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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. He went himself to the police station already. There is a big picture of him handing them an apology basket.
  2. Srettha is PM. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40030420
  3. I think we might actually agree. I'm just saying if the red shirt leaders are turning away from Thaksin because of the sellout to their political opponents then that shows how divisive and significant this move is. And I also agree there will be always the big part of the population which is just living day to day and don't understand the long term effects and dynamics of a system. They'll take a short term gain in form of a handout over no immediate gain but a bigger long term improvement. They'll be stuck in poverty.
  4. Bit of rain in various parts of the island. Not too much yet.
  5. That's like asking for a map of 7/11s. There are so many that you can just drive a bit around and look for one. Look out for the blue yellow sign below. You can also just show it to a random person and they will point you to one.
  6. If even these high ranking PT members are turning away... I think it signifies the magnitude of the situation.
  7. Instead of the watch I'd note the two badges on his jacket that he was sporting.
  8. His jet just crossed into Thai airspace near Narathiwat flying towards BKK over the Gulf of Thailand. Currently #1 tracked airplane worldwide hehe.
  9. Look at all these fools here arguing if it's glass or plastic, water or vodka... it's neither. It's just an image! People are so easily tricked by optical illusions, pff.
  10. Nothing is obvious with imperial units. It's clearly a glass supposed to be measured in metric units!
  11. I've also asked myself what such a title means. Somehow evokes thoughts of italian mafia families. But good on him for quitting. Enough is enough it seems. PT has become a shadow of its past and just a thinly veiled vehicle for Thaksin to return to Thailand everything else be damned.
  12. PT got a bit less than 29% of votes. The number of people who agree (totally + quite) is a bit less than 35%.
  13. What's a pledge worth if you don't follow through because un-communicated unrelated assumptions did not pan out? It means any future pledges are worth nothing. Trust is gone. Aha. Interesting bit of logic. I can already see this becoming a meme excuse. "I didn't lie, I just had to forget what I said". No you didn't have to. You wanted to. You broke your pledge in order to get into power. You sold your supporters trust in return for personal gain. Corruption is what it is. You mean like the policy of removing Prayut and Prawit from power? How's that working out?
  14. NASA utilizing Soyuz spacecrafts has nothing to do with know-how and all to do with fiscal policy. The only people we flew into space proper in recent decades were to international space stations anyways (ignoring the recent chinese one) so why would everyone build their own shuttle? We didn't fly people to the moon or other planets. Building and operating these shuttles costs a ton of money.
  15. Mysterious deaths of russian space engineers in 3... 2... 1...
  16. Political parties are supposed to represent their voters. MFP would have supported a PT candidate if PT was still aligned with the wishes of the MFP voters. But PT went and did a u-turn and is now in bed with the very people that MFP was formed to get rid of. Of course if MFP was to still represent their voters they can't vote for the opposite of their voters wishes. I don't understand why this is supposed to be a subtle, soul-searching situation? It's only so if you ignore the important part of simply what the purpose of MFP is and trying to be "flexible", MFP's mission is not go be in government. It is to change the government. What some describe as being flexible, pragmatic or "focusing on the situation at hand" as PT has done, is simply corruption. It is betraying ones own values and worse - betraying the voters who they are supposed to represent. Selling something that was not theirs for personal gain. MFP voting against PT is the only correct choice unless MFP wants to give into corruption and just end up as more of the same old.
  17. V * Ah = Wh. That's the capacity of the battery. 4.23 kWh. We'd need to know if the battery can deliver more than 41A (3000W / 73V) to know if the motor can actually be fully utilized.
  18. Right, because weather in Phuket never completely changes within minutes. And because weather like he warned hasn't happened pretty regularily at this time of year nearly every year. It also says rain starting from tomorrow. On the radar for tomorrow and following days?
  19. 11.5 million documents! Wow! What an insane number to ask the defense to review. Clearly impossible right? Hm but wait. Wouldn't it also be clearly impossible for the prossecution to come up with an amount of documents like that? Have they had thousands of people working on those for years? How did they file this amount of documents with the court? Maybe when completely ridicolous numbers are thrown around stop and think if it makes any sense. My guess Trumps lawyer is just making a laughable play by counting all documents in some kind of document archive that is available or referenced. Like an archive of all election related documents for the whole history of the US or some such. And it's disingenuous to claim they'd need to review all of those in order to prepare for the case. Curiously enough this number of documents matches the so called Panama Papers.
  20. He might also be trying to provoke some overreaction by the judge so he can easily push for mistrial. On second thought, nah he's just the usual unhinged and trying to rally his mob.
  21. He could also just buy another car. But to answer my own question: It seems the reason for being destroyed is not that the guy was speeding but that the vehicle was impounded and after several attempts still found not road legal. The speed has no bearing on this. https://www.drive.com.au/news/victoria-police-crush-first-vehicle-under-anti-hoon-laws/
  22. That doesn't address anything I wrote though. BTW I think it heavily depends on *where* he drove at that speed. If it's inside a populated area then yea. Bit of an issue imho. If it's on a big empty highway with great visibility etc then less of an issue. Where I come from driving 250+ kph can be considered fine - under the right conditions.
  23. Do they really have a law that allows them to confiscate and destroy property due to speeding? Also why destroy if you could auction it off and at least do something a bit positive? Somehow this makes no sense to me.
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