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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. That was fake news by some clickbait Youtube channel. Toyota is going all-in on battery EV and moving away from their Hydrogen focus even going so far as to sack their CEO because he championed it. I suggest consuming less crackpot theory content. Sorry to be so blunt.
  2. I wonder why. Which party is in there that they don't want to mention?
  3. 212 is PT + BJT only. They need at least 39 more MPs. Democrat 25 + Prachachart 9 + Thai Sang Thai 6 = 40 MPs would do the trick. But that would be too close for comfort so probably need some more parties. They can't do it without Democrat.
  4. Must have come very unexpected as well because flying from Hong Kong to Cambodia seems to have been no issue. Oh and I think there is some huge chasm nower days between Cambodia and Thailand which makes crossing by land impossible. Or maybe the land borders are closed? I'm sure it has nothing to do with the delays in selecting the new PM. Nothing at all. The excuses are so laughable... how about at least being honest about waiting for his party to be in power before entering the country? How hard is it? And at what point will the PT voters start to feel taken for a ride?
  5. Hydrogen vs batteries has been discussed to death many times over. Yes hydrogen would be a massive step forward from fossil fuels but it has issues. It's a highly flamable gas at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure. Which means that faults in the tank can lead to very violent explosions. Explosions that can be so severe that they threaten the structural integrity of buildings should such an incident happen in an underground parking garage. Just for this reason and there being no fool proof way to prevent that they have a big handicap when it comes to general market adoption. Many of the advantages of hydrogen like fast refuelling will go away with advancements in battery technology. We already have batteries that can be charged to 80% in 20 minutes and the 10 minute benchmark is around the corner. The pace at which battery tech is improving is very high. Don't take the current state of the art as the deciding factor between battery vs hydrogen combustion in the future.
  6. I think we left that era behind us already since the introduction of ride-by-wire throttles many years ago and are taking it to the next level with autonomous driving. Crashes due to bugs in the electrically controlled driving are a reality.
  7. I love it. We arrived now 100% in kindergarten. To the court: I admit I lied. Please stop this. To the public: I totally didn't admit to lieing, what I said in court was only for the court *wink wink* You can't have one truth in court and another truth outside of court. So either he lied to court or he lies to the public. Court and outside court are not two different realities with distinct sets of truths. This is not Schrödingers Rudy in a superposition of lie and truth at the same time and dependent on the observer.
  8. What about the laws against fake news? Anyone who actually watched the initial video should have seen that what is in there does not match what it was portraited as in the news stories. The stories completely misrepresented the situation and exagerated or even fabricated facts. Will there be any repercussions for the journalists for spreading false information? These are rhetorical questions.
  9. They couldn't have changed the constitution just because they got the post of prime minister. And they also couldn't just have went and removed the 250 senators. How do you propose they do these things exactly? As a hint: amendments to the constitution require a majority of votes in 3 separate readings of the combined House + Senate plus at least a third of Senators need to vote yes. What you are proposing is that the Senators vote for removing the Senators.
  10. I am not sure how they think they can do it. But they seem pretty convinced they can.
  11. PT already publicly announced that they broke the MOU with Move Forward. They turned around on their prior declarations of standing together. They do not stand behind what they announced before. And why? Because all they want to do is get into power and get Thaksin back into the country and his court convictions nullified. Hardly jumping the gun. It's done. And now they have to deal with the deserved backlash from their own voters who rightfully can feel deceived and abused.
  12. Let's unpack this: You are saying expats moved to Thailand for good reasons so better not change Thailand. Westeners want to make Thailand change to adopt western ways. Thais don't deserve a democracy. That's disrespectful to both Westeners and Thais. It also has nothing to do with this topic about Pheu Thai and the power plays to form a government.
  13. Which also shows that the initial reporting of the brave bystander secretly filming the whole thing was just BS. You can see even in the video that the guy with the "gun" clearly saw that person filming and didn't mind. And he didn't mind because it was not a real situation. You can see the person with the fake gun giving a friendly embrace to the guy who he then tells to hold up his hands. He didn't have any aggressive demeanor, no shouting. No one was in fear. Completely ridicolous to report this as a dangerous mafia situation.
  14. But after a bill passes the House it will have to pass the Senate. And we know how the Senate stands in relation to major points of Move Forward.
  15. They can get a House majority without PPP with about 5 parties. PT 141 + Bhumjai 71 + Democrat 25 + Prachachart 9 + Thai Sang Thai 6 = 252. In total they can probably get 7-8 parties in there. I think getting Prawit into the coalition will cost PT too much in the future for questionable gain. But yes we should see soon what they are going for.
  16. According to the below thread, Palang Pracharath which is Prawits party will not be part of the PT coalition.
  17. They shoot the movie in proper IMAX format and film rolls but then it gets converted to digital with a low 4k resolution and bitrate with visual blur for most cinemas. You can even see artifacts from the encoding like tearing during certain movements. What a shame.
  18. So PT successfully managed to make Move Forward give up the house speaker role before the PM votes. Then they waited for Pita to fail due to the Senate (PT has influence over enough Senators to raise the question why those didn't vote for Pita) just to form a government completely without Move Forward, with their own guy as PM and all other members having way less seats so PT can dominate. Combine that with all the shenanigans about Thaksin coming back after his party gets into power. It really does not paint a good picture of PT. Smells like a nasty plot from the start which abused the hype around Move Forward just to turn their back on them and break their promises to obtain the biggest power.
  19. He also tried to take over OpenAI and was ousted instead. He followed up by creating X.AI ...
  20. Unless you've put a stop loss on the order the potential profit is $100 (if stock goes to $0) and the potential loss is theoretically infinite. Realistically if your account has just a few hundred dollars worth in it then you will be liquidated before it goes out of hand.
  21. Will do chargebacks (if paid by card or something else that supports that) ????
  22. Not at all. Visa on Arrival means you have to apply, do paperwork and then they will check the application. Visa-free aka Exempt entry means you just show up and go through immigration without applying or filing paperwork which will be checked. There are big differences. It's more like the Thai e-Visa but more automated as the US and EU have vast databases that can be utilized. Thailand is still lacking in that regard. But to someone applying it makes little difference if they have to apply online by filling out some forms and get approval for a Visa or for a "Travel Authorization". And the same happens with the ETIAS or ESTA systems. It's just smoother and optimized for the common happy path and just not called visa. But the gist is the same. Fill out documents, apply for permission to enter the country.
  23. Most Americans probably don't care, yes. They also wouldn't be able to show the EU on a map. Sorry had to go there ???? But even from that graph which shows only 2 EU countries it seems that millions of travelers would be affected. That's not nothing.
  24. Also for cars these things have existed for decades. They are called car turntables. There are many companies producing them. I don't know why they are presented as something new and an invention. Usually they are motorized.
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