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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Because you have one of the cheapest. I have motorbikes whose policy costs more than the one for your car. Saving 25k per year on a policy doesn't sound outrageous. But it's offtopic anyways. To be a bit more ontopic, OP: most policies in Thailand as previously mentioned are on the car no matter the driver. Insurance companies do offer discounted policies for named driver only so if you want to be sure either check the policy (needs reading and understanding of Thai) or easier: have your GF ring the company.
  2. Are you sure inflation is THAT high yet? ???? Sorry but you are exagerating more than a tabloid would. It's not the first time for a landslide there btw.
  3. He might be annoying but that doesn't mean you can use violence. If his complaints are frivolous then one can punish him for that via legal means. If they are valid then maybe the rules and laws are bad and his actions while not pleasant are at least raising the issue. And if he is always making a stink about nothing then maybe it's the media who shouldn't put him in the spotlight all the time?
  4. Wait what? If no weapon is used then it's not violence? So it's ok to punch people to convince them of your viewpoint? Is that what a former national police chief is saying? What the?
  5. When I try to login with my Lazada Thailand credentials on the Lazada Malaysia website they also don't work. Go into the Settings in your phone, select the Lazada app and clear all the storage and data for it. I guess it got somehow initialized to the Malaysian setting. Or maybe it's even possible to switch the country inside the Lazada app.
  6. It's all radio communication yes but they clearly refer to Radio Broadcast. I said LTE has an upper bound of something like 100km. Normally it's way way less. Single to lower double digit kilometers. With AM you can easily cover hundreds of km and even get around line of sight with refraction. And these low end radios can be powered with a batteries that are easily available or even powered with a hand crank. They have clear advantages in emergency situations whith severe blackouts. Of course it doesn't have to be one or the other. They can also send out SMS to everyone.
  7. Radio as in AM or FM Radio uses lower frequences than LTE and can travel longer distances. The max cell size for LTE is something like 100km while AM Radio can go for more than 1000km.
  8. A buddy of mine was there a week ago. They did a dB check indeed. He also encountered an elephant (I did too last time I was there) so yea better ride carefully.
  9. Don't think there is a size limit. as long as it fits into the truck. You can send full size adventure bikes. Price is higher if more than 400cc (classified as big bike).
  10. Unless urgent I'd use Thai Post. DHL will probably do it but will be much more expensive. The other budget couriers like Kerry as you saw will most likely not do it.
  11. Most likely but the structural integrity will not be 100% the same. If you fold a paper back and forth you will be able to tear it on that line easily. Same with metal. It all depends on how much they were bent, the material etc. Hard to give a general anwser. Sometimes will be fine and sometimes not. With break levers I err on the side of caution and replace them. Cheap enough. I dunno, the handlebar itself will have a higher chance of bending. I'd rather have a bent lever that took the impact instead. Easier and cheaper to replace normally.
  12. When the news broke down I was quite shocked and sad. So many needless deaths. Then I read this story and felt angry about the systematical unethical and cowardly behaviour by his peers and superiors that enabled him. But the following sentence changed the mood to scared. How widespread does drug addiction amongst officers need to be for the police to need their own rehab program?! What the actual fark?
  13. Oh so they are keeping the Rosso 3 in the range? Damn I thought it's just a successor - 4 replaces 3 and not an alternative. That's pretty unfortunate naming then. I agree a new set of rubbers feels sooooo nice ????
  14. Compensate in the sense of adjusting the height/geometry/sag. The sentence just before the one you quoted: Preload making a suspension more or less stiff is a common misunderstanding. When it can feel softer or harder is when the spring rate and the rider weight are so out of balance that the suspension does not work in its optimal range and the preload maybe can bring it back to that range.
  15. Rosso 3 are outdated, now they have the Rosso 4. I've had the Rosso 3 on my CBR500R and really liked them. You don't need to race to get them up to temp. Not with the blistering asphalt temps we have in Thailand ???? Spirited riding is enough but OneMoreFarang is mostly doing BKK and commute style so yea the S21 might be better indeed. Rosso (Super)Corsa on the other hand...
  16. Preload on a spring does not change resistance to compression. It pretty much just changes max extension of the suspension and therefore height. Here an image that shows the spring didn't even change when adding preload.
  17. Yes none of these structures are 100% fine. But one should still strive to be correct about the facts, details and possibilities so that everyone can make their own informed decision.
  18. Nothing shady about it. Shares (no matter what type or class) represent ownership. You can't have more than 100% ownership which would be the case if common shares already were 100% plus other types on top as you suggest.
  19. The total sum of shares is 100%. So common + preferred. They are just names for different classes of stock. You can call them A and B. The majority of the sum of all stock needs to be held by Thais (usually).
  20. First of let me state that obviously I am not a lawyer. What I say are mere opinions of a layman and not legal advise. But I have relevant real world experience in various countries including Thailand. Normally I would now suggest you consult an actual lawyer but... yea. A change of managing director depends on how the company was structured. A company can stipulate all kinds of rules. It can mean a mere simple majority of voting stock is required in shareholder meeting in order to pass a resolution to change the director. It could also require a supermajority of say 75% of votes. It could even require a change of director must only be signed on odd days. What I'm trying to say is without reviewing all the company formation documents it's impossible to say how exactly your company was structured and how it should work. That being said, it would surprise me if a court ruling was required to change directors if shareholders want to do that. What would the court try to determine? The important part is that you need to understand all the documents and rules of the company. You need to hold the majority of voting rights and you need to make sure that you can't be replaced as the director. As far as I am aware splitting land and house can only be done before the house is built. Once it is built it is essentially part of the land and covered by its land title. So while they are correct they might not have explained it well. Rent is different as it's just a private contract for usage rights which can be for anything really. Even a single tree. Maybe, as previously said using such companies to circumvent land ownership laws is not really legal. So while having majority voting rights in the company is legal by itself, it might raise questions at the land office. If the company structure was to be changed after it acquired the land though... Another point that was mentioned already was to put debt on the company to you with the land as collateral. You see it becomes an act of protecting yourself via legal means from someone stealing the company from you and at the same time not spooking the land department. Officers at the land department are not corporate lawyers and most likely wont do a in-depth review of company bylaws. Sounds not bad. And sorry to be a bit of a bummer but you wont have complete safety. There's always risks and you can shift them from one type to another. One can reduce the risks but not eliminate them all.
  21. And did you run into fraud while ordering COD from Amazon and eBay and then went through the process with them? What was your experience? Please do expand on your last sentence as I'm not sure what you mean.
  22. Compared to the rest of the running costs of a hotel the cost for internet is a joke. They just get a regular fiber connection for a few hundred baht - plenty fast for a small hotel. The repeaters they already had. Electricity costs for the routers are negligible. Including maintenance etc it's less than a thousand baht a month. No hotel management with any sense would cancel their internet contract to save that tiny bit. It's a fraction of a percent. I bet it's just a case of misunderstanding as usual. Or the management isn't the brightest.
  23. Glad it worked out well. Let us know how you like those S21 after 100km or so. Plenty of chance to try them in the rain too these days heh.
  24. Cost savings. A lot of chat questions can be solved via automated systems. I agree though that they are annoying and misleading. Some people don't realize it's a bot they are interacting with. Anyways, there is still the hotline so really people are blowing the issue out of all proportions. As you can see it is easy to chat to a real person. Maybe post a screenshot of the message you see? I say that as someone who is fairly critical of Lazada.
  25. That is required because in your case it was criminal fraud that happened outside their system and so they have no evidence inside their system of something bad happening. They can't shut down merchant accounts just because you claim so. If you didn't order COD and the payment and shipping goes through their system it would be much easier. Are you alergic to police stations or why are you resisting this process so much?
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