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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Weather station operated by the SRT "Red line" railway company. You can see their logo on it.
  2. I think you ment to say something else. It takes usually under 1 second to reach a website's server depending on network latency. If it took 30s to connect then every website you try to load would start to show up after 30s. If a website takes more than 10s to load then something's wrong. @swissie have you tried without VPN? That could well be part of the problem.
  3. It's easy to test if brake fade (overheating) is the issue: just let the bike sit for a while so the brake disk is not very hot (just touch to check) and then after riding for a few meters apply the brake and check if it works. If it doesn't then it's not brake fade or overheating. You can also if you have a paddock or center stand let the rear wheel spin freely in neutral and see if there is any breaking force applied though the first test is actually simpler and more conclusive. The dealer changed the brake fluid. There would be no reason to do this if dirt on the rotor or pads was the issue. So either they are lying or have no idea what they are doing. Inspect your brake disk closely and see if you can spot any oily or similar subtance. When my Ducati leaked engine oil it got on the rear rotor and completely disabled its function. Could be brake fluid as well.
  4. The official normal residential rate from PEA for installations consuming over 150kWh per month is as follows: First 150 kWh (0 – 150th) 3.2484 Next 250 kWh (151st – 400th) 4.2218 Over 400 kWh (401st and over) 4.4217 Then you need to add FT (fuel charge) which on my recent bill was 0.9119 Baht per unit. Add also a fixed service charge of 24.62 baht. And to the sum of those you add the VAT of 7%. Example calculation if you consume 700kWh: (150*3.2484 + 250*4.2218 + 300*4.4217 + 24.62 + 700*0.9119) * 1.07 = 3,779.42 Baht which gives an average of roughly 5.4 Baht per unit. This is "Schedule 1 Residential" - "1.1 Normal Rate" in the linked PDF. https://www.pea.co.th/Portals/1/Knowledge PEA/Electricity Tariffs JAN66 Unofficial Translation.pdf?ver=2023-01-27-133655-423 The construction tariff that Crossy mentioned earlier is the "Schedule 8 Temporary Service" tariff which has a fixed 6.8025 Baht per unit price. To that you add the 0.9119 FT and 7% VAT so really it's 8.25 Baht per kWh.
  5. If you get to $0 then you are done. Probably before that because there are usually minimum requirements on margin trading and that's what it is... CFDs on margin. What that means is that you borrowed money from eToro. If you put $100 in an SPX500 with a 5% payment it means you bought $2000 of that contract with eToro lending you $1900. If the SPX500 (it's not the S&P500) goes down 5% to $1900 your $100 will be forfeit. eToro will take it because they can't let you go into a negative. Normally a broker wont let you go to $0 exactly and will force sell it for you before that because things can move fast and prices are not 100% guaranteed to hit what a seller asks for. That's called liquidation. When you are liquidated both your money is gone and the asset is gone. If the SPX500 after that were to gain again it wont mean anything to you because you don't have an open position anymore. And that's the difference to just buying a stock. When you buy stock in an S&P500 ETF like SPY without margin you wont get liquidated because you didn't borrow money and the broker doesn't have any risk. In a crisis you can just wait until it recovers. It might take a few years but unless the US economy permanently goes to sh*t then it will eventually recover. Of course a stock of a specific company can lose money permanently. But the S&P500 as an index of the biggest companies is as safe as possible when it comes to stocks. As always though lower risk = lower reward and vice versa.
  6. It's a thousand year old strategy that has worked amazingly well throughout history. The whole idea of false-flag operations for example relies on it. Many wars have been started that way. Dictators cling to power using it. Fear is the strongest human emotion. Fear sparks anger. As long as you tell people someone is out to get them then you can rally them beind you. It's a survival instinct and humans are hardwired for it. Unfortunately education related to media competence, logical reasoning and defending against psychological manipulation is nearly absent even in developed countries.
  7. That SPX500 on eToro is a CFD which tracks the S&P500 index. So it'll follow it roughly, it will underperform. Look at the SPY ETF for example, in the 1 Year timeframe it gained 17.82% while the SPX500 on eToro is up 16.22%. And then there are the fees of course. If you saw a 10% then that probably means they only wanted 10% of the value as a payment which is just a roundabout way to say there is a 10x leverage. If the SPX500 moves 1% your position moves effectively 10%. If the S&P500 moves 10% down you are wiped out and lose all your money. Probably even before that because there are usually safety buffers. Suffice to say this is very dangerous and highly unrecommended for anyone new to investing. I've never used eToro and they look to me as a more shifty player.
  8. The flickering spotlight is a very good indicator that its live could be connected to ground through water. One could try to reproduce it when it's dry by spraying water over the light and then on wherever the cable is running to simulate rain. But please careful. Don't have other people go anywhere near the wet parts and wear proper shoes and rubber gloves when trying this. Probably better to let a sparky figure it out!
  9. Staff around him who were asked about such an order all couldn't remember him issueing any such thing. Then Trump went on to claim he could just classify documents without telling anyone or removing the markings by thinking about it. Of course that's totally ridicolous infant level argueing. It might fly with his underlings and followers but not in a court of law.
  10. And then what? You have a PM that has a minority in the house. I don't see how that will result in a working government. Plus they'd risk civil unrest because the election would have been largely meaningless.
  11. Please don't buy financial products that you don't even know what they are. CFDs are banned in the US. They are not real stocks but financial contracts to bet on price movements and often allow for leverage (stay the hell away from that). eToro probably offered you some low payment like 5% or 10% which gives you a 20x or 10x leverage. So if the SP500 then moves 1.5% it could move 30% in your position. You hopefully can see how that might quickly wipe out your position.
  12. That's like saying gambling is only a bad idea until you win. The OP is obviously new to stocks. Buying a SP500 ETF is as safe as it can get when it comes to investing into stocks. Shorting on the other hand is an advanced vehicle that carries a very high risk (and limited upside to boot) which over a long time frame is nearly guaranteed to lose. Most serious brokerages will either warn you or flat out refuse to let you sell short if you can't show proper training or experience.
  13. The question doesn't make sense. Of course you can't buy a US index on a Thai exchange. First you can never buy an index because it's just a weighted sum of various stocks (S&P is the top 500 US stocks by market capitalization). You can buy ETFs like SPY that track the S&P500 but not on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. There you can buy it's own SET Index if anyone wanted that. What motivates people to post answers from ChatGPT to questions from others? Aaaanyways, some Thai banks used to offer brokerage services with connections to NYSE, NASDAQ etc. I know SCB did. There are also international banks like Citi in Thailand which offer this. It might be hard or impossible to get it going on a tourist visa. But as mentioned it's probably a better ideo to go with a dedicated brokerage company like Schwab or Interactive Brokers. Schwab used to have a minimum deposit of $20k I think.
  14. Acerbis built a bike based on the Honda Monkey that got a world record for distance covered on a single tank. They drove from Albino in northern Italy through Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway to the North Cape. It got a 108 liter tank ???? https://www.advpulse.com/adv-news/honda-monkey-breaks-world-record-covering-4183-km-on-single-tank/
  15. I don't think it matters if Trump still has or had clearance after he left office. He can't take (and hide) these documents away from the government. He can't store them in something that is not authorized as a secure location. And he can't show classified information to random people without any clearance whatsoever.
  16. Is this a limit for outgoing transfers from personal accounts? Such a limit obviously does not exist for companies. Also personal transfers over $50k into Thailand have never been an issue. Just that one has to file a form.
  17. It's interesting how much of a story the audio recording leak manages to be. The transcript was published already word for word in the indictment. Shows you that nearly no-one read it. Kinda like Trump himself was known for not wanting to read documents and just be presented with pictures or videos.
  18. One way you can spot if someone has no defense is when they are talking about unrelated things. When they are attacking the accuser and when they are trying to paint themselves as a good person. That's all Trump said: It's not true. I'm innocent. They are such bad people. It's just election interference. I am soooo popular, got so many votes. Look at me. We need to stop them. Not a single argument of why he is actually not guilty of what he was accused of in the indictment.
  19. If someone has concerns about an election then what they should do is become election helpers or observers. See and check with their own eyes. If they find evidence of fraud then they can bring that forth. But just speculating because one doesn't like the election results only creates problems.
  20. As Crossy said you should have a breaker that is responsible for the outside lights that you can open to take them out of the equation. And if that doesn't work then you can try the other breakers one by one and figure out that way which part of the circuit trips the RCBO. After that you probably need an electrician but you'll save him a lot of time by having narrowed down the search field. If it only trips when it rains then that's a good hint that the issue is somewhere outside.
  21. If the returns are as good and so high hurdles for others to enter the market (permission required) and the company already has the plants, the permissions etc then why wouldn't they just get their own land and do it all themselves? Honest question because it sounds like the company is just marketing to sell their plants.
  22. I found it surprising that someone that worked so long on the law enforcement side is making the exact same mistakes that rookie criminals make when talking to law enforcement. He is presenting contradicting stories.
  23. Refurbished or B-Ware is a real thing. A lot of brands sell the stuff that fails QA or is left over from production for whatever reason to asian countries. But there are even more fake ones. With the price difference being so extreme in this case it would also suggest a fake being likely. Sometimes even the factory that produces the original does a run and sells it directly without giving a cut to the brand who ordered the production. Sometimes a fake is not close to the original and sometimes a fake is nearly on par with the original. There are many possible scenarios.
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