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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. I see. But would the CB150X really be so much smaller? Maybe a Monkey ???? I have an Africa Twin as daily ride so I know what you mean, can be tricky sometimes to find parking but I'm ok with the trade-off for the fun it provides.
  2. You can transfer shares without going through a public market. I agree that it was feelish of him not do get rid of this stuff especially after his predecessor got nailed already on the same grounds. But there is following the letter of the law and following the spirit of the law. In a country where enforcement of many laws is lacking this case is a case of overenforcement. Imagine if the law said no-one who broke any law can run and Pita was caught speeding 0.1 km/h over the limit once. Do you really think being so overly pedantic that disqualifying him on those grounds makes rational sense?
  3. I neither read the NYT nor CNN. Not sure why you said I would. I'm also not american. Further not sure why you bring in Biden vs Trump into a topic of Pheu Thai and them trying to form a coalition to gain house majority. But that's exactly what I ment. This far right US politics thinking that has to fit everything into that box... it's out of place here. You called Pita a US stooge. You called the west degenerate. You have NYT/CNN in your head. You are thinking of Biden vs Trump. Nobody else mentioned this stuff. Thai politics are very very different from US or other western politics. Different rules, different dynamics and different history. There is a huge generational divide in this country which has a big influence on the political landscape. There is also a lot of baggage of power plays with military coups and billionaires duking it out. But whatever political leaning one has I think it's not OK if vast parts of society are denied having their representatives be part of the government even though their party got the most votes. It's just undemocratic.
  4. You misunderstood. It's 0.0035% of all shares. Not 0.0035% of one share. I don't think the SET allows fractional shareholdings. Even in the US it's a fairly recent thing that brokers started offering. And don't read too much into the word "shares" in the law. The intent is to prevent someone like Thaksin who has a big influence via media to run for PM. Clearly these few shares don't qualify for that.
  5. I recommend staying the hell away from pills. Paranoya and conspiracy theories can be a bit consuming.
  6. The prose was one thing and then there was the listing of 5 police officers by name and rank... for a warning regarding a parking offense. It just gives me a hard time taking the article serious.
  7. Is there a contest for the most absurd ideas running that I haven't heard about? Since the election it all has devolved into what looks like a fever dream.
  8. You have a... let's call it peculiar understanding of society and politics. Has a touch of far right american ideology that has proven so extremist and destructive.
  9. Not going to be an issue with the very people who appointed the senators on board.
  10. A lot of these people have nothing but their life on them. And they are lucky to even have that left.
  11. So that's Prayut and Prawit. Exactly the opposite of what their voter base wanted. They wanted change. Now they got more of the same. Pheu Thai just signed away their future in exchange for Thaksin to be allowed back. I have a hard time seeing this working out for them in the long term but who cares, their master got what he wanted.
  12. Haven't seen anything. The bike was introduced end of 2021 and since nothing happend so far I wouldn't hold my breath. Isn't it a bit underpowered for an adventure bike?
  13. Exactly. The efficiency of Hydrogen and the fuel cells is a real issue. Why would I use Hydrogen as a fuel to generate electricity when I can use electricity directly at half the price or less?
  14. Was that a ChatGPT reply? Anyways. Here's an article that might eliviate some of the fear about rare earth elements: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dont-panic-about-rare-earth-elements/
  15. Well, I'm certainly not going to argue with Monty Python. That's for sure ???? Snark aside I'm not sure you understood my prior arguments. Rare is a relative term. It does not mean there is not enough because not being enough depends on how much you need. Come on, it's not complicated. Show me that we need X amount but we only can feasably obtain Y amount. With that you'd convince me in a second. Again, hung up on a term but not backing with numbers. Again missed the point of my argument. There isn't just one supplier. And it doesn't matter if 90% of lithium would be in North Korea if all I need was 5%. Who has the most is irrelevant. All that snark is trying to sound funny and smart. But it's lacking in substance. Just wait before you discover that those same rare earth elements are used in the production of Hydrogen fuel cells ????
  16. Absolutely shocking statements. He is bluntly asking people to forget promises made before the vote and to do something different now? Is he for real? What the heck is the point of a promise if you don't do afterwards what you promised to do?! It turns an election promise into a marketing lie. A deception. A fraud. Whenever you think it can't get more absurd something like this comes around. Unbelievable.
  17. On the risk of beating a dead cow: If there is a shortage of cow food then what has to be done is ramp up the production of cow food. But the claims are that there is not enough raw cow food elements without backing it up. The difference is between production of something we can control and raw number of elements which we can't (yet) control. About the thing about screwing the cow suppliers wife... I am not sure how this analogy relates to the Hydrogen vehicles. Who is the cow supplier on that side and who is screwing them how? I believe cows prefer fresh grass ????
  18. The problem is that I haven't seen so far a good argument why we will have trouble producing the required amount of batteries. That BRICS countries have more raw materials than others is not sufficient. Neither is not having enough mining and refinement at the moment. If the west does not ramp up their own supplies in time and relies on hostile countries like they did already multiple times then that's an artificial problem of their own making. Of course you don't change the catalyst. By definition a catalyst does not change in a chemical reaction. You change the fuel. Charging times have come down immensely. We are not talking about hours anymore. This was mentioned multiple times in this very thread btw. We are seeing battery EVs with over 1000km range. No range anxiety there. I will believe that if I see proper numbers for this claim. Which elements will we run out of? How much of it is available and how much is required? And why can't it be replaced with similar elements? We've seen so many different battery chemistries that I can't count them anymore. It's neither difficult to upgrade parts of the grid if needed nor do we have a hydrogen distribution grid. I think people vastly overstate the need for changes in the grid. Of course we have to do a little bit something to help with a massive transition in our transportation system. The benefits so crassly outweigh the effort needed that it's comical. Why has it not become a reality? Hydrogen be it fuel-cells or combustion has had the first mover advantage. It's been there for decades and hasn't gone anywhere apart from very limited adoption in Japan. From a technological point of view Hydrogen combustion would be the easiest transition. The engines are nearly the same as our petrol powered ones and the fuel distribution is similar as well. Production of Hydrogen is super simple as well. Why has it not happened?
  19. Exactly. People are misunderstanding why he said what he said. He just indirectly taunted Thaksin saying "sure come on over, we're ready". The part about the weekends und holidays is to make it sound playful - as if it's not a big deal. It's the counter-play to Thaksins "I will come to visit my grandchildren" by which he taunts his opponents in power that he is confident he found a solution for his legal probems. Wissanu in return tells him they think otherwise. It's political poker.
  20. Good that you are sorry, BS indeed upsets ???? You do realize the V8 prototype they built was mostly a marketing exercise right? There is nothing in that engine that hasn't been done before in one way or another. And the other companies only have agreed to discuss the future of carbon free fuels. That's it. Why you think that would change the "stupid" electric cars world is unclear. As mentioned before, Hydrogen has some usecases. But it wont win over battery EVs. That would be delusional. It's simply not true that there haven't been orca attacks before. There also have been wind turbines long before Orcas attacked in some areas. So please don't make things up. And please stop derailing the topic. This has nothing to do with Hydrogen powered vehicles. No idea why you think that I have great expectations of "all kinds of leaders". Where does that thought suddenly come from and what does it have to do with anything in this topic? I'm perplexed about the line of reason which jumps from one thing to another totally unrelated thing. But I do wish you a nice evening as well ????
  21. Dear pleb. We welcome you having comments and wanting to voice your opinion. Just do it over *there* and not *here*. Your kind understanding in the matter is appreciated.
  22. The clickbait I referred to was a news topic posted on AN that showed a Youtube video which claimed Toyota will revolutionaize the car industry with their amazing Hydrogen cumbustion engine and that it will kill the battery EV industry. It was complete BS. Now in respect to the project with Yamaha. Pause a moment and think why Toyota would do such a project with Yamaha. Does Toyota need their expertise? What's Yamahas knowledge when it comes to Hydrogen combustion that Toyota does not have? Or maybe it's to have a project with shared costs that can be presented nicely for marketing. There is nothing interesting in what they did there. It's a show. The leaps you are taking are so vast... I'm sorry it's just too much. Wind turbine noise making Orcas attack boats? What about wales attacking boats in places where there are no wind turbines? What about the attacks happening before there were wind turbines? What about the actual noises from the boats themselves? Why does it not happen everywhere there are wind turbines? There's just too much wrong with this line of thinking. And the icing on the cake is the "it's not even being investigated" plus "lots is kept away from public" conspiracy nonsense. I call out BS when I see it.
  23. You can't draw any conclusions out of those numbers. It doesn't matter if 70% is situated in BRICS countries if the other 30% is enough to cover demand. And yes if there is a shortage at the moment in time for some materials which means that mining and production are lacking, not that there isn't enough raw materials. Show me that the amount of reasonably minable matter is not enough to cover future EV needs and I'll listen because that would be the number that matters. It's just a matter of supply and demand. We can ramp up supply. Let's take Lithium for example. There's enough of that stuff in the oceans alone that we could build ten cars for every person on earth out of 100% lithium including frame, engine etc. Is that a reasonable number to take into account? No. And so is the distribution of the material amongst countries alone.
  24. Rare Earth Minerals can be a misleading term. Yes they are comparatively rare but if you still have more than enough to build all the batteries you'd want then what's the point? Neither does it matter if Hydrogen was 10% or 50% or 99% of all matter. Forgive the pun. The only point is that there is enough for what you want to achieve. What does the concentration at which something will be explosive matter when you start with tanks that contain this thing at close to 100%? It's a completely moot point. I suggest you whitness a gasoline explosion and then a hydrogen explosion. In the german language Hydrogen has a second name: Knallgas which means literally Bang Gas. I have no problems casually opening my gasoline tank on my motorbike that sits between my legs and letting more gasoline freely drip into it all the while a blistering hot metal block sits just below it. I would never try that with a hydrogen tank. Modern battery EVs don't take hours to charge anymore. Let's not ignore all the advancements we had in recent times. We are now at about 20min to 80% and going towards 10min and no reason to believe that that is a hard ceiling. But they are not. They are betting on battery EVs after their Hydrogen efforts went nowhere. I don't want to paint Hydrogen based vehicles as a bad technology. They have their uses. Buses or trucks are pretty decent example. Industrial applications too. But not for the everyday personal car.
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