you refering to? The lies from anti-vaxxers that vaccines don't help? That they are worse than the virus itself? That they are new and unproven? That they are used to control the population? There were so many lies so please clarify.
  23. I know people who drink milk every morning and never got Covid. I know someone who doesn't drink milk every morning and did get Covid. I am scared to post this alternative view and be labeled a conspiracist and being oppressed! The truth about milk will get out!
  24. I mentioned explicitly "people who developed immunity". It takes time (years) for the population to develop better resistance to a virus. And that's exactly what happened. Nothing surprising here. And no, talk of it was not banned. That's just conspiracy thinking. Spreading misinformation is banned.
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